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Checking the village out can't hurt
I agree, but let set up watch just in case. Not only do I not trust the wraith fully, the troglodytes might end up breaking in
@Omega Man

@Omega Man I for one am fine with either a fast or slow pace, in fact the only reason I haven't posted yet is technically due to me breaking rule 7. As I'm waiting for you to set the scene for the fight in the park. Take your time though
@Zeroth @Rune_Alchemist @ghastlyInc @Kangutso

Danny did his best to oversee as much of the battle as he could, while hoping to stay unnoticed, in hopes of getting ideas for new skills. After a while he spotted something interesting namely a Goblin with partially red skin. Curious he got as close as he dared too and used Monster Analysis I.

Hi curiosity grew even more when he heard the Goblin gear Fireball and did his best to somehow figure out what was happening as somehow a fireball appeared in Crispy's hand which he threw at a bright pink wisp. Just as he decided that this was a monster he should study carefully he heard someone yelling. "NO YOU'RE NOT, YOU PIECE OF SHIT ASS FUCKING DIRTY ASS BASTARD!"

Not wanting a repeat of the Lorek incident he reluctantly and stealthily using the stalactites for cover made his way closer to where the sound came from and saw a giant hairy Goblin smashing against the cave wall.

Even though were another wisp, a pixie and strangely enough Goblin nearby and also fighting the gorilla like monster he refused to watch idly. Leaving the cover of the stalactites to get a better shot he once again tried using mana shape to force his mana into the form of a dart and carefully aimed. Rather than risk missing and
still being seen he decided to make sure he hit at the cost of increasing the risk that some Goblin would notice him.

@Lucius Cypher

Whether we're going for a long rest or a short one Thokk has already eaten one ration anyway, but my vote is for a long one
Jake was hanging out at the garage he occasionally helped out at, though it was a slow day business-wise. Since he had nothing better to do he was browsing the web, looking for idea's for his next wood burning project, on his cellphone. About twenty minutes before his shift was up Mitchel contacted him via their wrist communicators. "Hey Dan you don't mind me leaving a bit earlier today do you?" Dan indeed was fine with it.

Jake rushed out of the shop and started his bike, the park was a few blocks away but it shouldn't take him too long to get there. About 6 minutes later around 6:11 pm he arrived. "Backup is here, Mitch." He wasn't even done talking or something exploded behind the yellow Ranger, possibly drowning his words out. He had no idea what caused the explosion but he wasn't dumb enough to face it unarmed or without any protection.

He got of his bike and fished out his power coin. "Green Ranger, Dino Power… GO!” Not even wanting for the green energy to fully turn into his Ranger uniform he ran in the direction of his team mate, his helmet, revealing his Deinosuchus spirit, formed roughly the moment he arrived.
I see.

Though I don't know if completing an episode each day is feasible if that is what you mean by episode 1 will start today and episode 2 tomorrow
@Omega Man What do you mean by dabbling in episodes?
Hadn't got to talk to you about the dino so I left the head off LOL

Helping @Endrance right now with the CS. Got the Dino settled on! Here's a final group shot, darkened the green and purple Rangers...

- Ω

Nice, very nice even
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