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Zephyr was mostly trying to ignore Abi's outburst at Brooks not letting her leave the bunk. He didn't see what the big deal was, did she not like sleep or something? Unfortunately he couldn't ignore her when she came up to him as she was doing a lap around the bunkhouse. Her question caught him off guard, was he really the only guy in their group? After a quick mental tally he realized she was right. "Huh, didn't realize I was the only guy. I mean, other than Brooks I guess. But it's not like he stays in here, he's just our guard."

He gave Ellen a small upward nod as she came over before switching his focus back to Abi. "To answer your question though, no, it doesn't feel overwhelming to be the only guy in the bunk. At most it's maybe a bit strange. At the end of the day though we're all just people sharing the situation we're in." Thinking about it a moment longer Zephyr couldn't help but chuckle a bit, "some guys would kill to be in my position. Getting to be around a bunch of girls, perhaps I should be thanking the gods for blessing me with such an opportunity." He was mostly joking of course, not that he didn't see the appeal of some of the girls, it's just that kind of stuff wasn't exactly at the forefront of his mind currently.
Zephyr stayed seated as the others filed out. Although he wasn’t really religious in the traditional sense he was still pretty spiritual, perhaps even more so since he Awakened. Once the others were gone and Dr. Cassar was the only one left, he sat on the floor and took up his preferred meditating position. Back against the wall, legs slightly bent, and his hands were above his stomach. They weren’t quite touching but they were close, as though he held a small ball between them, bigger than a baseball but smaller than a football. He didn’t vocalize, he simply breathed deeply and allowed his senses to extend. He heard Dr. Cassar praying in a language he didn’t quite recognize, and he wasn’t worldly enough to be able to really guess what language it might be.

Whatever it was, it wasn’t latin. It was guttural and flowed like honey as he spoke, possessed of a rhythm foreign entirely to the English tongue, nonetheless identifiably the Lord’s Prayer.

After a moment, Cassar deviated from the rhythmic utterances of the standard Catholic prayers, and made what seemed like a private, individual prayer alongside it.

Amen.” He crossed himself, and stood from his kneeling position, facing the ‘altar’.

And then sat down, leafing through his bible, waiting.

A moment after Dr. Cassar finished his prayer Zephyr took a final deep breather before standing and brushing himself off. It had been a while since he had meditated properly. Of course his martial arts forms had a meditative quality to them, but nothing was quite like sitting down and doing nothing but breath.

Zephyr noticed Dr. Cassar sitting down, and approached him while he had a minute. “Uh, hey, Doctor. Thanks for hosting this session. It gave me a moment to sit down and think about things. I didn’t really help much during the mission and honestly I’d been feeling kind of bad about it. Getting praise when I just kind of stood around. But I’m realizing everyone has their own hang ups about what happened, so I’m not alone, and that helped, so, thanks.”

That ended a lot more awkwardly than Zephyr had planned, he just kinda started rambling there and figured he should stop himself.

“Oh, of course. It’s no trouble for me, I’m just glad I could be helpful.” Dr. Cassar smiled up at Zephyr, gently closing his bible and tucking it away into his pockets. “I wouldn’t worry about not having had the chance to do something this time, also - you know, impostor syndrome is very common in my field as well. I imagine I would have some difficulty putting myself in your shoes, but I know how you feel, at least in, ah, a general sense.”

Cassar also stood, and brushed himself off - more a gesture than because he had anything on him.

“I noticed that you practice meditation. Can I ask, where did you learn?”
“Oh, you noticed that?” Zephyr was feeling a bit embarrassed though he wasn’t sure why. Probably because he had never really talked with anyone about his beliefs, he didn’t bring it up and religion in general was something people tended to shy away from in conversation.

“I’m all self taught. I was raised Catholic but after a certain point I kind of grew out of it. After a lot of reading I found an eclectic, mostly pagan, spirituality fit me best. The meditation pose is optimized for comfort when I’m not meditating for a specific reason. If I do something like focus on my chakras I adopt the more traditional poses.” It felt nice talking about his beliefs, maybe because he knew Dr. Cassar wouldn’t judge him.

