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Hey there, I'm interested in:
Football Player/Cheerleader
School Mascot/Cheerleader
Cosplay Cafe
Cosplay Cafe
and Babysitter/Father

I'm more than fine with the rp being furry or not depending on your mood
In Rhyme Time 5 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum

Rick still hadn't decided whether he would live on the headquarters or with his parents. They knew about his heroics, even before Arrowcaster found him, after all he had no doubt they would put two and two together and figure out he was Roach Boy eventually and this way there would be no hurt feelings due to secrecy. They weren't too happy about the whole thing but also agreed it was probably one of the best ways for him to use his powers. On the other hand they were pretty okay with Rick's decision to join Arrowcaster's team especially after John explained why he formed it.

Not knowing what else to do he was simply exploring the base. Despite the fact labs still made a him a little uncomfortable he made sure to inspect what the Techno-Sapiens had in that aspect since he might have to use at one point. From what he could tell it was an impressive setup but that really shouldn't be a surprise.

However he was done there and after wandering aimlessly for a bit found himself in the kitchen. The place was honestly pretty crowded with what Arrowcaster and several of his team members as well as two robot gorilla's, for some reason,already there. Rick was about to move on when he noticed the brownies.

"I didn't know we had our own baker, best base ever!" He hoped it came across as the joke he meant it to be and didn't insult the guy who probably made the brownies judging by the fact that he was holding them. "I have to ask though what is with the gorillas?"
@Omega Man I made a minor change to Rick's CS by clarifying that he will using the DNA of different insects to increase his abilities and gain new ones

Not knowing what was going on with Jason and whatever he was dealing with had Danny distracted, but he was able to find a decent hiding spot in a tree regardless. Unfortunately he didn't check to see if the hole was empty and got jumped by a Slime.

Even after spending more than a week in this new world his reflexes were still those of a human and so his first instinct was to grab the object flying at him, even though his strength and reach were considerably less than what they used to be.

@Omega Man Could you make me an avatar of Roach boy?
Okay so it sounded like Sunny Day wasn't gonna be much help with this much rain. As Nathan tried to think of something else to help the farm he also tried to figure out how to eat the soup, his mouth being as low as it was wasn't a big deal when it came to berries and it definitely wasn't the main concern here. "Okay, how should I do this with no hands?" His question wasn't aimed at anyone in particular and he hoped someone would have an idea.

Eventually he managed to use his feet to tip the bowl just enough that he could drink out of it, but he had to be careful or else he would either spill the soup or burn himself.

After Seraph and Honey brought the blankets Nathan picked out a spot that wasn't close enough to the fireplace that he risked getting burned but also not far away enough that he would be cold. After he made sure Munchi was asleep he spoke up. "This storm might be far worse then they realize. I only know of two instances that sound like this, the first two movies. And both times the storm was likely to cause global damage."

Paul Logan

Normally Paul would have spoken up against splitting the party but Charlotte was immortal after all and would probably be fine on her own.
Alice's transformation a bit later surprised him, but after everything that happened it wasn't a huge shock. "No wonder they wanted to try her out in a rift."

Eventually the group arrived at a building without running into any trouble, though the floating jewel and noise suggested something might happen at any time. Albrecht offered to destroy the jewel, something Paul didn't agree with. "I think we should avoid messing with it for now, it might be trapped or something." At the mention of murals he took his improvised running out and compared it to them, wondering if there were any similarities that might be a clue or something

@ERode @VitaVitaAR @OwO @Raineh Daze
@Omega Man Oh I completely forgot but PS238 has a minor character called the emerald gauntlet who uses a gauntlet like a green lantern ring, I know it's just a coincidence but that reminded of your character in this rp
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