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@Travesty Interesting concept
@Polymorpheus What races are open for our characters? And in the case of monsters will it be an evolution/transformation based isekai?
Once, there was a man. He lived in a land far away. Alone, he spent his days chopping wood and whittling small wooden people. One day he decided to whittle a different kind of toy. But then the ATF came. And shortly after, the Fire Nation attacked. Determined to end the war the man resorted to black magic to turn his figures into real life wooden soldiers. Unfortunately, a fighting force made out of wood was hardly effective against an army of pyrokinetics. The army caught on fire, panicked, and ran off into a forest causing a forest fire.

The fire spread far and unnaturally quickly, consuming most of the continent in a hellish blaze. Ravaged by guilt, the man fled into the mountains. On the plus side with so many natural resources lost the Fire Nation no longer saw any reason to conquer the kingdom.
A fire proof scabbard
A hungry man-eating dragon
Since Danny didn't have a better idea he decided to follow Jason's suggestion, however he did make a slight edit. He put all of his weapons down within range of Lesser Force and hoped that the figure would be unable to see them. He knew that that it was dangerous but he figured that with the distance between them and Jason stunning the figure if they were hostile he would have plenty of time to recollect them.

That done he put his hands up and slowly but not extremely quietly walked forwards. "Excuse me! This is probably a strange question but do you have a map my friend and I could look at?"

Danny was impressed by how well the wall was made, given that it was all done by hand. The strange bricks also stood out to him, something helped by his new Material Analysis. He briefly wondered if learning two new skills gave him experience but having just leveled up he didn't even how much he had before getting them. It also wasn't that important at the moment. Besides he had to help Jason find vines for his improvised grappling hook, which they did surprisingly fast given how dark it was.

After they made their way over the wall some humanoid figure left the farm and began swinging an axe around. Wishing he had some kinda nightvision Danny tried to inspect the figure better, before realizing his analyse skills should prove helpful. He used both Monster Analysis III to learn more about the figure and his new Material Analysis I to hopefully get at least some info on its weapon, all the while wondering if he and Jason should just reveal themselves or stay hidden for now. Both options had downsides by revealing them they might startle someone who at least had some combat skill but remaining would make it harder to convince them that they were peaceful if Jason and he were spotted.

Once, there was a man. He lived in a land far away. Alone, he spent his days chopping wood and whittling small wooden people. One day he decided to whittle a different kind of toy. But then the ATF came. And shortly after, the Fire Nation attacked. Determined to end the war the man resorted to black magic to turn his figures into real life wooden soldiers.
When he got closer to the armor Leon quickly realized that he had absolutely no idea how it worked. Despite that though he could still tell it was well made and no doubt quite powerful, the same thing applied to the dwarf's metal limbs and the glowing energy source inserted into the woman's body which he figured was some kind of kind of magic container. He had no intention of admitting it but he would have loved to discus enchantments with both of them as they could easily teach him or two.

"Human ally, could you help the lady onto her Golem? I should have it turned over quite soon but they will have need of me in the battle I think shortly after." Leon knew the dwarf was right and that helping the woman into the armor was the best way for him to help at the moment but he still didn't like the idea of having to lift something as heavy as another human. "Fine."

Before he even got the chance to try and lift her though he smelled smoke and a quick inspection of the room revealed the fire. Whoever started that clearly was an idiot, since there was a good chance they would suffocate on the smoke given the lack of doors and windows. "For crying out loud. I'll deal with the flames in a second, so don't worry about them!"
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