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When Will got the invitation to join Lightspeed Rescue he at first thought it was a mistake, after all he wasn't in active duty anymore. However when he started the process of refusing the offer he came across the name Daniel Bailey, an old friend of his father, which explained why he was asked and made him reconsider. Eventually he decided to accept the offer and quit his job as an airline pilot.

Knowing that he would be no doubt getting into "fistfights" Will worked out a training regime to get him into shape and to brush up on his somewhat rusty fighting skills. Naturally he didn't get too far before it was time to meet the other rangers and his new superior officer, but it was better then nothing.

Eventually the big day arrived and Will, dressed in an army green jacket, white shirt and blue jeans was picked up by two men in suits and brought to the bay the city was named for. Honestly he thought it was rather strange that the Base was built underwater but he figured there had be at least one reason for it. Before long the other recruits for Lightspeed Rescue arrived and a submarine brought them to the Aqua Base. Deciding to use his time at least somewhat productively while also enjoying the view he decided to introduce himself to his future team mates "The name is Will Griffin, and I'm the new Green Ranger."

As expected they arrived at the Base pretty fast, but the following health check up while reasonable was a surprise to Will. Still before long they were all sent off to meet with Cooper. The captain gave a quick speech about the dangers they would face if the accepted the job and what Will believed a customary last chance to back out, not that he thought anyone would take it. After waiting a few seconds for anyone to say something and expecting the red Ranger to go first he spoke up. "I made up my mind a while back and even if I only got the job due to family connections I'm not backing out." Sure he could have kept his connections a secret but he believed that it was for the best if he was open about it instead of risking a reveal at the worst moment.
Are we only going with canon zords? Cause if not I found some interesting stuff on the web, namely a toy exclusive Titanium zord,six recolored and edited transformers, with a combined form and a railrescue/max solarzord combi
Danny took this time to think of what to say to the Goblin, she had some good points after all. "Yeah he isn't the nicest person around but it did sound like he only attacked to protect his ..friends." He would have guessed Geir was defending his family but he decided to go along with what she said. "As to how I got across the wall I can float like most "glowballs" or poltergeists but I used a rope so the wall is still in one piece. We didn't yell or knock because we weren't sure you'd hear before we were over the wall and once we were in ... the meanie attacked us when we showed ourselves." That wasn't 100 percent true, since Danny took the time to hide his gear first but he figured that it would be easier to explain that to someone a bit older. "Yeah you did find me here but you can see I didn't hurt the "chicken", can't you?"

Honestly Danny was really relieved the bird survived what he assumed was Jason draining it's mana which was why he pointed out it was alive. "Yeah its just the two of us though so I guess he is hiding somewhere else. And no he isn't a glowball but a Slime. I did see a pink glowball though, but that was a few days ago and it was the only pink one I saw."

@vancexentan I added a bit to the bio, is it an acceptable level or do I have to add more?
@vancexentan Will work on that tomorrow. Is it okay if I claim he either has family working at Aqua Base or at least a friend of the family?
Will this include the Megabattle Armors/(Mighty) Mega Battles and if so the toy only versions for the Yellow, Pink and Titanium Rangers? There is one for Red as well, but he already has that bike Battlizer.
I will work on my cs tomorrow
Turned out that Danny was right, the Goblin was another Reincarnate, good thing he didn't attack her. The fact that his health hadn't gone up was less good but at least he had stopped the bleeding and when the "chicken" turned out to be alive he was relieved even more, that would make any negations easier. His relief didn't last long when he heard a voice yelling for Miiba, presumably the Goblin and he visibly tensed up when Geir was also saying something before shutting up. He wondered if it would be smarter to stay quiet and let Miiba answer or to yell something back. Eventually he decided that if he wanted to win the humans' trust he would have to show he was worthy of it and despite the fact that a strange voice would probably set them on edge responded. "The Goblin and I are at the animal pens!" He made sure not to mention Jason just in case a fight did break out, not that he thought the two of them stood a chance.

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