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Goblin Zats

Day three evening

Having given up on finding Gina before nightfall Zats dejectedly returned to the cave, hoping that at least all the other Goblins had managed to return. As he got closer he heard one of the other males tell everyone to go rest inside."Come brothers!"The night is fast approaching and our prey has gone to ground. Now we must rest for another day of hunting in the morning."

Knowing that there was nothing he could go he entered the cave and spent some time gathering courage so he could tell someone about Gina, in case they came across her or her body. When he finally felt ready to go talk to Grandpa he noticed someone had beaten hom to it. Curious he sat down on the floor, making sure he was close enough to hear what they both said while not making it obvious he was eavesdropping.

His decision proved smart as he got some info on nearby animals but he also felt guilty as he basically reaped the rewards for the other Goblin's generosity. When it seemed the two were done talking he walked up to Grandpa. "Excuse me, but my hunting partner isn't back yet. She suddenly left while we were talking and I'm afraid she must have gotten lost in the forest. I'm sure she will be all right though cause she can climb trees." Despite his best efforts the last part accurately sounded like he was hoping someone would confirm that Gina's climbing skill would indeed give her an advantage over whatever dangerous beasts were out there at night.

Time to see if Gina has what it takes >:)

I hope so, Zats is planning to check out the church and would be devastated to find the corpse of his best and so far only friend and crush.
I see
Depending on how the stats system will work I might be interested
@Jangel13 I added a single sentence to my post namely: When that time was up he continued on his way back to the cave.
Goblin Zats

Day three evening

Still half expecting Gina to come back Zats spent another few minutes in the treetop, until he noticed the setting sun. Hoping to meet her back home he climbed back down where he spotted the items she left for him. Despite the rabbit hide smelling and not being dry yet he used it as a replacement loincloth.

As he headed back towards the cave Zats made sure to check what Gina claimed was their other "private spot" near the river and decided that whether he saw her again or not he wouldn't tell any of the other Goblins about it. Despite the risk he spent about fifteen minutes waiting in hopes she would show up and occasionally even yelled her name in case she was nearby, knowing that he might attract the attention of some creature he couldn't defeat. When that time was up he continued on his way back to the cave.

@Wildman13 Good luck finding a way out. Zats would hate it if something happened to Gina but lacks the confidence to try and find her.
Goblin Zats & Goblin Gina

Day three outside

Seeing the small family of rabbits Gina, instantly fell in love with them as she sees the four small bunnies that were at the side of the mother. Feeding her young and her not wanting for her young to be motherless, she quickly face Zat and started planning their next steps in order to capture the mother.

"Quick what do we have?" She said as she quickly pulls out all of her equipment and materials on the ground. "I only have this with me." She said as she waits for him, with eyes burning with determination.

Zats had no idea why Gina wanted to know all of his equipment, but he followed her lead again, seeing no reason not to after she managed to capture a live rabbit. He placed his spear and and the rabbithide she cleaned on the ground next to her stuff.

"This is all I have. What are you planning to do?" Almost immediately after he asked he figured out that she was probaly trying to catch at least one of the babies and wondered if it was a good idea. Presumably, apart from maybe Grandpa, not a single Goblin knew anything about taking care of horned rabbits and he was sure she would be devastated if one of the babies in her care would die.

She stares at the item presented to her. Eyeing the strong robe and the rabbit fur then a quick though suddenly came to her. Looking at the nearby foliage, she noticed that it was secluded enough for a hiding place or a secret base. ”Want to tame them?” She said presenting the vaguest and craziest plan she has every thought of to date. “Zat, Lets us make this place our base.“ She said seriously and eager but, soft enough to not disturb the mother, waiting for his answer.

Zats didn't directyly understand what Gina meant by base, but a chance to study horned rabbits in the wild wasn't something that he was gonna pass up on. Who knew what sort of usefull stuff they could learn and maybe use ot impress others with.

He suddenly realized that multiple times during the time out of the cave he wanted opportunities to do something impressive and realized that he had a goal after all. He also decided that if he wanted to achieve it he couldn't always follow Gina around but for now he was fully willing to help her. "Sure, studying this nest could prove interesting after all."

”Studying? She asks quite confused as she didn’t mean that but, seeing him eager, and seeing a small fire lighting in his eyes, she smiled and nods in agreement. ”Yep, lets watch them together.” She replies as she pats his head before she proceeds to a tree which was a bit farther away from the hollowed out tree of the rabbits.

She then grabs the sharp bone that she made and stab it into the tree. “I pick this tree.” She said to him, gesturing to him to grab the other materials and gear they have.

When Gina had settled on a tree she wanted to use for their base Zats grabbed their equipment and headed in that direction. "do you think we'll be able to climb it? Neither of has had much luck your last attempt".

"Then lets not do what we did last time." She gives him a thumbs up, as she steps on the impaled bone. Quickly she points for him to go infront of her and to raise up his hands. waiting for him to get into position and gazing to the bunnies to make sure that nothing goes wrong.

Zats walked over to the point Gina indicated and once there he raised and cupped his hands. He was curious how she was planning to make it to the top of the tree and decided to remember her climbing method if she was succesfull.

Seeing that the bone was still not deep enough, she went down and kicked the bone even further into the trunk of the tree. She then took a long look as she gives her some time to motivate herself and to let the adrenaline pump into her system. She then started running jumping on top of the bone and then onto his hands which she briefly lands on, which she uses to jump again. Airborne she extends her arms as she lands on one hitting her belly with the branch making her gasps in pain. But, with her last bits of determination she positions herself on top to make sure she doesn’t fall back .

After he helped her up Zats backed away from the tree and studied Gina's climbing method. From what he could tell she used the sharpened bones she had attached to her feet like claws and climbed by forcing them into the wood. While it was clever he doubted it would take long for the bones to either break or get blunted.

She quickly pulls out the vine quickly tying it quickly to the bark so that she and he could climb up next time. She gestures him to climb up as she takes a little breather. As she could still feel the pain.

Considerably slower than Gina, even with the vine, Zats started climbing the tree. As he did he wondered if there was a way to make some kind of ladder but he had no idea what kind of material that would take.

After he was close enough she pulled him up, wanting him to enjoy the view she had the luxury of seeing. as she sees the forest, the sun and the mountains that she couldn't see before. "I did it." She said with glee as her eyes brightens as she stares at the view. "Thank you Zat." She said as her eyes watered as her emotions begins to swell as she finished her goal of the day. Though it wasn't the same tree that was near the cave she felt the acomplisement.


  • The duo decided to leave and study the rabbit.
  • Gina with the help of Zat finally climbed her first tree
  • They enjoy the view on top of the branch.

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