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In C R A W L 7 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
@Mae Dan is ready to head out.
Danny's first though was that going by foot might be safer but when Wolfy found the ring and it turned out that Drimogemon and Cyclomon might not be part of the army he changed his mind. "I say that for now we stick with Locomon, not only is it faster and less tiring it decreases the chance that any army members see that there are humans. But if we're attacked again we should leave the tracks."

The white haired kid's comment about dealing with the rings made sense but there was a potentially much easier way to learn about them. "Yeah, I agree but if anyone knows how to contact Norn maybe we can ask her what she knows first."

Hirschmon was relieved that no one blamed for not helping, though he still thought he should have helped more, that way maybe that Liollmon might have survived. "Next time though I'll definitely make up for this."

Hirschmon had to admit that Danny had a point with his suggestion to stick to only use ranged attacks, but he never got an opportunity. He was unable to get a good shot at Cyclomon, due to Liollmon's core and later Zubaeagermon and his Tamer who took their enemy out without issue. Just as he was about to see if he could do anything to help Dorugamon, Drimogemon got hit by a Cannonball and reverted to a Digiegg.

Hirschmon didn't really know how to feel when the battle was over. On the one hand none of the humans got seriously hurt, but he was absolutely useless even Wolfy, who also remained a Rookie did more than he did. As he had finally stopped leaking code he forced himself up and turned to the others. "Good job, guys. Just wish I could have helped."
When he saw Hirschmon get knocked back Danny rushed over to his partner, not wanting the beetle to get hurt any worse. Normally his feelings might have been enough to trigger Digivolution, but he was also completely sure that Dorugamon could handle another Champion on his own. Danny thought back to what happened to Kuwagamon after he was defeated and felt relieved that Hirschmon, despite leaking code, didn't start flickering. "You're gonna be fine, I think." If he had noticed the second attacker Danny would be even less sure of how Hirschmon was doing, especially since Cyclomon seemed to be after Digicores.

Thanks to Dorugamon yelling that Liollmon's core was still intact he picked up on the presence of the Dragonman at the back of Locomon. Danny's confidence that they were gonna be alright dropped significantly as he doubted that the Champion on their side could handle both opponents, and he wasn't too sure about Wolfy and Gilt defeating what he presumed a Champion on their own.

Ignoring the risk of causing further damage he dragged Hirschmon back inside. "What are you doing? I have to help them." At first Danny's thought was to tell the injured Digimon that he was in no condition to fight but he didn't think Hirschmon would take that too well, though he did stop pulling. "In that case stick to ranged attacks, you're not going to be much help otherwise right now."
As they were traveling inside the living train Danny noticed that his partner seemed to be upset about something. "What is wrong?" Hirschmon explained what happened between him and Minomon the other day. "And we didn't even get to say goodbye or anything like that. Plus Kiba taking Pabumon along defeated the entire too dangerous part of my reasoning."
Before Danny could say or do anything to cheer Hirschmon up Locomon seemingly hit the emergency-brake due to an attacking Digimon. Once again Dorumon was the first to go on the offensive.

Unlike the small purple dragon Hirschmon decided to stay closer to Locomon in case either more enemies would show up or something happened to endanger the humans and baby Digimon. He still kept an eye on the battle just in case Doru needed help and when he got injured decided to step in. "Swarm Attack." While about half of the small beetle shaped missiles hit their target, they only seemed to annoy Drimogemon and alert him to the presence of other opponents.

Drimogemon angrily dug up a fossil and with a shout of "Crusher Bone" threw it at the second rookie Digimon to attack him that day. Not wanting any of the humans to get hurt Hirschmon didn't even try to dodge, despite the danger. As a result the bone not only pushed him several feet back but also clearly damaged him pretty badly as his chest started to leak out data, though it wasn't quite bad enough to force him to degenerate.
(Fine with me.)
Since he had nothing better to do Yuuji had decided to replay Pokemon Sun with a completely different party this time, though he would still have Litten as his starter as Fire was his favorite type. While he was looking for the cartridge he noticed a strange device hidden in between his games. His first thought was that his parents must have gotten it for him, but in that case they would have given it to him personally.

