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Danny was happy to finally get Fireball, now he just needed an Earth Elemental and he would have at least one spell related to all the elements he knew for a fact had spells associated to them. Not that he was gonna quit here, since if three if the classical elements could be controlled Air would likely be the same. That said he knew full well that he wasn't in any position to spend hours training skills, though the different parameters for Fireball were interesting and he would have to mention it to Jason later.

For now though since he had already formed an incomplete Fireball by pulling energy or whatever from the fire to his Mana Orb Danny decided to at least use it before he started cooking. Seeing the failed fireballs burst earlier gave him an idea for something that could eventually become an area of effect spell.

He "threw" the red fireball in the direction with the least amount of plants, and after it moved a few feet tried to use Lesser Force III from the inside to force the mana to the outside in as many directions as possible. If he saw any sign of it causing a fire he would use Aqua Sphere to put it out.

Done with his skill training Danny took out the Flak beetle mandible and used it in an attempt to cut the Goblin's chest open. If he succeeded he would then use the Sharp Stone to cut out his heart since he was sure it contained a lot of iron. That done he would then use the stone get as much meat from the chest as possible before impaling it all on the Curved Stick. With the help of the two Forked Sticks he placed it over the fire, occasionally rotating it around so the meat wouldn't burn. "System, show level and experience."

Current Status:
You are Hungry.
Your thirst is Quenched.
You are Somewhat Tired.
Your HP is around half.
Your MP is Full.
Your Stamina is getting lower.
You are Fine.

You used Plant Analysis I! You used Magic Analysis I!
---Kilm Tea---
Made from mixing Kilm Blossoms with regular water, this tea inherits pain killing and anti-inflammatory properties from the plant. This particular dose wasn't made with any particular skill and hasn't been heated, so it's rather thick and has a very bitter flavor.

That system info was useful though Danny didn't really know what he could do about his stamina besides try and eat something and for that he needed a fire. Speaking of fires he really wished he had boiled the tea Jason give him first but what done is done. He repeated his process of creating a fireball, including the chanting. He wasn't expecting a different result but he had an idea and having a bigger fire would make things easier.

As he expected the red colored mana orb exploded again and hoping that the "campfire" was big enough Danny started the second stage of learning fireball. The poltergeist wanted to copy the method he used to gain Aqua Sphere a while back and formed another Mana Orb in his hand. Carefully aiming at the strongest embers he fired it toward the burning wood hoping to infuse it with fire.

If that didn't work he would first Meditate before recharging the Source Crystal with as much mana as he could get into it before. Afterwards he would make another incomplete fireball and ignite the wood a third time. Using the Crystal over one eye and Mana Vision I in the other he would study any fire mana in the embers and with the help of Lesser Force III try to drag a few of them over towards him as he formed yet another Mana Orb.
The girls were right, going after that Elecmon was probably smart. Still Issei wasn't sure why he had to go, but now wasn't the time to argue about that. As he made his way to the rope black panties girl summoned her Digimon to help deal with what ever opposition was coming and he briefly wondered if he should leave behind one of his Garurumon just in case. He quickly decided against it as he didn't know what to expect himself. "Okay Reg, Shadow I might run into some trouble myself. Be ready to materialize when I say the word Thor" "All right, I'm in the mood for a good fight boss". " Just be careful."

With his preparations done Issei began climbing the rope, in pursuit of Elecmon. Despite the risk he took of enemies coming after him he didn't pull the rope up in case the girls needed a quick getaway. "I'm leaving the rope down just in case, good luck!"
Danny didn't find as much firewood as he had hoped but would probably be enough. After putting the forked and curved sticks away he created a Mana Orb, rather than just making a standard one he tried at first to limit the MP he used before going for a normal one. He didn't immediately throw it at the pile of wood and sticks but tried to remember what his magic analysis told about Fireball. Before he could get very far though Jason returned and pressed something against his back.

Danny briefly winced but the pain quickly decreased and the poltergeist also noticed how stressed he had been because he finally released some previously unnoticed tension in his shoulders. Just as he felt much better the Goblin got up and ran away, escaping. He briefly wondered if they should go after it, to prevent it coming back with reinforcements but Jason offered him a drink of some kind. Before trying it out Danny used both Plant and Magic Analysis on the strange liquid since he was curious. Afterwards he was asked something about contacting the system. If that was possible that would provide a lot of info. "Ehm okay, will do." "System, current status please."

As he waited for any kind of reply Jason told him that he was going to sleep. "Okay, but we'd better not stay here too long. I have no desire to get ambushed by another ten or so Goblins." As soon as the Ecto-slime disappeared underground Danny meditated to get his Mana back to full.

