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Would item attributes just allow someone to summon /strengthen items or could someone with say a staff attribute pull a Monkey King and control the staf's size?
Caleb headed over to the room used by the comic club he had joined earlier that week. This would his first time meeting some of the other member but he already knew the teacher in charge, the somewhat unfortunately named Lester "Les" Fortunes who when introducing himself made fun of his own name. Still he was somewhat nervous about meeting the others, something he found odd considering the whole given super powers to fight monsters thing. Sure he knew he couldn't show his abilities just to impress them but he had expected it to to at least improve his confidence somewhat.

Either way since he had arrived now wasn't the time to worry, he took a deep breath and opened the door. So far besides the teacher Caleb spotted three students, a girl with long black hair and glasses, an Asian looking boy and a boy with a green skull on his shirt. Judging by their reactions they already knew he was coming.

Seeing Wendy generously giving them some of her belongings caused Nathan to feel bad about Trevor lying to her about their circumstances, though the Charmander's reasons were obvious. He also wished she would have been able to tell them more about the red eyed Bidoof but she was a great help regardless and they would be able to ask around at the berry farm later.

"I think that would be a great idea, but we'd have to discus it first to if everyone agrees." With any luck during their discussion the others could be filled in on their "backstory" without Wendy hearing.

"First time the system gave a a warning like that, guess those two are totally out of my league." Since Danny had no intention had of attacking the humans anyway, it didn't actually matter. He listened to them discussing the cave and it's new status as a Dungeon since any info about the world could prove useful.

He really wanted to see them build a barricade but also didn't want them to get the idea he was aggressive so when the boy shoo'ed him he got back and slowly and calmly backed away, looking at the kid the entire time. Not wanting to waste this change to see if humans could understand he responded to what the kid was saying. Relax human, I don't want to fight you. Why do you think I distracted those Goblins earlier." Honestly it didn't matter if they believed him or not what mattered was if they understood him and how they would respond to a talking monster.

>Taste the water.
>Go back outside.
More of a pr fan myself but this could be interesting
>Taste the green stuff.
>Take a bath in the fountain.
>Cancel Mime if still active
>Try to figure out what the shards and infused dust are capable off.
>Enter the gate
>Don't give up, you're almost done expanding the pool
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