“Speaking of growing up Catholic, I recognize The Lord’s Prayer even when it’s not in English. What language was that? It’s not one I’m familiar with.”

Dr. Cassar nodded along as Zephyr spoke.

“Ah, of course. It is easy to recognise, isn’t it? That was Maltese, my native language. It sounds a lot like Arabic, to the, ah, untrained ear. Can I ask also, how come you grew out of the church?”

“That’s a great question Doctor, and one I’m not sure I have a great answer to.” Zephyr had never really given a great deal of thought as to why he had grown out of Catholicism, it was just something that he had accepted as a thing that happened. “It was probably a lot of things, but I guess the idea of one all powerful being didn’t sit well with me. Also the fact that there’s so many belief systems out there, I couldn’t accept that only one of them could be right.”

Zephyr paused for a moment to try and sort out his thoughts better, but in the end, “I can’t really explain it better than that. At the end of the day it’s just how things turned out.”

“I understand, I think. But you know, remember that a Catholic does not believe that God is only one person - there is the Holy Trinity, right? Three distinct persons, each of them a part of the others, all of them one whole, but separate still. Anyway, I do want you to know - I know I must seem a very religious man, and I am, but I respect your way of doing things too. I know some of my brothers in the faith do not, and I regret that.”

“You’re not wrong about the Holy Trinity. Like I said, I don’t have a great answer, it’s just something that I feel in my soul.” Hearing the Doctor say he accepted his spirituality had felt nice, “thanks Doctor. I would never begrudge someone having different beliefs, nor would I blame you for what others of your faith may believe. At the end of the day, I think we’re all working toward the same goal. Doing the best we can to make the world a better place.” With that Zephyr and the Doctor parted ways, Doctor Cassar couldn’t wax philosophical all day, Zephyr was sure he had work to do, so he left him to it.

Later that night Zephyr found two things had changed with their sleeping arrangements. Firstly, instead of the usual guards, Brooks was sitting across the hall. Zephyr gave him a nod of acknowledgement as he made his way to the space where he slept. The second change was it seemed anyone who had not gone on the supply run had been moved out. It was still a fairly cramped space but it felt downright luxurious compared to how it had been before. “I’ll be sure to work hard the next chance I get to make this upgrade feel worth it,” Zephyr said to himself. He was the first one to get there for the night it seemed.
After a bit of walking a woman rounded the corner. She was about Sam's age, maybe a bit older, more importantly though she was wearing the same type of outfit he was with a yellow patch as opposed to his red one. Before he could greet her though another prisoner revealed himself. This boy was a good deal younger than he was, he had to be a teenager. He greeted them with a good morning, not what Sam would have gone with but this was a strange time so he didn't blame the kid.

"I'm glad I found some other people, there was no one left in red ward, I thought I might be the only one here." He let his guard down slightly, releasing the frost that had accumulated on his hand. He still kept alert to his surroundings though, whatever made everyone else in the facility disappear could still be around. "I don't suppose either of you know anything about what's happening, do you?" It was a long shot but he might as well ask. Worst case scenario they both have no clue and nothing changes.

"Oh, I'm Sam, by the way." While Sam had accepted from the moment he got here that he was never going back to his old life, he had always refused to forget his name and only go by his number. That must have been the small part of him that had hope of returning to the outside world one day. And right now that part of him was gaining confidence.

@TheMushroomLord @Asesina
Sam had been laying in bed awake for a few minutes before the alarm went off. After all his years spent here he had gotten very used to the routine. Now that the alarm had gone off the usual security detail would come to escort him to breakfast. Not that he would ever try anything, Samuel had accepted long ago this was his new life. Much like how one may come to terms with a loved one slowly dying of a terminal illness and being bedridden. They may not be dead yet, but one could reasonably accept that they'll never return to who they were to make life easier. In that same way Samuel accepted he would forever be a prisoner, doing the same thing for the rest of his life.

