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He would be fine watching as well, while he would love to test his techniques out on other martial artists just seeing 64 of the best in the world should give him the inspiration for new moves which is his main goal for coming to the tournament
I meant the final four of the tournament not the rp
I don't see Reo making it to the final four. After all two of his techniques, Sword Kick and Sword Drop would no doubt lose the element of surprise if he uses them too often in a tournament and Watermelonsplitting seems pretty easy to block if you know what is coming.

<Snipped quote by CaptainSully>

Agreed. I was trying to make it less of a basic power-up and more like a last ditch effort, trading defense for offense to try and finish the fight quickly.

I'm not really happy with how it turned out so I'll be replacing it in the final CS with more of a big finishing move.

<Snipped quote by CaptainSully>

This is closer to what I was imagining ultimate attacks would be. As far as trademark moves go, what were you thinking of doing? 4 basic techniques, 1/2 trademarks and 1 ultimate? That sounds fine to me.

I saw ultimates more as extremely powerful moves with with potential drawbacks that could be replaced like how kaoi ken went from a move that Goku used to try to quickly finish the fight with Vegeta, to something he needed to keep up with Frieza and a much higher level of it to something that got discardedwhen he reached super saiyan
Milo Korvac

Still somewhat annoyed that he failed to make some extra money from the corpses Milo followed the others to the Laughing Knave, sure he would have preferred to save his money but the better accommodations probably and the promised reward more than made for the costs. He arrived just as the annoyingly barman poured the half orc a glass of whiskey and sat down next to him. "Whiskey heh? Not my drink but strong enough to be respectable." He turned to the halfling behind the bar and tossed him one of his fifteen gold coins. "As much of your cheapest non watered down ale as this buys."

While he still didn't know how trustworthy his companions were Thokk respected the barbarian's courage just like the musketeer did and wondered if there was anything he could do to help aside from offering his potion. The kobold actually gave him an idea when she explained how her spells. "Her ssspellsss make not... easier.... obviously. One spell... best used in battle. One spell... makes sound at point... the last spell." "Hmmpf offensive spells might be better in this situation, but couldn't you use that sound spell to make him look the other way?"

@CaptainSully Apart from a second ability which isn't necessary, I think my CS is done
@King Cosmos @CaptainSully Well learning martial arts faster works with the backstory of his uncle giving up on teaching Reo due to his issues with ki, though it has to be said the uncle isn't exactly world's greatest teacher. It's similar to All Might and Deku, his uncle never had issues leaning how to use his ki on top of simply not knowing how to explain himself all too well. If Reo had trained under his mother, who is weaker than his uncle, he would have learned more.
Anyone have idea's for abilities based on this cs?

So far Danny's experiment with the water wasn't as successful as he had hoped, but he was sure that with some new idea's he could turn it into something he could work with. At the moment he was too tired, and even though he had no idea when he could experiment farther he decided he needed sleep. Galwain seemed trustworthy as well but he still had no desire to sleep in the open, given his defense wasn't too great.

His first idea was to sleep on the Dungeon Core but he quickly changed his mind, as he had no idea what prolonged direct contact with it would do to him. Instead he looked for holes in the cave wall that seemed to be the right size for him. Eventually he found one and headed inside and after he dimmed his glow, in hopes of not drawing the attention of any monsters that might wander into the small cavern, tried to sleep.

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