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Not sure if I'll join but I'm going to keep an eye on this
Danny was glad the human wasn't subtle about his intentions to attack using the ax and while he wished he had kept some of his equipment on him he doubted the flak pauldron would have made any difference. Instead he went for a trick he had used before and tried to deflect the ax as much as possible with Lesser Force while at the same time Levitating backwards as an extra assurance.

He still didn't feel uncomfortable attacking humans but he had to do something. Trusting Jason to distract the boy he decided to try and take the ax out of the equitation. Floating slightly away from his stashed gear since he doubted that would improve the human's opinion he started to prepare a Mana Dart while Chanting. He didn't dare go for a full chant though and hoped a short one would be enough of a boost. ""Mana Dart-- Increased Power!"" Before he sent it flying he used Point Strike on the ax handle to make it more likely he would hit it.

@Xaltwind Since I don't know too much about WOW or D&D I was planning on using the D&D version as a base but giving it my own tweaks here and there
@ZEDDOILO While I don't need to learn the Dutch names for the zodiac I'm at least willing to check this out
@Sage Orion 0312 I don't really know about tarot cards but cliques and rival groups make sense to me. Maybe make the characters a mix of supernatural beings and humans with special abilities
@Xaltwind Interesting, would a warlock planning on studying the newcomer's magic in order to become powerful enough to break the contract with his patreon without losing his abilities be okay?
I'm in the same situation as Reia, but definitely interested
"You might have a point, I'm gonna try it." Danny didn't even try to hide the fact he was uncomfortable but what Jason said did make some sense. Hoping the kid would believe him, even with the Poltergeists' reputation as prankster he started speaking aloud.

"Also we were tracking some Goblins and noticed them gearing up for a raid and thought we should warn you. I had hoped to win your trust before revealing myself since my species apparently loves to pull pranks." As soon as he had said all that Danny slowly walked out of the shadows, hands still up in the air and hoping he was blocking the human's view of the equipment lying behind him.

This was bad, Danny didn't expect humans to like him but this was more way aggressive than he had feared. Part of him wished he had kept his armor on, but that would probably have resulted in him being attacked immediately and he doubted that wearing it would have made a difference of any kind if he was honest. At least Jason's intangibility. might come in useful here. He did his best to use the telepathic connection the Slime had formed with him to inform him of his plan.

"Okay, I don't think there is any way we can beat him, whether there are other humans in the farm or not. So try to sneak around the place and draw his attention so I can escape with the gear." He felt more than a little guilty to ask that of Jason, but unlike him the Slime had a simple way to avoid combat "Or do you have a different idea? Cause I'm open for suggestions."

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