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Danny had no idea why Asteria was talking to the slimes like they were seriously trying to kill each other, surely it was just a simple misunderstanding. It wasn't until he saw Asura trying to rip Jason's "guts" out that he realized how wrong he was. He didn't know the whole story but of the two he knew Jason the best and he had learned that Amorphous Slimes were weak to water, so he was planning to scare Asura off with Aqua Sphere and then let Ardur heal them both.

Before he got the chance to put his plan into action Ardur did something unexpected and started chanting. “I am a spirit of fire; my flames cannot hurt me” Figuring it had to be Fireball spell he took the opportunity to try and analyse it.

When the pixie mentioned being out of mana after the flames died out Danny decided to speak up. "Oh and if you think that just defeating the other completely removes the danger guess again. Crispy and a female reincarnated Goblin are dueling and if he wins he will probably order his Goblins to wipe us all out and one or two heavily injured Slimes with no stamina or magic will make easy targets."

It took a while but eventually Reo's turn was up. "Do you need any instructions? The seemingly 20 year old girl behind the desk asked. "No thanks." He walked up to the empty chair and put on the helmet gloves and boots. After the program loaded he choose his opponent, he settled on a character based on a long competing but not super talented fighter who stuck to smaller tournaments and he had never actually heard of.

Pretty soon it looked like both Reo and the A.I, a 30 year old human man with spiky black hair, were in a small stadium. He decided not to waste time and copied the fighter whose move he hoped to add to his arsenal. He began spinning his arm as he rushed toward his opponent.

Unfortunately due to the fact that it was easy to guess it was gonna be a punch the A.I character easily dodged it before sweeping the legs out of a still running Reo causing him to trip. Without his sword and lying on his back he really didn't any options to attack so Reo's best bet was to get up before his opponent could pin him down or anything.

Luckily though it seemed the fighter his opponent was based on wasn't known for pinning people down as he just stood there. Reo quickly got and tried the move again this time zig zagging as he ran. The A.I didn't dodge that time but instead took the punch to the chest, but had clearly braced himself and managed to land counter punch to Reo's face. That was enough for him to decide that that attack probably wouldn't work for him. "Too predictable. Well I guess that if I can easily figure out how an attack works I shouldn't be surprised if others can see through it as well."
Danny wasn't too sure if his idea worked but at the very least it was good practice for the skills used. He did pass Momma Slime but that could also be because the simple minded monster was focused on obstacles and where she was going. When he got closer to the Pixie he slowed down and checked his mana.

He was glad that there was a pixie cause whoever screamed probably needed healing and once he had helped Asura and Jason peacefully settle whatever argument they had the pixie could heal them too, hopefully providing enough chances for him to at least Magic analysis and maybe figure out how the Healing worked.

After all there was no way two reincarnators would actually be trying to kill each other, especially since the weakened winner would probably make easy prey for Goblins. He was so wrapped in his thoughts that he didn't notice the group of assimilated Fanged Lizards.

@Lucius Cypher @Riaxh I got a 15 and edited my post
@Lucius Cypher Do I have to roll something to throw Lilt to safety?
The attempted analysis of the aborted fireball didn't tell Danny nearly as much as he hoped, but he did learn that concentrating the flames probably made the skill stronger as unsurprising as it was. It was more than he knew before hand and it would do for the moment.

When Danny arrived on the location he thought he the scream come from, he saw nothing at first. After looking around for a bit though he saw a Slime he thought was called Mother Slime and a pixie in the distance. Having no better leads he flew in their direction, confident enough that the Goblins were all focused on the duel to stop sneaking and just go as fast as he could.

As he got closer he saw yet another strange Wisp and one of the Skelebins heading to the Core's cave, following what looked like two Slimes moving as fast as they could. Curious and a little worried he tried going as fast as he could, even using Lesser Force II and Mana Shape I to try and change the airflow around so that it resembled a teardrop in order to increase his aerodynamics despite not having a clue if that was possible.

<Snipped quote by Lucius Cypher>

@Duthguy Given Lilt is relatively small, you can pretty much grab her with one hand and chunk her to cover. You could also punt... but she only has one hp. Since she's small, something that'd be half cover for you, would basically be Three fourths or full cover for her. Forced Movement doesn't trigger Opportunities of Attacks. But again... I'm thinking she should be relatively out of range. <_< though it doesn't look like @Lucius Cypher is giving us that information. Given that, you can also throw her out of harm's reach. Since you're friendly, I'm not contesting it if that's what you're going to try. Not sure what action it takes though.

Lilt can also do relatively the same thing for others as long as she has a Bardic Inspiration die left. As any attack roll she makes can basically use it. She can plant her boot on someone's butt and push them, Or chunk a rock and do the same at range.

@Lucius Cypher Tangel has a bunch of good points can I edit my post or am I basically committed to it?
@Lucius Cypher In case it wasn't clear I'm holding my action, also what do I need to block the club and do I need to roll now or wait until the cyclops decides to attack Lilt?

Despite not knowing Lilt that well Thokk had no intention of standing by as she was killed, especially since she tried to fight against a creature clearly out of her league. Since he also wanted to keep his potion of healing a secret there was only one thing he could think of doing. He walked up to the injured Kobold picked her up and threw her in the direction of some rubble. hoping his actions wouldn't worsen her injuries and that she could use the rubble as cover.
Going by how the system called the female Goblin unusual she probably was a fellow reincarnator, while it was interesting Danny also guessed she didn't want him to help since she warned everyone not to interfere with the duel. Silently he decided to deal with everyone who ignored her warning form his hiding spot. Wanting to make sure no one saw him he carefully examined his surroundings and noticed what looked like a Lesserwurm, though he was sure it couldn't be Flood.

He wasn't sure but it looked like the Lesserwurm was trying to cast Fireball, despite his doubts that that was the case he still tried to analyze the skill in hopes of at least learning Magic Analysis before the duel started.

Just as he refocused his attention on Crispie and the challenger he heard a truly horrifiyng scream coming from where he saw Jason and the amorphous Slime. Despite his desire to see the fight in hopes of seeing the Goblin leader fall he couldn't ignore it and left to check it out, focusing more on stealth than speed, since being seen most likely meant he was dead.

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