But today was different, because Sam did not hear the usual footfall of his escort team. In fact, he didn't hear anything at all. He got out of bed and looked at the security camera, it was off. "Um, hello?" Walking over to his door he found it had opened as it always had, but this time he was alone. What was maybe more concerning than the guards not showing up was he couldn't see any of the other red prisoners in their cells. "Maybe they all just got up before the alarm and left?" It sounded ridiculous even as the words came out of his mouth.

Sam wasn't sure if he was the only one left in the facility, or if he was then why he was the only one left behind. There was only one way to find out though. He pushed his door open, on alert in case any of the security systems decided they were still working. But there was nothing, only more silence. His first stop was yellow block since it was the closest to red. He walked down the hallway slowly, checking cells as he passed. "Hello? Anyone here?" He called out and walked, his right hand was covered in a him layer of frost, ready to attack with his cryokinesis should anything threaten him.

I'm using my guy from last time, I'll edit this sheet a bit when I get home tonight but it was approved last time so I figure it should still be fine

Is this just gonna be the same group as last time? Possibly. Either way I'd like to give Sam another go
This was not where Zephyr wanted to be right now, he wasn't very good at helping people through their issues, and boy did Abi have some issues. Given her story he didn't expect her to know any better, that was just how life was for her. Living in an RV probably meant she didn't have a lot of access to TV or the internet or book so she couldn't have used those to see what the media depicted as normal. Not that media did a great job of depicting normal anyways be it would show her that not everyone lives like she did.

Ellen spoke up and said a few of the things Zephyr was thinking, but this mostly seemed to put Abi on the defensive. It was worth a try but if Abi would need time to realize maybe her life was maybe not as great as she thinks it was. Ellen bringing up Jesus was a bold move, Zephyr was interested in how that would turn out but Dr. Cassar put an end to things before they got too heated, which was probably a good call.

He encouraged Ellen to talk about her life, and as she spoke Zephyr had to stop himself from making some kind of noise, or letting his jaw drop. Her life growing up, much like Abi's, was very far from normal, though for completely different reasons. She had definitely lived a higher class life than anyone he had ever met that was for sure. Frequent vacations? Tons of sports? She clearly wasn't hurting for money as a kid, Zephyr hadn't either but that was more because his parents were frugal rather than being loaded. Zephyr could relate to having a family member die, although her sister was under much worse circumstances.

Ellen had certainly led a much more exciting life than Zephyr ever had. "I can go next, I guess, if we're sharing life stories." Zephyr stood up and cleared his throat, because that's what you did before speaking to a group of people. "Um, hi. I'm Zephyr, and I'm a mage, it's been one day since I last used magic." He paused briefly to see if anyone would respond to his weak attempt at an AA joke. Ellen laughed which was good enough for him, he was glad one person enjoyed his bit. He gave her a little smile before continuing, "when I was younger I had some rage issues. I hurt a kid pretty bad, he had to go to the hospital." Zephyr hadn't thought about that specific memory in a long time, and he didn't want to dwell on it for too long so he continued.

"After that my parents enrolled me in martial arts to give me an outlet, between that and some meditation I'm much calmer now. Aside from that I've lived a pretty uneventful life. Grew up in a semi-detached house in Canada, went on a few vacations to Disney World in Florida, we'd go camping in the summer a lot." Zephyr paused for a second, no matter how many years had passed this part of his life was still hard to remember, "my dad got cancer. He fought it for a few years but then he died. He loved my martial arts training so I kept at it and became an instructor in his memory. That's about it until my Awakening, sooo yeah." He always sucked at ending presentations, he'd come up with a catch phrase but he didn't want to say it here. He let his story hang for a second then sat back down.

Zephyr had eaten his dinner quickly, hardly taking notice of the commotion, before heading off on his own. Ever since the mission he felt he needed to be alone with his thoughts. He had all these grand aspirations for how he was going to use his powers for good, but when it came down to it he didn't do anything. He was just another body taking up space. Did he even deserve to be here? These were the thoughts that had been plaguing him the past two weeks. He knew these were all just silly insecurities, but the thing about insecurities is they don't care if you know what they are. They still scratch at your mind and give you no peace. Zephyr had been finding solace in meditation though, and a lovely place to meditate was the chapel. He had found it shortly after he had returned from the mission while he was wandering aimlessly around Goodnight. Not many people seemed to know where it was, or they just didn't want to make the trek which was understandable as well.

