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In [ADVENTURER] 5 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
>Accept Stats

Accept Default Fighter Proficiencies?

In [ADVENTURER] 5 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
>>Name Farmer [Daniel]
>>I am a 20 year old Fighter. My birthday is [day 12] of [month 7].
>> I am muscular and look masculine, with earlenght straight black hair and deep set brown eyes. My expression is usually calm
>> It's my dream to become a knight

Focus: Increased Power of Mana Dart I. Casting time increased, Mana Cost increased.
The Skill [Spell Chant] is incomplete. Casting time increased, Mana Cost increased, Power Boost Effectiveness decreased by 60%.

At first Danny wondered why he got a message saying his Chant skill was still incomplete as well as disappointed by it being incomplete, but he quickly changed his mind how powerful it made his Mana Dart. Sure Jason helped but assuming the deer was roughly as strong as the Frog Mana Dart could be even more powerful than Mana Orb II, something he would have to try it. "I'm gonna have to update the Chant to make it reflect Superior Mana Dart's appearance more." Just as he was hoping that with the Goat, the Frog, and the Beetle they had enough food for both him and Jason he got another surprise he had leveled up again.

The Poltergeist wondered how to spend his points, putting them all into Crafting seemed like a waste since he was gonna make it usable anyway and he would train it by working with the Beetle, on the other hand the higher his skill-level was the better the odds of making something food. Eventually he decided that making his new armor as good as possible would have the most advantages. "I hope I won't regret this but put everything into crafting. After her finished allocating his skill points he analyzed the corpse of the goat and tried to inspect the horns to try and see if they might be useful tools for his project, before turning to Jason with a question. "Do you think you could help make the Beetle into an armor of some kind?


You used Monster Analysis II!
Roughly the same in all categories as a normal slime, a Necroslime is a rare form of Undead. It does not usually form naturally because of a Slime's lack of intelligence and will. It is of limited use to any intelligent necromancer, save perhaps as a trap on the ceiling or fodder. Its body swells with the gases of decay and its internal acids become even stronger as bacteria and rot fester inside it. Like other Corporeal-class Undead, they require enormous amounts of food or life force to sustain themselves. Combined with a slime's normal level of appetite, they are quite resource consuming. You have analyzed Jason before, his spirit seems to have possessed this body. It does not feel safe around him.

Well that wasn't good but it did explain why Jason was devouring the frog that voraciously. Danny trusted Jason and didn't consider him evil but the Slime had always been dangerous so he made sure to keep the corpse of the beetle between them as much as possible.

Once they were back in the tree he was about to try and pull the Beetle's legs of with Lesser Force when something ran into their shelter. Wanting to know what it was Danny looked outside and saw some kinda of monster goat, since it was clearly panicking and the purple stuff was probably poison he got ready to fight it. Still even though Jason could use all the food he could get the Poltergeist felt bad about killing a creature that was simply scared.

Hoping to end it's life as quickly and painlessly as possible he formed a Mana Dart and tried to Focus before throwing it at the goat. "A simple variant of Mana Orb but holding the promise of more to come. Superior Mana Dart!"

I love how giving people a possible Shin Megami Tensei style recruit for the tutorial level turned into love and friendship.

And gives me an instant character development button ;)

Yeah it's more nuzlocke than Shin Megami Tensei since they can die without being fused
At first Nate was happy with Hidden Power simply because it gave him a way to fight if any more Ghost Bidoof showed up but he quickly realized how lucky he really was. Having a Water type move would give him an unexpected advantage against Fire types after all.

After Seraph was done with her speech and everyone had drank some of the water he really wanted to go back the target area and practice more moves but he and the others owed the farm residents and so he headed straight for the South side and Honey, hoping he would be of some help in combat this time. "Honey, are there plants and or mushroom we should avoid picking because they are poisonous or something?" He doubted that would be the case as the games at least didn't feature any dangerous plants, not counting certain Pokémon of course.


