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Leon had no idea where he was or how he got there and wondered if any of the others knew. Most of the others looked unusual but the half metal dwarf and the woman seemingly wearing leafs took the cake, along with the spider monster of course. He had never heard of anything like it but figured it had to have been created by either a single incredibly powerful magic user or a group of them working together.

Before he could even react Leon as well as most of the others were knocked by the spider monster with a woman in armor being the first to recover and going on the offensive with the leaf wearer casting some spell not long after. Just as he thought that they might be able to deal with the spider monster without much trouble he noticed the one legged woman crawling to a suit of armor on the other side of the room. Luckily for her the dwarf spotted her as well and seemed smart enough to realize her armor was most likely pretty powerful as he seemed to focus on helping her out.

While he was distracted by that yet another fighter had gone after the spider and Leon wondered what he should do, neither of the present options appealed to him. Eventually though he decided that despite the labor that would no doubt be involved helping the legless woman out would at least let him see her capabilities while keeping his own hidden in case any of the strangers decided to attack him.

Hugging the wall and staying as far away from the fight he ran across the room towards the dwarf and the empty suit of armor. "Hang on, I'll help as well!"
I'll get a post up tomorrow
@Randomness Yeah its attached to the charm, but I never considered it might be breaking the no summoning rule so thanks.

As for enchanting other people's stuff that is why I included both the limited magic and the relation between material/ form, cause if he just enchant whatever it would make no sense not to use his magic on just about every weapon and armor given their situation. The red blade though sounds like it would be perfect for a flame enchantment but with it being linked to Saria's blood it probably wouldn't be smart to try.
Danny had admit that what Jason said made some sense but he still wasn't happy about it"You're right, we should at least try to warn them but let's do our best to avoid combat and not to kill anyone even if they do attack us. On an unrelated note how did you get you mana sense anyway?" He really hoped things would work out, he didn't like the thought of having to harm humans especially if they were civilians. On the other hand doing nothing would no doubt result in the entire family being slaughtered by the Goblins.

Could be interesting
@Rockin Strings What info do you want us to put in the cs? Also it might be a good idea t put a link in the interest check
After they had slowed down a bit and he didn't have to worry so much about where he was going Danny felt it was a good time to tell Jason what he had learned. "Hey Jason I got a system message about chanting and apparently by using different chants you can multiply spells or change their direction or speed among other things. Also you might want to focusing your mana into your eyes, I got mana vision that way and I think it lets me see mana particles or something. Either way it really helped me in learning fireball."

Having said he decided it was time to spend his skillpoints. It was honestly rather tempting to just put them all into Fireball and leveling that but he was sure he would be able to do that with practice. The same thing applied to Spell Chant,Suppress Presence, Material Analysis, Stronger, and Mana Strike, though he was curious what that one actually did. "System describe mana strike."
Anyway he wasn't going to put points into those skills.

He spent quite some time thinking about it since Smash was tempting as it sounded like a physical skill but it would cost most of his points and there were some others he wanted as well. Eventually he made up his mind around the same time the reached some stone wall that Jason offered to phase through and attach an improvised grappling hook to for him. "Are you sure it's a good idea to do this? We might be mistaken for attackers, especially since it's almost dark. System put four points in mana drain and one in Aqua Stream." That done he tried to unlock Material Analysis by carefully inspecting the wall.

@Rockin Strings As I said works for me
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