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@Duoya Do you prefer giants or golems?
@Rune_Alchemist Fair enough I have been wanting to ad in a yuki-onna but I can't really think of something they could turn into and it might have the same issues with physical weapons

@Wasted Ink I did consider imps but jangels prefers to have everyone turn into hobgoblins before going different routes and hobgoblin --. imp feels like a step back
@Rune_Alchemist Well the line I created doesn't exactly fit that but lichs are magic based and intelligent so I might add something to that line both replacing the ghoul and another form after it.

@Duoya All I could think of would be giant types
@Rune_Alchemist@Jangel13 I'm gonna try to find some monsters that match that magic/elegance theme
If any one has a specific post-hobgoblin form (not from the manga/lightnovel) in mind they want to evolve into, it might be a good idea to mention it now so Jangel and I can figure out how to ad it to the tree if we haven't already
@Leechee Good start but try expanding Kara's personality a bit
Even though he was now floating in the darkness he could remember light, a strange pain in his chest and the word gardener, nothing else though not even what gardener meant. While the darkness seemingly took the pain away it was boring and he wished he could leave it behind.

An eternity or maybe ten seconds later, he had no definition of time, he realized his body was laying on something hard and cold.

"...goob?" It was a strange sound but he somehow knew it came from some other being that was pretty close to him even though he could not see it.

"...gobble." Another one of these strange sounds, he became curious as to where they came from.

“Gum”. A third sound, by now he had become determined to see where the sounds came from. As soon as the word "see" popped up in his mind he instinctively opened his eyes. At first he was blinded by the light but slowly his eyes adapted.

Eventually he saw several small green skinned creatures which he immediately identified as Goblins, but what was he, a "gardener", doing in a group of Goblins?

No that wasn't right he was a Goblin too, all of a sudden he was sure of that as sure as he was that he liked the color green. Wondering if he was green as well he checked his body out. Not only was he green but a very nice light green, other than that he looked pretty much the same as the other Goblins who he now realized were the source of the sounds.

Maybe if he could make "Gardener" into a sound he would know what it meant. "Grdnor." Well that was a total failure, it not only didn't make him remember anything, it didn't even sound like what he was trying to say. Wait, that was it the sounds were words that the other Goblins "said".
@Wasted Ink Nice intro, you're definitely better than I was when I started out
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