Seeing no reason not to at least inspect it closer he picked it up. As soon as Yuuji touched the D-tector he was blinded by a bright light. When he could see again he found himself in a cave with two other people and what appeared to be a blue lizard knight wearing golden armor, if he didn't know he was awake he would be convinced that this was some strange dream. "What the f**k?"
Danny spent some time thinking of what supplies to ask for for and eventually came to a conclusion. "If possible I would like a map of all of the zones, a guide to edible plants and mushrooms and some rations, and unless the digivices have some communication function cellphones or something would be handy."

While his partner was thinking of what to take along on their journey Hirschmon quietly snuck out of the throne room in search of Minomon. It took about five minutes before he found him. He asked the other in-training and fresh Digimon to give the two of them some privacy.

When they were alone the rookie sat down and faced his little brother. "Listen I know you want to come along, but you have to understand it's just too dangerous." Minomon couldn't believe what Hirschmon was saying. "B..but you even trusted me to protect Danny when Kuwagamon was attacking." "Yes and you did a great job, but that was just a single Champion what if an Ultimate or Mega attacks you. In fact if you come along you'll be most likely just a burden."

As soon as Minomon ran crying out the room Hirschmon regretted saying the last part but it was the truth, feeling both guilty and relieved he returned to the others.
@Crimson Lion Mountain sounds good to me
Dorumon's explanation about how the more powerful members of the enemy army hated each other but were too afraid to act on it and Kiba's comment about them being overheard completely shot down any hopes Danny had for his idea. As a result he spent the rest of the meal somewhat sulking, but not blaming them for it.

Hirschmon who noticed how his tamer felt was glad that he didn't try to push his idea as it would only lead to unnecessary strife in the group"Kiba's right we can plan later, for now we should try and relax." Since he didn't really fit in with the rest of the group Minomon left quietly to hang out with the other in-training Digimon and brag about his brother taking down an attacking Champion.

When dinner was over and the group was shown their shared sleeping arrangements Danny simply laid down in a random bed. While he tried to sleep he kept thinking about his family back in the "real world", something he had forced himself not to do during the day, there was just too much going on that required his focus. Hirschmon had trouble sleeping for different reasons, tomorrow he would have to say goodbye to Minomon something he knew would break the kid's heart. Eventually though they both fell asleep.

The next day in the throne room the whole group was studying the map and making plans."Since they won't help each other we could always go after weak enemies near each Zone's boundary first while figuring out which area is most advantageous considering the fighting-styles of the Digimon, while also improving our teamwork, you know hit and run." Like Danny's previous suggestion it was more of an idea than an outright plan and would no doubt come with it's share of problems. Hirschmon was the first to point a glaring flaw in his partner's strategy. "What will we do if there are border patrols? I doubt we can evade those constantly."
When they sat down Danny decided to expand on his idea a little. "We don't have to befriend or even ally ourselves with one of the Big Death-stars, if we can make Tactimon or one of the others think one of them is a traitor." Hirschmon who ended up sitting between his brother and tamer wasn't too sure about that. "I doubt fooling them will be easy."

After he awkwardly tore off some of the surprisingly tasty meat with his teeth Danny nodded in agreement. "True, but if we can keep our presence here in the Digital World a secret we should have the advantage and if we can get the two or more sides pissed of enough they might even keep fighting after discovering our ruse. Either way it'll require a lot of planning and luck, as well as all the info we can get." When he said the last part Danny stared in the direction of both Norn and Dorumon, Norn because well her connection to Yggdrasil and the purple dragon because of everything he had said about their enemies. Still not entirely convinced Hirschmon none the less had to admit it didn't sound bad in concept.
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