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We are following her, right?
No one responded to his comment about the system message but at least Jason had the same idea about finding a place to sleep. On their way back to the core the mage slime cast a weird variation of his regular stalagmite spell and Danny decided that he really needed to try and get magic analysis so he tried to see if he could see how it worked.

As he was about to enter the cave he noticed a source of water that he wasn't sure was there before. It seemed to be coming from a hole or tunnel or something. Since it was there he decided to take s few sips before going in.

Digby's tunnel seemed like a safe spot but he had no idea if the Goblin would accept him using it so he kept looking. As he explored the cave he noticed as the healing herbs, including the black one, as well as the fact that the Fanged Lizard undergoing transformation was gone and wondered if they could have something to do with the new water source. Remembering that plant analysis was a skill he could learn and curious about the strange herb he tried to see if he could learn about them.

>Dan stays where he is
Milo Korvac

While he didn't know about the smoke turning citizens into zombies Milo did know that he had no choice but to stay and help the people of Sveto as it was clear the The Whiteheath Witch was more than they could handle. As the no doubt important blonde haired woman thanked them for their actions the cleric did something he knew was technically wrong, but justified it to himself with the fact that he would need the supplies to help the survivors, and began searching the bodies of the zombies for anything valuable.

when the woman mentioned owing them Milo felt that that was right, they had messed up with their punishing the wrong person but he felt it was an understandable mistake and besides arguing about it wouldn't help so he stayed quiet. One of his companions, apparently wearing very heavy armor, did feel the need to speak up about it though, he also mentioned that it would be smart to get everyone patched up. "Well I do have a healing spell I can cast, but since I'll only be able to use it once I think a good night's rest would be more effective."

You are beginning to experience Stamina Drain due to lack of sleep.

That wasn't good, luckily Crispy didn't seem likely to start a fight but at the same time negotiation wasn't going great. All of Jason's offers got rejected and since the Goblins had the means to get that stuff themselves it made sense. Eventually Crispy left, taking his troops with him. Danny used the opportunity to finally analyze the weird liquid looking slime and hopefully satisfy his curiosity a little.

"Not great but could have gone worse. Also did you guys get the same message about Stamina drain, cause I think we really need to find a place to sleep before we get attacked by something."


"Trust us or not. Few individuals have the mind or the will to set foot on these accursed lands. Fewer even those who would be willing help some stranger...it would be wise to be more appreciative of these small blessings, madam." Thokk wondered if he should point out that the musketeer just explained the other Orc's unease himself, but the kobold resuming her true form seemed like it could lead to issues even though the Bard offered to provide further healing than the Dragon. With a potential fight coming up he stayed quiet but readied himself.
@Riaxh Feel free to stop the Kobold from climbing up. Don't think He's going to notice the additional weight much.

Also... Doot.

I knew it, you are a skeleton

Thokk was surprised that the "corpse" turned out to be a female orc, and an attractive one at that. While her reaction to the group was understandable he felt like trying to calm down was smart, though if it did turn into a fight he wouldn't lose any sleep over killing her. "Don't you think that if we wanted to kill you we would have done so already. I at least have no intention to harm you. Unles you are a Shadow Thrasher."

@Searat @Riaxh

While I would prefer to save it remember Thokk has a potion of healing
While Danny did wonder what the strange liquid looking Slime was he didn't get the opportunity to analyze it. As Rattleskull's undead body rising up caught his attention instead, luckily it turned out to be the work of some other Slime he had never seen before, but who seemed to be on the side of the former humans.

After revealing its trick the Slime attacked a Goblin holding a torch and Danny got ready to help while still trying to hide from the Goblins. Jason however had a different plan and started negotiating with Crispy, who seemed willing to listen but wanted something in return.

Remembering how the Goblins strip mined Mana Crystal he wondered if the meditation skill might be interesting to the Variant but revealing that Jason's groups had members hidden and watching might set the Goblins off or at the very least Crispy could take someone else making that offer as some kind of sign of weakness on the Slime's part so he stayed quiet.

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