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"Fear not treachery on my end, Thokk. I would rather take my own life than to sully my honor as a man and a royal musketeer of Briston." Roy's words weren't enough to convince the Half-orc after all talk was cheap, but he had no intention of being the one to break the party up. Not only wasn't he dumb enough to think he could survive Norn on his own, there were trustworthy people out there and at least one of the others had to qualify as one.

He followed the others outside and was surprised to see how empty the beach was, there was no way it was natural but it also didn't seem important at the moment so he didn't bring it up. When Angus mentioned the humanoid body and his desire to check it out he drew his sword, not trusting the situation. "Better be careful."

Nah it's fine, it's not as if 2nd level casters are "rare" per say. I imagine they're much like doctors of the modern era; there are a lot of them, but becoming one is difficult and requires a lot of training and patience. Some take it to more easily than others. This is especially true since most casters tend to be clerics since healing magic is seen as much more important than say, combat or illusions.

In a world perspective, the average level of humanoid people is 1. A military person might be level 2 or 3, as many of you are. Characters from heroic tales or legends are generally around level 5, possibly 10 depending on the person telling the story. Magic is considered too niche and poorly understood to see mass employment in high risk sectors such as warfare, but have much more prominence in areas such as medicine or science. That's not to say a sufficiently powerful and wealthy nation won't have wizards and such for battle, but those types tend to be super old since magic isn't something casually picked up. Now sorcerers on the other hand, those born with magic, could be expected to be younger, but have a worse stigma; these types of spellcasters tend to be taken away from their family as soon as their magic manifests precisely because they could easily tune into magic compared to wizards who need years of study and attunement.

Bards as somewhat akin to clerics in that they receive their powers from another source, albeit the sources are more "primal" in a sense. For example a cleric would pray to their god for healing magic or to throw out a guiding bolt, and sufficiently enlighten clerics would easily gain their god's approval and the spell happens. In other words, the gods can sense their cleric's wisdom (which manifests as a sort of willpower via their faith) and will assist them accordingly. But a bardic magic need to appeal to these same forces, or at least the manifestation of those forces, in order to use magic. Hence why they use charisma; they need to fast talk magic into serving them.

With in that mind what is the power source of Eldritch Knights, and how do people feel about them?
@Zeroth @Guy0fV4lor @ReusableSword @Gardevoiran @Kazemitsu @floodtalon @ReusableSword

Curious Danny decided to follow Jason and finally noticed Torrent in cocoon form lying in the cave. Unsure as to what it was he decided to try and analyse it before chasing after the Mage Slime, in hopes of both getting answers and maybe learn some new magic skills.

Despite him flying as fast as he could Jason had a head start and also moved at full speed, so it took Danny some time to catch up. He arrived just in time to see another Wisp throw some blade of Mana at Slime while a bunch of Goblins including one covered in burns were seemingly just looking on.

The Dire Rat yelling about how they were supposed to be allies had to mean that the Wisp was also a former human. Danny had no intention of getting involved in a fight between them and Jason though he would help out if the Goblins turned aggressive. Luckily before combat could really start the other Wisp took off saying something about not wanting to fight humans. He wondered if he should follow after them or stay and if necessary help with the Goblins. He decided to stay with the group and used Monster Analysis I on the scarred Goblin.

@Zeroth @Guy0fV4lor @ReusableSword @Gardevoiran @Kazemitsu @floodtalon @ReusableSword

Danny had no idea why Jason was suddenly yelling at the Goblin for digging what he assumed to be an escape tunnel and found it even stranger that he was yelling at the Dire Rat just for touching the crystal. The Slime's reasons became a lot more clear when he mentioned something controlling him.

As he looked around the small cave for a hiding spot or emergency exit just in case Danny realized that he had been there on his first day. Back then a green Slime brought him there ""Could that have been Jason? Nah aside from the color they look nothing alike."

Before he could really ponder it though Jason took off towards something at full speed.

@Zeroth @Guy0fV4lor @ReusableSword @Gardevoiran @Kazemitsu @floodtalon @ReusableSword

When Jason touched the Crystal and suddenly was clearly in pain Danny's first idea was to use his prepared second level Mana Orb, but since he didn't fully know what was going on he decided against it. After all the Mana might somehow get transfered to the Slime as well. So instead he tried to let Orb dissipate harmlessly while reabsorbing the energy it took him to create it.

While he was trying to do it the Crystal changed significantly, growing spiky tendrils. The whole process raised his curiosity but at the same time he didn't dare get near it unlike the Dire Rat and one of the Pixie's who both approached Jason trying to help him or at least comfort him a little.

>Dan saves his last DT in case he might need it later

Raugar wasn't the only one surprised by the Kobold's magic and while Thokk preferred the kind that simply did damage he wasn't stupid enough to dismiss illusions and the like. "Assuming she is telling the truth and willing to help in combat I'm fine with letting her join. Kobolds may generally be weak and cowardly, they still are quite annoying to fight. I don't trust her yet of course, but then I can say the same about all of you."

He got up and put his drum back in his explorer's pack. "I say we go look for the swordsman, if they're an enemy we don't want them finding us while in combat or have them set up an ambush."
>Dan moves to C2 and scavenges, he then decided to stay where he is
@Zeroth @Guy0fV4lor @ReusableSword @Gardevoiran @Kazemitsu @floodtalon @ReusableSword

As the group made their way to whatever location Jason had in mind Danny became curious as to what kind of monster he might be, the fact that he was some kind of slime was clear but beyond that? Luckily there was an easy way to find it out. Making sure not to fall behind the others he used Monster Analysis I on the self proclaimed group leader. He briefly wondered if he should try to raise any other skill, but since he had no idea if they were heading into battle decided that using MP wasn't smart so that limited his options. Still he had few left and decided to start by analyzing all every monster in the group, while dimming his glow in hopes of maxing out Monster Analysis I and gaining Suppress Presence.

When they arrived and Jason touched the giant crystal he readied a level 2 Mana Orb in case anything happened.

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