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The half-orc looked up when he heard the Kobold beg for it's life. He didn't have any serious trouble with them, sure he didn't like how they always fought in large troops and used tricks but at the same time they were too weak to have a choice. Anything that weak that still choose to fight when threatened was at least deserving of some begrudging respect in his book.

"If she really is alone she is no threat to any of us, if she is lying though..." He got up. "I say we keep an eye on her and check the rest of the place out."
@Zeroth @Guy0fV4lor @ReusableSword @Gardevoiran @Kazemitsu @floodtalon @ReusableSword

Your learning experiences have culminated in new power! You are now Level 3! You gain Skill points to distribute as you please!

You have overcome a harrowing trial! Your battle experiences have culminated in new power! You are now Level 4! You gain Skill points to distribute as you please! Your Max MP has increased!

Unspent Skill Points: 12
Current Skills:
Mana Orb II (2.05)
Lesser Force I (1.55)
Levitation (--)
Monster Analysis I (1.55)
Meditate I (1.05)
Magic Analysis (0.4)
Plant Analysis (0.7)
Blunt Resistance (0.4)
Mana Strike (0.5)
Focus (0.3)
Faster (0.5)
Point Strike (0.2)
Mana Dart (0.2)
Mana Shape (0.3)
Suppress Presence (0.2)
Muffle (0.2)


'I don't believe we've met before, I'm Jason; current leader of this little conglomerate.... Who might you be?'

While the level up wasn't too surprising the amount of skill points was as was the other system message, in fact Danny was so preoccupied trying to allocate the points properly that he didn't that Jason didn't actually talk out loud. "Yeah, nice to meet you I'm Danny. Sorry but I'm a bit busy at the moment, trying to get the most out of 12 skill points."

Magic analysis sounded nice but if it worked like Monster Analysis I he should be able to get it just by seeing spells in action and trying to figure them out, same for Plant Analysis but with plants of course. Mana Dart was a skill he really wanted but if he was right Mana Shape was required to make it in which case learning that and using it to get the Dart version of Mana Orb made more sense. On the other hand that was a lot of skill points to use and he didn't have any forms he wanted his mana to have in mind yet besides the compressing, though if he was right about it would save him mana.

"Let's see I'll put 3 points into Mana Shape, 6 into Point Strike and the last three into Focus." If he was right about Point Strike it should give him an attack that was less mana consuming than Mana Orb and he was also sure that he could get those three skills to level up before he did.

The Pixie Danny originally offered to teach Meditation too spoke up and had a good point about the Goblins and it not being a good time to focus on teaching each other new skills. Before he could admit the Pixie was right Jason yelled that the group had to follow him.

having no idea what was going he flew up again and chased after the strange looking slime as fast as he could, while also noticing that something was up with the Slime that attacked the huge Goblin's neck which finally, for Danny at least, confirmed that he was indeed defeated.

@Zeroth @Guy0fV4lor @ReusableSword @Gardevoiran @Kazemitsu @floodtalon @ReusableSword

Danny was surprised by the sudden appearance of another Pixie, one who seemed interesting in learning both Meditate I and Lesser Force but he saw no reason not to extend the offer to them as well.

"No problem, I'm willing to teach it to anyone here that might want it. All I ask in return is that if you have a skill you think I can use that you teach it to me. I'm mostly looking for stuff that costs either no mana or less than Mana Orb I"

If he was honest he would really prefer to keep Meditate I totally for himself, but he knew that giving other former humans a MP recovery skill could prove helpful. "Okay, I'll start with Lesser Force since I doubt I can use the other skill when I'm at full mp. In my case I use it by simply using mp and wanting something to move." To demonstrate Danny picked up a nearby pebble and threw it away, in a direction where it wouldn't hit any Goblins. "But using the example I gave someone else not too long, in order to learn the skill it might help to imagine a hand of some kind doing the lifting."

Just like when he taught Ash not too long ago Danny struggled with coming up with a way to explain things properly. "As for the other skill I got after I focused on MP recovery outside of battle though it took me a few times, and I also tried several times to recover MP by absorbing the ambient energy of Crystals rather than draining them, however I can also show it to you since I just used up some MP throwing that rock." The second he was done talking he landed and laid down on the cave floor and used Meditate I.

@Zeroth @Guy0fV4lor @ReusableSword @Gardevoiran @Kazemitsu @floodtalon @ReusableSword

When the pixie arrived with a mana crystal t Danny wanted to say that he didn't need it thanks to Meditate I, but he quickly realized that he had no idea how long the battle would take and thus used it to top himself off. "Thanks."

He immediately got ready to use his restored to fire off a Mana Orb II but got distracted when the large Goblin started vomiting after a lizard seemingly unleashed a lot of poison on him. For a second he thought it was over but just as he canceled his attack Rattleskull started glowing red and he brought his fist down on the strange looking slime, who was no doubt happy that the Goblinoid's club had been destroyed.

When Rattleskull finally went down Danny couldn't believe the battle was over but when one of the slimes crawled over Rattleskull's body and attacked his neck without the monster in anyway retaliating there was no denying they had won. He floated to the others and turned to the Pixie. "Thanks for the Mana Crystal, but I didn't really need it, I've got a skill that allows me to recover mp out of battle. I'm willing to teach it to you if you'll teach me either that shield or healing spell you guys are known for."

@Ciaran Thanks
@Ciaran Hey thanks to a lot of issues I had to make a new discord account could you sent me the link again?
@Zeroth Hey thanks to a lot of issues I had to make a new discord account could you sent me the link again?

Despite having no reason to doubt it had worked Thokk decided to check his new weapon bond, and summoned his long sword to his hand. He immediately put it away to avoid angering the wraith and wondered what else he could do to kill the time until the storm was over. Eventually he decided to take out his drum play it , making sure not to sit close to the wall or play loud enough to overpower any sound from coming outside.
@Zeroth @Guy0fV4lor@ReusableSword@Gardevoiran@Kazemitsu@floodtalon

Danny had no idea how much mana he had left, though the fact that he hadn't gotten a system message yet was good news. Still he decided to conserve what he had for now since he had no desire to fall the ground from the height he was at, even less so since he had drawn Rattleskull's attention. He briefly wondered how he could help in the fight with that handicap when he remembered what he did to the last Goblin he fought.

Roughly the same time he got his idea an angry Dire Rat jumped at the huge Goblin which might make things harder but he didn't know what else he could do. He prepared his Lesser Force and used the telekinetic skill to poke at Rattle's eyeball with all the force he could muster, hoping that the pain would at least create an opening one of the other monsters could use to land a really good hit.

Exactly! Lets go looking for it.

I know you were joking , but I actually do think we had better look for it we don't want it catching us by surprise after all

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