Once again Zephyr had found himself at the chapel but today there were others there. First he saw Brooks, then a somewhat scary looking woman. Was she the one who broke up the fight earlier? Well, it didn't matter too much as Billy got his attention. "Oh, Zephyr, I'm glad your here, we're gathering everyone who was on the mission two weeks ago." And that moment is when Dr. Cassar introduced himself and explained why they were meeting. "Oh, well that's very flattering doctor, thank you. I'm just gonna sit while we wait for the others." As Zephyr took a seat he couldn't help but think how undeserving of this praise he was. He hadn't done anything special. He looked around a campsite after the others had taken out the threat. He was nothing but a fraud, and now this doctor was going to be thanking him for something he only did on technicality.
The weeks passed fairly uneventfully, Zephyr figured the few days immediately after the Violet Dawn was the VU's most eventful time. Zephyr mostly kept to himself. As happy as he was to have been gifted these abilities, now that the initial rush was done the reality of the situation was really setting in on him. This wasn't some fantasy, and he wasn't in some lovely academy where we'd learn to use his magic. He was in a run down mall in the middle of nowhere, and any instruction he was receiving was from people who were likely at their wits end. They were doing their best and Zephyr appreciated them, but he found it more fruitful to practice on his own. He could still feel there was an ability he couldn't access, maybe he just needed to train his other skills some more? He still went to the classes, his rock skin ability seemed to be an attention getter, it was too bad he could barely move while using it, even if he combined it with his physical enhancement ability. Plus using both of them together wasn't exactly sustainable, he could do a couple minutes at most.

In addition to his magical training, Zephyr also kept is taekwondo skills sharp by practising his forms every day. It was during this time when he thought of those he had left behind. He had never been incredibly close with his mom or sister, even after his dad died, but he still loved them. He wondered if they had gone looking for him, or had they just assumed the worst and figured he was grabbed by the CA3 after the Violet Dawn? It's not like he could call them to tell them different, and trying to find them in person was certainly out of the question. So he resigned himself to thinking they had held a funeral for him, thinking he was dead. Would his ex show up at the funeral? They had broken up over a year ago but they were together for nearly seven year before that. These were the questions that plagued Zephyr's mind as he kept his body in shape. Working out seemed to be a common thing for people to do, he saw plenty of runners, some more able than others. Angeline did her yoga every morning which Zephyr sometimes joined her for, she was probably the only non-staff whose name he knew. her and Matthew.

Things continued like this for a time, until one morning Zephyr was called to Headquarters. This brought back all kinds of school related anxiety for him. Had he done something wrong? No, it couldn’t be that, Zephyr had barely done anything since arriving at Goodnight, how could he possibly be in trouble? Upon arriving at HQ he felt relieved knowing he wasn’t the only one here, there were even a few familiar faces.

Zephyr wasn’t normally a coffee guy, but as Simon spoke he grabbed himself a cup. It just felt right, and it was nice having something to drink when Simon mentioned his feat of turning to rock and lifting a steel beam. It was like being called out as a good example by the teacher, sure it was flattering but Zephyr preferred to just blend in to the crowd.

One girl seemed a bit too eager to get out of here, although Zephyr supposed he couldn’t blame her. Even he was getting a little stir crazy, and he was very happy to spend all his time inside most of the time. This proposal from Simon was exactly what Zephyr had been looking for, he had been blessed with these powers and until now he’d had no way to practically use them. “I’m more than happy to join the cause, whatever you need just say the word.” It was his responsibility as someone blessed with power to help out who he could. Even in the face of a world that hated him now for who he was, Zephyr would be sure to take a stand. If he ended up dying, at least he could face his dad in the afterlife with pride.
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