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Wisps are the best choice if you want to use magic, plus the floating makes it a lot harder to trip. Sure your physical strength and defense are low but who cares if you can just attack from a distance.

And yes I am advertising to get more Wisps in the game as there is only one at the moment and all other species outnumber me.
@Duthguy Sorry but fire was taken by Outland. All elements are taken now Howe you can make someone with a power that isn’t a element who will help the elementals and support them if you still want to join.

I’ll make the OOC today.

Somehow I overlooked that post
@The One I 'll take Fire then
With Seraph's advice on how to aim Hidden Power Nathan went back to learning it. Unfortunately it took him some time to create the water orb again as he kept reminding himself to aim with his eyes and because he kept getting distracted by the semi-successful attempts of the others.

Eventually though after another thirty-seven minutes he finally managed to keep the orb lasting enough to aim at the target. Not wanting to wait too long and give it change to fade away or explode again Nathan tried to launch it soon as possible. He looked at the target with one eye closed to help him aim and tried to mentally force the attack towards it.

The orb moved somewhat erratically simply the Seedot couldn't stand perfectly still which slightly changed with part of the target he was looking at, but it seemed to be mostly on track. In the end though he whiffed it as the ball of water went just barely past it.


Unaware of the trouble Jason was having with the frog Danny wasn't too surprised when the frog flipped over on it's back after a single stab to one of it's eyes, He almost considered the fight over when it got back up and prepared another attack.

of course he didn't want to get his by what was either acid or some kinda poison strong enough to kill grass by touching it so he circled the amphibian as fast as he could hoping to get behind it. Whether he succeed on evading the hit or not Danny felt that any creature with poison was too dangerous not to take out as fast as possible.

So despite the no doubt high hit to mana reserves he went with what he believed the strongest attack available to him Mana Orb II and just tor try to make it even more powerful he boosted it with his incomplete chant skill. "This may be the most basic offensive spell I know but it shouldn't be underestimated. Mana Orb Deluxe!" He just hoped that not specifying the rank of the spell didn't matter and that he had enough MP not to end up with Mana Burn or whatever the first stage of that debuff was called.


You are attempting to Craft without the requisite Skill.
Your crafted items are heavily degraded.
Processing Items: Sharp Stone + Hard Stone
Sharp Stone's cutting capacity has increased, but its durability has heavily decreased!
Hard Stone was destroyed in the processing!

Okay, not as good as he had hoped but not too terrible given it was both his first time trying to craft something and his material, Danny was sure getting the actual skill would be worthwhile. For now though he had other things to do, he was curious to see if Mana Vision would let him see Jason but getting food was at the top of his list.

Unfortunately even with the Sharp Stone he couldn't cut the exoskeleton. He was just about to try using the stone in combination with Point Strike despite that meaning he was likely to break it when he heard something that sounded like croaking.

Normally he would have ignored the strange frog, but with it's throat sack bulging and chancing color the Poltergeist was pretty sure it was about to attack. Wanting to beat it to the punch and trusting Jason to kill it easily if necessary Danny decided to forgo his usual form of attack. Instead of preparing a mana orb or aqua sphere he tried to use Point Strike I aimed at it's eyes while running towards it ready to dodge whatever it spat out. If he managed to get close enough without being attacked he would try to punch it using the momentum of his run for extra damage.

@Mae The quest board does sound like a good idea
I'm literally gonna do a random number generator to choose mine. It seems more true to how it would go in the games, and it's kinda fun to not have total control ^_^

I did something similar with a Random Pokémon generator since it saved me the effort of assigning each type to a number, though I didn't go completely random. The first Pokémon I got was Chesnaught, and since I already decided not to make hidden power grass type, I went with fighting but realizing how Nathan would feel with another move useless against the red-eyed Pokémon I rolled a second time and got Vaporeon.
It seemed the others wanted to sleep instead of talking about the storm, while Nathan didn't agree with it he understood that everyone was tired and didn't try to force a conversation. The next morning he had forgotten most of his dream, like usual.

Honestly the stew last night already wasn't great and watering it down didn't make it any tastier. Still there weren't a lot of options for food so Nathan didn't complain and ate it all.

Once everyone was done with breakfast Seraph led them outside and told them about Hidden Power. Nathan was happy for the explanation since he had gotten it mixed up with Secret Power, and this saved him having to think up an explanation for knowing about that.

Before Nathan tried emptying his mind he asked the Kirlia the first two questions that popped into his head knowing they would be bugging him too much otherwise. "Does having Hidden Power help you learn moves of the same type it is? How about ranged moved in general?"

Despite his best efforts the Seedot's mind kept going into circles and the same thoughts kept popping up, namely how worthless he had been against the red eyed Pokémon, the storm somehow getting strong to destroy the entire world, the question what type his Hidden Power, whether or not he could get nutrients by hanging from a tree which would mean he wouldn't be a burden to the farm and of course how the rain sounded and felt.

After two hours he finally managed to materialize a blue orb from his forehead, though it was smaller than the one Seraph showed upon noticing his succes his concentration was broken and the orb popped, sending drops of water everywhere. It took him another thirty minutes to manage another Hidden Power but in order to launch it he tried head butting it towards the target which of course didn't work. "Hey Seraph do you have any tips on how to launch the orb without hands?"

@Lucius Cypher I'm assuming you mean we should ask our questions here, just in case they are in the IC as well but you don't have to answer them in both.

Before Nathan tried emptying his mind he asked the Kirlia the first two questions that popped into his head knowing they would be bugging him too much otherwise. "Does having Hidden Power help you learn moves of the same type it is? How about ranged moved in general?"

Two and a half hours later. "Hey Seraph do you have any tips on how to launch the orb without hands?"
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