When his MP was fully recovered he went back to fire ball training. He reformed the Mana Orb. As he was doing so he remembered the chant he had prepared in case he would ever learn fireball, even if it would probably change over time like the one for Mana Arrow and wondered if it might help. Before he started chanting though he decided it would probably be wise to make sure he didn't burn himself assuming that was possible. That way he could test the basics for another skill. Using Lesser Force III he tried to keep the Orb in place as he pulled his hand away from it. Assuming that worked he concentrated on the feeling of sitting next to a campfire roasting weenies in the summer, the heat of the fire, the light of the flames and the smell of the roasting meat and tried to focus it on or into the Mana Orb. "Raising the heat of the flames, so that I can burn the target of this attack to cinders.Ignite, Fireball!"

Nathan was surprised at how cleaned out the forest was, as they didn't find any food for an hour. He didn't want to be a burden on the farm too much and resolved to find if he could survive on just the moisture from a tree. He quickly realized one major problem with his plan, he had no idea on how to climb a tree without hands.

Just as he was trying to resolve that issue Jerri found some carrots underground while Celina got a few of the tree flowers. He was just about to suggest that they would have to go even deeper when the barking became audible. Nathan didn't exactly agree with Honey about going somewhere else since the others might have food, but approaching them would probably result in a fight and might their food stolen or something. His first though was to go in the exact opposite direction the barks were coming from but he changed his mind, if the Pokémon were deliberately revealing themselves by barking that would be the obvious and expected tactic and thus most likely a trap. Instead he changed his direction to move more parallel to the direction of the sound. " I say we go this way. Someone with hands use a branch or something to wipe out our tracks, no point in letting them know where we're going." He trusted that the rain would wash away their scents pretty quickly but wasn't too confident on it making footprints disappear.

@The World@Hammerman@Pyromania99

Issei was still trying to come up with something to say to Elecmon in an attempt to calm him down, even as the brunette insulted him. However he realized it was completely hopeless the second black panties girl revealed they were with jormungundr. Issei knew that even if Elecmon didn't believe her the Digimon would still be even more suspicious of them, and no amount of bullshitting would change that.

Hoping that the girls would at least have a plan to prevent Elecmon from raising an alert using his terminal, he prepared to deal with another possibility. He tried to position himself in front of the dooropening out of the room without being noticed. After all if there was some kinda silent alarm or if Elecmon tried to slip away leaving the door unguarded just made things even more difficult for the three of them.
Danny was disappointed that the Goblin didn't have any healing items but he set everything he had gotten apart to decide what he would keep and what he would leave behind. While keeping an eye on the unconscious monster he began collecting dead branches and such. He wanted to start a minor campfire, both to hopefully keep animal like monsters away until Jason and to cook some of the Goblin meat. He didn't look forward to eating it but he didn't know if healing herb helped regain lost blood and if they didn't he would need to eat to speed that up.

When the spear Goblin moved the poltergeist was glad he had remembered an eye on him, even if he would probably have heard the groan anyway. He grabbed his curved stick tighter and turned around so he was fully looking at his opponent. Despite knowing it would easier and much safer to kill him before he came too Danny still couldn't bring himself to do it. He positioned himself so that he was between the Goblin and the weapons he had put away earlier. If he saw any sign of aggression or if it looked like the Goblin was gonna head for the weapons he would end the fight. If he had enough mana left he would go for a mana orb otherwise he would try to bash his skull in with help from Lesser Force III and Point Strike like he did with the other Goblin just with the wooden curved stick rather than the cudgel.

@The Bork Lazer Never seen a Wallmart before in my life, but interested
@The World@Hammerman@Pyromania99

Upon seeing what was happening to the stuck up girl talking to him in the cathedral Issei was happy he wasn't in her group, though he was a lot less happy when one of his partners clearly started planning to attack the singer. "I agree, let's teach that singer a lesson". Knowing that Shadow was only interested in a fight he ignored the Shadowgarurumon for the moment. Instead he decided to focus on calming the girl down before she would do something stupid. After thinking it over for a few seconds he decided on what to say and hoped it would work. "Ca...Listen she might actually be the bad guy we were sent to deal with but if we rush out not only will we be no match for that Arukenimon people will see us the bad guys disturbing the concert."

He hoped that she would see that much reason or if not that the black panties would back up his attempts to keep her from doing something stupid, even though it looked she didn't really care Elecmon either. In fact since she was probably understandably mad at the Digimon Issei was glad that he didn't reveal he had accidentally seen her underwear as well.
@layers How would you handle that one soul two bodies things, randomly transforming into one form, a hive mind, or both bodies existing and the consciousness switching between them?
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