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"Ah yes, payment," Cain had yet to discuss exactly what it was he had wanted from the Detective. "We can talk about it once this is all resolved. I suspect what I want would take too much out of you before you go in to this sleep, whatever it is exactly." Setepenre's concern for her family was admirable, the fact she had so many that she cared about was something Cain envied. Ever since he killed his brother he never had a family. There had been others he had met, some of whom he got very close with, but none that he would call family.

His payment from the Detective would hopefully close millennia old wounds and allow him the closure he so desperately wanted. "And if it wasn't obvious from me expecting payment, yes, I will join this crusade to take down these Outcasts. Killing Innocents is grotesque and they must be stopped."
Cain was glad the others gave at least some hint of what they could do. Even if it wasn't much, having at least some idea of what everyone was capable of would help if they got in to a tight situation. Given the caliber of these Outcasts the likelihood of trouble seemed high, and Cain definitely wouldn't want to get in to a direct conflict with them.

"Perhaps for the time being we should take Albert up on his offer and spend some time in his B&B." It was a somewhat cowardly move, but Cain also thought it was the smart one. "If these Outcasts are powerful enough to hide themselves from the good Detective here then it's easy to imagine they could also be keeping tabs on them and by extension all of us since we all came to this meeting. Unless of course anyone has any leads we could investigate right now." Cain was mostly looking at Juniper with that last comment. She was doing something on her phone, he hoped it was research.
I was hoping to wait for Aodh to reply to Cain before I posted again but with the deadline tomorrow I just went ahead and did it
"We can chat some more later," Cain said to Aodh as the Detective called them all to order. He took a seat and ate his muffin as the Detective explained the situation. The Detective seemed like a rather powerful being if they were able to gather the rest of the people here, if these Outcasts could stop their magic then they were likely even more powerful. Cain still had some hope though, to stop a very powerful being you generally needed a specific spell, meaning you could be weak to other forms of attack.

Juniper spoke up while Cain was pontificating about what type of magic the Outcasts might be using to stop the Detective. She brought up some good questions, she seemed to have a good head on her shoulders, despite seeming to be the youngest of all those gathered. Argenti proceeded to bring up this Bob character. Cain had also found it strange the Detective seemed to have no information on them. He doubted they'd get any more on Bob though, the Detective didn't have any reason to hide important information like that. They were the Detective's last resort, the Hail Mary at the end of the game, if they were still hiding important things at this point that seemed like a huge blunder.

Cain decided to speak up asking what he was most interested in. "What exactly is your brand of magic that the Outcasts are able to get around it?" Cain had used most forms of magic in his long time on Earth, it was a bit of a favourite subject of his. "Actually, if I could get a general idea of everyone's special talents that would help me greatly," Cain addressed the rest of the room with this comment. Obviously it was difficult to trust all these strangers, but they had all come together for a common goal, so trust would have to come with the job. "I'm able to copy the abilities of others, both magical and mundane. So knowing what you can do will make me better be able to help out in a bind." If he wanted them to trust him enough to tell their abilities he would have to be the one to start by telling his.
Cain pressed enter on his keyboard then leaned back, stretching after a long nights work. He had been up all night finalizing all his preparations for his extended absence. He leaned forward once more and spoke in to the intercom on his desk, "Sarah, can you come in here and confirm everything is in order." A moment later his personal assistant Sarah entered his office. Sarah was a fine looking woman, about as tall as Cain but a bit on the chubbier side. Nothing wrong with that, back in Cain's day some meat on your bones was a good thing, it was a sign you were well off. She had her black hair in a neat bun and she was looking more brown than usual, perhaps she had gotten some sun recently.

"Right, Mr. Adamson," she stood holding a clipboard with some papers in it, "all of your normal duties have been allocated to those most suited to the job. They almost couldn't believe you were offering a pay raise for the added work."

Cain simply shrugged, "it's only natural people are compensated for their efforts. It's something a lot of people don't seem to realize these days." Cain often felt the world had gotten worse as time had gone on, but that wasn't a fair assessment. Plenty of things were better as well, he was just a bit of a grump at times.

"Yes, well," Sarah continued, adjusting her glasses slightly, "those who need to know have been informed this is an extended leave of absence for personal reasons. You really don't know when you'll be back?" Cain shook his head and she went on. "Very well, however long it takes we'll still be here when you return."

"Thank you Sarah, I don't know where I'd be without you," Cain got up from his desk and gave Sarah a hug.

"Oh I'm sure you'd still be here, just looking dishevelled with nothing organized," she hugged him back as they both laughed. Sarah had been Cain's assistant for nearly 10 years now. Professional boundaries were different when you were working with someone for that long.

Cain let go of her and looked at his watch, "oh damn it, I spent too long working. Hopefully I'm not late. I will have my phone on me though I may not answer, leave a message if there's an emergency."

"I know, now get going," Sarah started pushing him towards the door, "there's a thermos of Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee on my desk. Made the way you like it, a going away gift."

"You're the best." Cain jogged out the door and grabbed the thermos as he headed to the elevator. Once inside he took off the lid and smelled the coffee. Perfection. He took a swig as the elevator reached ground floor and started walking towards the meeting place. It wasn't worth grabbing a cab, besides, the walk would help wake Cain up.

Eventually he made it to the building, and made his way to the room where they were all to meet. He entered the room and was surprised to see a familiar face in Aodh. He nodded at her and grabbed a muffin off the pastry table before heading over to speak with his....associate? Friend? He supposed they were friendly enough. "Hey, Aodh, how have you been? I haven't seen you in, what? A few centuries?" It had certainly been a while, and Cain wasn't exactly good at keeping track of time. Being several millennia old will do that to you.
What’s yours is yours, and what’s mine is mine. Although yours is quite nice…maybe I’ll just borrow it

I'm loving everyone's characters. I just have to say, the RP is starting at a slightly awkward time for me. I'm going camping from the 24 to the 27. Obviously not a huge deal but I figured if mention it now so everyone knows that weekend I won't be posting
What’s yours is yours, and what’s mine is mine. Although yours is quite nice…maybe I’ll just borrow it

I hope this is good, I've been sorta working on it all day. @FollowthePath if you want some kind of connection with Cain let me know, I'm sure we could work out something
I did have interest in Pride but it was basically just a bit of personality and a power set. I've moved my sight to Envy since as far as I know no one has expressed interest in that sin
We did it, team! I'm spending the day with my fiance so I'll check out everything properly either tonight or tomorrow morning. I just wanted to be the first post in the thread
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