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Nathan finally started to wonder if it all might be real, after all. In an attempt to ignore those thoughts he charged the wall again since the feeling of tension got stronger after the second time. He half listened to the flameless Charmander explain some of the basics of Pokemon and missed the Swablu getting at flying but he did wonder why the Fire-type though he would learn Bide by running into a wall, Bide was a move that returned the damage someone dealt to the user after all and he was doing the attacking. He still believed that if anything Tackle was the more likely move.

It seemed like the Charmander was about to head out and had invited the Seviper along. Just like with the Swablu Nathan missed them improving their movements and wondered what good the snake, fully evolved or not would be. The Steeltype with the Ghost on its head was sitting next to the fire and Nathan couldn't help but wonder if that was safe due to its weaknesses. He also felt like he needed to correct the Charmander on something. "Don't forget that Grass-types are also good against either Ground or Rock, can't remember which my self I think Electric and like most Pokemon resist ou...their own type." He put extra emphasis on "their" since it could only be "our" if he really was a Seedot which was impossible.

@SleepingSilence I honestly can't notice a pun in your first post
Hey, does anyone have suggestions for a title for a hero wielding a crossbow that not only instantly and effortlessly reload and arms itself whenever he want but also bootst his wind magic?
@SleepingSilence Yeah Nathan knows about pokemon but he is far from an expert, hence him thinking Seedot learned tackle

After shaking his head to try recover from the dizziness Nathan became aware of the tension in his body, he was curious about it but had no desire to hurl himself at any kind of rock again. Instead he decided to look around a little and see if he recognized any other Pokemon, still not fully accepting this was real.

There was an obvious Ghost-type he knew he had seen before but he couldn't remember its name, and a Swablu who looked like it had been trying to clean something covered in yellow paint. There was also a Seviper casually talking to the flameless Charmander, though that confused him. He didn't recognize the Pokemon covered in blades nor the screaming worm it refered to as the stupid one but they were all clearly non evolved. "Why is there a single evolved Pokemon among what I presume are all first stage Evolutions?."

Despite his best efforts to distract himself his curiosity about the weird the tension in his body was too much and going against his better judgment he slammed himself into the wall again. He wasn't too worried about what the others might think off him, due to the fact he was still in denial about this whole thing not being a dream.

@Avanhelsing Great, would just his hand open and sacrificing some of his blood that way be enough and how long do you think it should last?
Nathan had woken up but he was sure he was dreaming or something. After all there simply was no way he could have turned into a Seedot, just as it was impossible for there to be other Pokemon around. The flameless Charmander was even impossible in the setting as far he knew.

"Hey... I assume we're all here because we all used to be human, or at least, didn't used to be pokemon... um... my name's Trevor, and I'm going to see if there's a guild, like in that spin-off series in the games," "Spin of series? Oh right Pokemon Mystery Dungeon." Nathan had never played those games before but from what he heard their plot seemed to match this strange dream.

Eventually he got sick and tired from pretending to still be asleep and decided he might aw well play along until he woke up. He wanted to see how powerful and not remembering Seedot's moves decided to use tackle on the wall. All that happened was that he run full speed and face first into solid rock. Unsurprisingly hurting himself. "What the hell, I thought you weren't supposed to feel pain in dreams."

@Lucius Cypher I edited my cs to remove harden since Seedot learns it level 3
@Avanhelsingb Quick question I kept the sacrificial knife with it temporary strength boosting power, is that okay in combination with the mask and if so how much of a boost and for how long would would be okay? Based on what you gave Act as a maximum I am seeing 250 pounds as the highest he can lift when boosted
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