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Milo Korvac

When Milo heard how much beer his coin could get him as well as the fact that bartender would pay for it out of his own pocket he changed his order. "Five gallons is a bit much, though since you're paying I'm not taking the cheap stuff either. One pint of your best ale, please. His tone of voice was a lot friendlier than it had been before.

Just like how Vlad head earned the dwarf's respect by ordering whiskey the warlock straight up ordering the strongest alcohol the place had impressed Milo. "Well well bird guy, seems like you don't mess around either when it comes to drinking."
As Danny got closer to the cave entrance what he saw was pure chaos. The closer he got the more chaotic things appeared. It looked like Asura was fighting the Skelebins, only for Jason to yell something and draw the attention of the other Slime. He really hoped he didn't have to get involved in their battle as he had no desire to fight against another Reincarnate.

While trying to think of a way to stay out of the Slime battle, he heard something that sounded like an explosion in the distance. Curious and worried about another fire he made his way towards, both staying close the cave ceiling and moving as fast as he could with the stalactites blocking his path. Eventually he saw a Goblin that he believed to be Crispy in the distance, and still convinced he had the best counter for the Goblin's Fireballs he switched gears. He dropped down a good bit in order to have a clear path and while concealing his presence in the hopes of staying unnoticed moved as as fast as he could towards the Goblin variant hoping to able to deal with his fire attacks if needed.

As he got closer to his target he noticed what he thought was a heavily injured Torrent and some strange looking Wisp which was probably a fellow Reincarnate since they were talking. Hoping he was right about the monster he decided to analyze it as he slowly got closer.

@SearatThokk is good as well
@Crimmy Are there still components of GIGA ASSAULT HELL SMASHER PROMETHION that haven't been claimed?
@CaptainSullySorry forgot that my cs wasn't in the characters page already, it's now though
"Sorry about that, but you should really try to pay attention to your surroundings, even if you're busy with something." Danny didn't feel the need to mention that he too had had problems following that advice in the past.

It was a bit surprising to see Ed put the body of the lizard he was eating on his back but he figured the Dire Rat must have his reasons. As the two of them made their way to the cave entrance Danny tried to study how Ed moved, in an attempt to get an idea for how he might be able move without mana, making sure not to get lost in what he was doing.

While the timing of Danny running out of mana kinda sucked, at least it didn't happen during battle or while over the water seeing as he had no idea if his Wisp body would float though it did seem unlikely. Rather than try to drag his body over the ground he simply used Meditate until his MP was recovered, he did decide to try and come up with some skill for movement while out of Mana later. As soon as he felt recovered enough he set off to look for Ed, flying as fast as he could while keeping an eye out for the Dire Rat.

Eventually he spotted a Dire Rat seemingly fighting a lizard on a rock and hoped it was the one he was looking for. "Ed, that you? Jason wants us to go the entrance and examine that explosion."

@Lucius Cypher I got an 18 on the to hit and a 10 for damage

The appearance of the unknown woman attacking the cyclops meant the plan the barbarian had come up with was ruined. Thokk wanted to facepalm at the poor timing but he couldn't hold it against her since there was no way she could have known. Given the circumstances he decided it was time for him to reveal his own magic and shot off an Chromatic Orb at the monster. Inspired by it's rusty armor he choose to deal lightning damage even though he didn't know if it was immune or not.
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