You attempted to use Magic Analysis I and Mana Vision I!
The target is too far away!
The target is using extremely powerful magic, you can almost sense it from here...
---V_r__l W__e---
Hi_g_l_ _dv_n_ed sp__l us_d by ch_n_e_li__ m_gic th_ou__ a w__p__. Req_ir_s ex__e__ raw p_we_ but a___ pr_c___ c_n__ol, a__ is _ore _i__i__l_ to _s_ w___o__ a b_a__d _d__. At _h__ lev__, it m_st __ __ t__ hi__e__ of __nks or su__a__ed the __m__.

Okay that wasn't as helpful as Danny had hoped, he wondered why the system's message was so messed up. Still he could make part of it out and as a result was pretty sure the mountain had been destroyed by a spell channeled through a weapon, he would have to remember to try that himself some time.

Despite his desire for armor the poltergeist decided to stop messing with the beetle's corpse for now, after all it would be a shame if he got distracted while working on it or got so engrossed in removing parts from it that he missed an attack.

Still he wasn't gonna leave it out on the open and began dragging the flak beetle into the hollow tree, planning to grab the flak shells and sacks once the corpse was safe. He also tried to feel the vibrations of the ground in hopes of being able to tell if something big came.

While Danny focused on that a black Slime began gorging itself on the Tailed Frog. His first instinct was to attack it for the exp since at the moment he felt he could use everything that made him stronger. He held back though in case it would out turn to be Jason and used his Monster Analysis II to find out for certain.


As Danny went to looting the bug's corpse his mind was focused on what else he could do with Mana Vision since with the flame sack removed he didn't worry about setting it of somehow. Just as he was wondering if he could combine it with Magic Analysis the Sharp Stone broke casing him to wonder if his lack of attention had something to do with it or if it was just already weakened.

Just as the Poltergeist was about to look for another stone he got a different idea what if he could the beetle's own mandibles? Maybe he could break them off with Point Strike, but he would have had to practice on the legs first cause the mandibles were too potentially useful to risk destroying.

His thirst and hunger had gotten to much to endure though so he took of care he scoped some of the flesh out of the beetle's underbelly and despite it being raw stuffed his mouth with it. After a couple of bites he grabbed the flak shell and held it on the same hand he cast Aqua Sphere I with hoping that by using Mana Shape
he could create an opening and let the water run in to the improvised bowl.

While he was doing that something caused a huge explosion and despite knowing it would offer no protection at all after whatever was behind it Danny wished he was done making his improvised armor cause even the small and totally false sense of security it would offer was better than nothing. Despite his fear his curiosity as to what kind of magic, assuming it was magic, could do something like that caused him to try his idea for Magic Analysis I! and Mana Vision I while looking in the direction of the mountain.

Okay I have three tips for any newcomers interested in making magic users in general and for Wisps specifically since you can't move if you're completely out of MP even if Levitation doesn't drain any MP.

  • 1 Learn Meditate or some other way to regain MP
  • 2 Learn Meditate or some other way to regain MP
  • 3 Don't get just magic skills, get some physical ones as backup

You have no MP remaining.

Despite expecting that to happen Danny once again realized that as long as Meditate was his only way to recover it he couldn't rely solely on MP. Since he was in battle at the moment he had no way to recharge but luckily the Frog seemed to have reached its limit as it dropped over dead, no doubt thanks to Jason.

Not wanting to waste his chance the Poltergeist Meditated immediately after the battle was over. As soon as his MP was full he decided to try out his new skill and finally find out if his theory was correct. With Mana Vision I active he looked around for his invisible partner. Whether that worked or not he also wanted to know if the Frog was edible given how hungry he was and used Monster Analysis II on it's corpse.

Despite his hunger and thirst he knew he had work to do and returned his attention to the beetle. He doubted he could make a full armor but it would be better than nothing. He decided to wait before starting on the exoskeleton and get some practice in with the flesh in the underbelly. Using his Sharp Stone he began to carefully remove the flesh, constantly on the lookout for where the flame sac as he didn't want to puncture it and using Lesser Force II where necessary.

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