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@Rockin Strings As I said as far I can tell it sounds good. Just add in the part about it being eastern based to explain the monks and I for one think you're good
@Rockin Strings I think that at this point are mostly waiting for ooc
@Rockin Strings It works but why would monks with elemental powers be the ones to hunt the items down and not paladins or clerics?
I think this link as well as this one should help you give you some more ideas as well. As for my ideas they will no doubt need work but here they are

Ring of heat: A small silver ring with a round red stone engraved with a stylized flame set in it. Allows the user to send out hot beams of red light. Based on the Fire-ring from Captain Planet

Fan of gusts: By waving this fan around the user generates a strong gust of wind. Based on the Bansho-fan from dragonball

Terra Flail: Resembling a ball of stone attached to a silver crucifix-shaped mace handle connected by a long chain. The stone balls grows giant if the user swings it around. Based on the The Terra Sling Mace from Mystic Knights of Tir na nog

Boots of water walking: As the name suggests these waterproof boots allow the wearer to walk on water.

Gloves of stickiness: Even though those leather gloves only cover the wearer's hands the effect applies to their whole body. By wearing these gloves a person can stick to any dry non-slippery surface at any angle they desire.

Some other Items I came across by accident The Dagger of many daggers and The Lance of the restless seas
@Rockin Strings I have seen a few of the episodes of xaolin showdown and enjoyed them, seen avatar the last airbender legend of Aang in it's entirety but don't have a lot of D&D experience

You didn't answer my questions though. Will we be using the classical elements or are things like light, wood, steel and so on also allowed?
And are you interested in suggestions for items?
I have some ideas for items if you're interested in that but no desire to be co-gm
Interested. Will we be using the classical elements or are things like light, wood, steel and so on also allowed?

Name: Wohluck
Gender: Male
Species: Onu-Matoran

Description: While Wohluck would never deny the wisdom that can be learned from studying the past he doesn't believe all the answers lay there. As a result he isn't scared to try and come up with solutions on his own though they of course don't always work out.

He enjoys being active and has no interest in becoming an Archivist since he feels like a deskjob would be nothing for him. Sometimes he wishes he had a different element since the light sensitivity makes it hard to play any sports above ground and the narrow tunnels prevent him from playing them underground. In fact while Wohluck is far from claustrophobic he prefers wide open space to the tunnels his job takes him to. Despite these minor complaints he loves Onu-Crongo and has no desire to leave, though if his duty ever requires it of him he will do so without complaint.

Wohluck can be brutally honest at times and sometimes tells others what he thinks they need to hear. He is actually pretty good at dealing with criticism since he generally takes it as advice on how to improve. That said his reaction is completely different when said criticism comes from someone he doesn't respect.

Maroran - Wohluck is a compact Matoran, with a build that seems perfect for narrow tunnels. Most of his armor is black but he has a horizontal wavy purple line across his chest. His four fingered hands have a large tan circle on their backs, which can also be found on the top of his three toed feet. Every part of him not covered in armor which includes his neck, legs, and arms is grey.

Toa- Wohluck's armor is still mostly black. However his it now covers his upper arms and legs as well with a vertical orange version of the line on his Mantoran torso on his round shoulder pads. His feet have become bigger to match his new size though he lost his individual toes while his hands gained a fifth finger. His chest now has four rings on it, one for each secondary color found on Onu-Matorans.

Element: Earth

Mask: Kanohi Mopiki Mask of Adhesion (powerless)
Allows the wearer to stick to any surface at any angle as long as the surface isn't wet or slippery. This mask has an array of lenses covering one eye which allow the wearer to determine if a surface can be clung onto. Due to the lenses this mask has only one visible eye-hole on the right side with a similar shaped but smaller hole directly below it.

Occupation: Wohluck is a Lightstone miner.

One pickaxe


A single lightstone

Danny's new skill didn't act exactly as he had expected but he was sure that with enough time and practice he could refine it, that is how it had worked so far. Just when he was about to try again it seemed the meat was done and he took it down. After extinguishing the fire with an Aqua Orb he forced himself to eat the heart since he knew it was rich in iron. He still was reluctant though since it belonged to a sentient creature, on the other hand he had eaten Goblin meat before and managed to convince to dig in a lot easier this time.
After his first bite he noticed something happening to the spot where Jason said he was going to sleep and despite being reasonably certain it was his partymember Danny used Magic Analysis I, Monster Analysis II and Mana Vision I on that spot just in case it was that spirit Jason had accidentally released from his hold earlier.

After he confirmed it was indeed the undead slimemage Jason set about burying the dead Goblin while seemingly praying to someone named Onogoro and Danny took the time to finish eating the heart and meditate. When the Goblin was buried Jason suggested they get a move on to avoid having to deal with more Goblins something Danny fully agreed with. "Yeah, good idea. I have some meat for you if you want it though." He held up the skewer with the non heart meat on it and started levitating so he didn't leave footprints for any Goblins to follow.He made sure not use his Faster skill since he didn't want to lose Jason but still kept up the pace.

Issei honestly didn't know what to do, the papers on the breakroom could be important but losing Elecmon could make things even worse. If at least one of the girls was behind him things would be a lot easier as they could split up. His two Digimon wouldn't be much help here either, there was no way they could fit in the vents and sending them to collect the papers would likely ruin them since the canine Digimon would no doubt have to try and pick the documents with their mouths.

He quickly decided to keep going after Elecmon and hope at least one of the girls would come up after him or he got a chance to come back. Before continuing he tried writing a message in any present dust and grime. "Check out room, could be important." That done he moved forward as fast as he could while still hopefully quiet enough not to reveal his presence to his prey.
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