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Thokk thought Raugar's offer over and decided to take it, after all if those troglodytes managed to get in he wanted be in the best shape possible. "Yeah, thanks." At first he was planning on ignoring on Angus' guilt tripping about him only donating one torch but hearing that the noble himself needed ten and that he was going to use four himself, combined with Raugar healing him, made the half-ork change his mind. Wordlessly he took out another two torches and begrudgingly threw at them the barbarian's head.
@Omega Man

Not getting rid of that easily

Without saying a word Thokk followed the musketeer's example though he only offered one torch, hoping to save the other nine for later, though if it would become necessary he was willing to burn more of them. With that done he took out of rations and began eating despite not being hungry yet, after all there was no way of knowing when he would get another chance. Then after taking a few sips from his waterskin he placed his longsword, scabbard and all, on the ground before him and prepared to form a weaponbond with it.

"You don't seem to be lying, wraith. As long as nothing attacks me I won't fight in here." Thokk then turned to the others and decided that he might as well introduce himself as well. "You can call me Thokk. As long as we divide the spoils of this place fairly, I have no reason not to work with you. Make no mistake though try to cheat me out my share or enslave an intelligent creature and I will turn on you." The paladin had a good point after all and maybe he could eventually trust these strangers enough to ask him to help on his real quest.

@Lucius Cypher Did my 18 in insight reveal anything about the wright's intentions?
Not only are the psycho's the best evil ranger team with Zedd having experience with the morphing grid it makes some sense as well
@Endrance Green, yellow and pink have been taken, blue and copper have had people claiming them but no cs for them yet
@Omega Man I think my cs is done could you review it?
@Omega Man Do you prefer pictures or drawings for the faceclaim?
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