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@Paraffin I was planning to join you after my next post so that retconning wouldn't be necessary, but done.
Robin really isn't happy about being in the Wilderdeep. Unfortunately his only choices are figuring out who murdered Ophelia Pesh to avoid the thieves guild being blamed or being forced to show how long he can hold his breath while being tied up in thick ropes with rocks hanging from them, so here he is.

He is traveling together with a group of four others even though he recognizes one of them, the foreigner dressed in silk, as someone he has stolen a piece of jewelry from not too long ago. Said foreigner has apparently taken the role of groupleader as he gives orders about formation, which could make things nasty for Robin if he figures out what happened to his missing jewelry.

It doesn't take long for them to reach the entrance of the forest which looks just bad as he imagined, though the fact that they aren't immediately attacked by monsters is a pleasant surprise. As he and the others go deeper into these gods and demons forsaken woods it either uses some kind of illusion or temporarily reveals it's true form for some unfathomable reason, at least it doesn't last very long, though Robin's desire to flee is stronger than ever.

The next terror to befall is some kind of awful screeching and the noble woman Adrianna or something alerts the group to the source of it. The halfling possibly proving that she is crazy makes her way to the bush the sound is coming. The knowledge that he has no chance to survive on his own is the only reason he doesn't abandon the lot of them here and now, instead he draw his bow and one arrow, but keeps it aimed at the ground for now.

He also watches what is going on with the halfling and bush as carefully as his nerves allow, hoping to figure out as much as he can about the situation without needlessly endangering himself.

picked up:
Antitoxin (no weight)
Bandages 3 uses, slow, ( no weight)
Robbin was named both for the reference to Robbin hood and the pun robbing, surely I'm the only person ever to think of that when making a thief
Due to snow getting ninja'd I'm just going to copy his post. -27
@Quatro Interested and I'm requesting a random Quirk
@Aristo If it causes any trouble I can look for something else, i mainly asked because this is still marked apply
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