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Danny knew that Jason was right and he needed rest but he wanted to make sure that he could trust Gawain not to wander or attack him Jason or the Dire rats in their sleep. At the same time he could work on his skills a little, as well as prepare.

He had suddenly remembered how fast the herbs grew and they might need more. He flew over to the patch and using Lesser Force he pulled out as he could while still retaining enough magic to plant the seeds. Afterwards he meditated to top himself of, not doing so before the planting since he had no idea if overusing it was possible since Jason had somehow given a status effect. Afterwards he checked up on the Skelebin and if it was both there and not acting suspicious flew to the water.

Careful not to use up all his magic he tried using Lesser Force to scoop up some water in a sphere and then squeezing it with enough it to fire a stream of it.

@HenryJonesJr I was planning to use Sydney aka Halo from grll power. I included the tv tropes page because the cast page isn't up to date, if you don't want to read all of it it reveals that one of the unknown orbs is either life support or just a source of oxygen while the last one is speculated in universe to be a bag of holding of some kind, though they haven't tested it yet in case it was a prison.

If she is overpowered I have a basic idea to nerf her.
@HenryJonesJr Are characters from webcomics allowed?
While Danny wasn't happy that the skelebin showed up after the others had left, it was better that Jason and he face it together than that one of them was on their own. He was about to prepare a Mana Orb when the slime told him not to. Despite not agreeing with his desire to handle it alone he could tell Jason has a plan so he went along with it.

Still Danny made sure to add certain precautions of his own, just in case. First of all he flew up until he reached where he was sure the undeath couldn't reach him. When it get close enough he "tapped" his ally using lesser force and watched what he was up too, planning to launch a Mana Orb II in case the skelebin showed any sign of aggression towards Jason. In the meantime he used Monster Analysis II and thinking back to how Jason boosted his spells tried to figure out what would make a good chant for his own magic.

@Ciaran What should I roll to see if Milo has seen Marianna?
I'm here
Some of the cartoons in it didn't air in the Netherlands as far as I know like G.I. Joe, Inhumanoids, and Thundarr the Barbarian, but I did watch and enjoy Transformers, Visionaries, Centurion, and M.A.S.K. so I'm interested
Milo Korvac

While he wasn't happy about it Milo didn't argue with Lilith about his looting and silently stepped away from the corpse while showing his open hands to indicate he hadn't taken anything. He listened to her advice about staying in the Laughing Knave and decided he would spend the night there. Of course he also listened to the job offering for taking down the Whiteheath Witch. "I can tell you right here and now I'm in, not only does she need to be punished, if left alone she might become a threat for the monastery. Davor isn't THAT far after all" He didn't mention that while his points were all true and enough for him to join on their own the reward alone would have gotten him to join just as readily.
Danny wasn't so focused on the plants that he didn't notice Torrent show up but the black plant definitely had his attention, his first though was to pull it out and destroy it with Mana orb in case it was dangerous but he also knew that they might find an use for it later so he ended up leaving it alone.

Jason started talking about skelebins spawning and mentioned something about mana burn. It also seemed that there was talk of a group heading out and doubt whether or not a Dire Rat would accompany them. Danny was sure he had heard that name before and decided to use Monster Analysis II on the rodent to both test the skill out and see if he was right.

' The longer you're alone, the more dangerous it is.' When the mage slime said that Danny reached a decision and told the others. " I don't know who is else staying but I'm not gonna leave Jason alone, especially since we don't know what Mana Burn does. Though I am curious as to what is outside this cave."

Danny was about to ask Jason about to explain some of his spells when he noticed the green slime against the core. "Maybe you should let me take first watch." He wasn't in great shape either but at least he wasn't suffering from a status effect yet.


While Thokk would have preferred to be in the front he saw no serious issue with the suggested formation and got into position. Though he did feel the need to speak up when the female orc mentioned them using her for material gain. "While not fully accepted I'm a member of clan Broken Fang of the Steel Cave tribe, if you knew my tribe's history you would never say something like that again."

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