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Danny wasn't too upset that his first attempt at Mana Dart failed, though he did wonder if he was getting close to running low on mana. Either way he figured one more try wouldn't hurt. He did everything the same but this time he tied using Lesser Force to force the mana to stay in the dart shape even after he launched it.

The instant he was done with his test something that was a more immediate concern caught his attention. He briefly wondered if he should check the source of the flash out on his own, after informing the others of what he was doing of course. However when he got closer to the Dire Rats he saw that Jason had joined them and they seemed to be fighting a wild monster while Ed had run off.

Speaking of Ed Jason wanted Danny to look for him and bring him to the entrance. He didn't like leaving them with an opponent but the slime seemed to think he could calm the wild rat down and Ed might be in more danger than them on his own. "On it. Which way did he go by the way?"

@CaptainSully I am definitely planning having Reo become less reliant on his sword, but it will remain a staple of his style
Aqua Sphere I turned out even better then expected, since Danny could use without acces to water, though if he had known about the fishing dire rat he wouldn't have just shot it into the water. On the plus side he did have an idea on dealing with Crispy if he planned to betray Jason during the meeting. Before returning to the core and discussing his plans he wanted to master one more skill which he was already close to learning anyway.

Using his Mana Shape I he once again tried shaping one of his mana orbs into a dart. Due to him accidentally troubling someone with his last practice shot he made sure to aim it somewhere where he thought it wouldn't disturb anyone.

I got an 18
I've given Reo some equipment as well: a simple but well made katana
Could be interesting.
Despite Danny not expecting a lot from his experiment it did prove fruitful, his Lesser Force increased and he mastered Mana Shape. He also noticed something odd about the reaction between his mana and the water, but before he could really ponder what that meant a large splash caught his attention. At first he thought it was an enemy but it turned out be Ed taking a swim. "Morning, Ed. Remember me?"

After a quick check to see if there weren't any enemies around he resumed experimenting, he knew it couldn't hurt to meditate but he also wanted to see how much mana he could use before running it. Using his improved Lesser Force II he scooped up some water again. This time he tried infusing it with mana more slowly than before while also focusing on keeping the shape contained with Mana Shape I

As soon as it turned blue again he tried firing it like he would do with a Mana Orb, making sure he aimed it somewhere he wouldn't accidentally hit someone with it.

@Lucius Cypher Do we all need to roll stealth to hide?
Danny didn't need a system message to tell him he was thirsty. Luckily he should be able to easily fix it. He left the hole he had been sleeping in and headed for the pool to drink. He noticed a couple more skelebins in the cavern and he wasn't sure but he though there was one more Dire Rat as well. He ignored the seemingly non aggressive newcomers, though the sight of a skelebin running around the pool caught him by surprise mostly due to how strange it looked.

Staying away from the edge of the water he used Lesser Force to lift a little bit to his mouth and started drinking. When that was done he decided to experiment some more. After he collected another perfect sphere he tried something he honestly didn't expect to result any result. Without dropping the water he used Mana Orb I, while also using what little skill he had in Mana Shape to make the orb hollow with the floating water trapped inside it.

For anyone interested, behold the inspiration for Reo's sword kick.
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