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While he couldn't be sure Danny figured that the beetle's actions before dying had the same cause as the Slime last night, namely Jason. As soon as the fight was over he got a message saying he leveled up, complete with the standard skill list.

LEVEL UP! Your combined experiences have culminated in new power! You are now Level 6! You gain Skill Points to distribute as you like!

Unspent Skill Points: 10

Current Skills:
Mana Orb II (2.475)
Lesser Force II (2.825)
Levitation (--)
Monster Analysis II (2.75)
Meditate I (1.4)
Mana Shape I (1.3)
Aqua Sphere I (1.2)
Magic Analysis I (1.7)
Mana Dart I (1.05)
Blunt Resistance I (1.05)
Focus I (1.0)
Faster I (1.05)
Plant Analysis I (1.05)
Mana Strike (0.5)
Mana Shell (0.1)
Point Strike (0.8)
Suppress Presence (0.8)
Muffle (0.7)
Spell Cancel (0.1)
Aqua Stream (0.1)
Magic Dash (0.2)
Spell Chant (0.1)
Material Analysis (0.5)
Mana Drain (0.1)
Alert (0.2)
Fire Resistance (0.1)
Charisma (0.2)
Spiritual Awareness (0.6)
Mana Vision (0.5)
Stronger (0.1)

It took him a while to make his choice as honestly Stronger seemed like a good choice due to the elimination of his his dependency on Mana. Ultimately he didn't choose it though due the situation with his travelling partner and the fact that there were ways to get it without spending points.

"5 points into Mana Vision, 2 into Point Strike and 3 into Muffle." "I hope I'm right about Mana Vision letting me see Jason." As soon as he was done allocating his skill points he used Monster Analysis II in case the beetle was somehow inedible. If it wasn't Danny would start looking for the sharpest rock he could find. As soon as he had he looked for a harder rock so he could sharpen it even more. Once he believed the rock was sharp enough or he couldn't a rock to sharpen it in he began carefully separating the beetle's meat from it's exoskeleton using Lesser Force II for anything his hands or the rock were too big for.

@Zeroth So I'm guessing that due to the different starting point the newbies will be different monsters than us, right?
We're pretty much capped up right now, but if the RP goes far enough I intend on having other Ranger squads too, and I can reach out to you then if you'd like!

If that happens could you send a message my way too?
Satisfied to know that the slime probably didn't have any diseases and the tree would keep most hunting monsters away, Danny slept more peacefully than he had expected to outside the cave. For some reason though he dreamt about armored mice boarding up a disused mouse-hole to keep the cat from getting in.

When he woke up the first thing he noticed was how hungry he was, the second was the noise of something digging around. He dismissed it as his imagination since the Kao Tree was supposed to keep monsters away, until he remembered it only worked on some predators and that even herbivores back on Earth were still dangerous.

Danny peeked outside, careful not to step in the Slime's corpse and saw a black beetle. Instead of straight up attacking he analyzed it first but prepared a Mana Orb II in case it didn't have any resistance to magic and wasn't likely to explode, after all he might be able to make something from its exoskeleton and he had no idea if Jason had any plans to attack it.

Yeah I figured I was too late, oh well still worth a shot

Unfortunately for Rick his plan to find Arrowcaster and hopefully stop the fight before it even started was ruined by one simple factor, he didn't know the HQ well enough to find his way. His running speed would have helped make up for his lack of navigation if it wasn't for the fact that this was the third time he ended up in the hallway to the kitchen.

Due to bad timing he missed Neoh leaving though the lack of any sounds associated with a fight at least told him that he hadn't totally failed yet. If it wasn't for the risk of someone getting seriously hurt without good reason he would have given up. Instead he only stopped to catch his breath before taking of again.

Eventually he found himself in a part of the HQ he didn't know and on the right path to the War Room even if only was because it was just about the hallway he hadn't been yet. He opened the door and after staring in awe at the acrobatic girl fighting the robot gorilla's for just a bit too long looked across the room for Arrowcaster.
Might be interesting
If there is still room I'm definitively interested

Rick agreed with the baker that the kid with guns was strange, but it wasn't like no one else in their group used potentially lethal weapons. When the baker somehow summoned a sword out of nowhere no doubt to show off that the newcomer wasn't the only one with weapons he felt he was being hypocritical. Sure, swords didn't have the range of guns but they were just as deadly, especially if you could sneak them in where ever you went. He hoped that that it wasn't intended to be hostile but it could be easily taken that way, and it was better to be safe than sorry the comment about an audition made him even more worried that it was a challenge. He would have to ask later how that happened though, as the tech or whatever might be useful for quickly summoning costumes and gadgets as well as weapons.

Before he could say anything another newcomer entered the kitchen and also didn't seem to happy with the guns though this guy at least stayed quiet about it. " All right, no need to attack him immediately after all it not like your sword can't kill someone. I will just run over and get Arrowcaster and he can sort this out."

Without waiting for a reaction Rick rushed out the kitchen and still somewhat unfamiliar with the base almost run into a wall. His reflexes allowed him to stop just in time and he resumed his trek to where he thought he could find Arrowcaster, running noticeably slower than when he stormed out of the kitchen.
It took Danny a moment to realize that he had caught a Slime. He was surprised by how heavy it was but not so much by how hard it was to hold, they were after all very liquid like. Just as he was about to throw it away from him the Slime started having a seizure of some kind. "I wonder if it's sick or something, oh well should be easy enough to find out ."

He used Monster Analysis II and assuming he found out about Jason draining it also used Magic Analysis I hoping to learn more about mana drain.

The weight and struggling of the Slime became too much and Danny had to dump it on the ground as he felt his arms beginning to give out. When the Slime finally stopped moving Danny prepared to climb into the tree hole when he realized the corpse might attract scavengers or something, not wanting to deal with any monsters during the night he lifted the limp body and carried it with him. Once inside before drifting of to sleep he used Plant Analysis I on the tree from the inside

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