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@vancexentan I'm still in
@vancexentan Gotcha, in that case how much time has passed since the invasion at the end of in space?
@vancexentan Thanks also how long after canon lightspeed will this take place?
@vancexentanCan I claim Green?

While Danny's attempt at healing himself didn't go as well as he had hoped, by stopping his bleeding he had done better then he expected. Curious he decided to see how he was doing health and mana wise. "System display Health and MP". Before he got an answer he noticed the "chicken"dropping dead for seemingly no reason, instantly figuring Jason had to be responsible and hoping that wouldn't bite them in the ass.

As he was trying to go over the possible ramifications he spotted a Goblin walking up to the coup. He got ready to fight, thinking it was a scout for the attack. However the things it said as well as the tone of it's voice made him reconsider, especially since he believed the human they fought said something about a Goblin. Curious he decided to use Monster Analysis III and play along in case it did turn out to be a Reincarnate.

Believing the goblin to be a child whether or not it could be trusted Danny decided to talk to it the way he would to any child, with simple words and a calm tone of voice. "He started it, you know? My friend and I came here to warn you about a Goblin attack and he almost hit me with his ax.

I can definitely see that being the case. I know I was making a few sopor pies for the 13th this year. WINK WINK NANCY REAGAN

Also, the end of the original is only more disappointing the longer you put it off.

Oh I already know about the ending thanks to tv tropes and never cared about spoilers anyway.
People still do homestuck rps?

Personally I think it is in part due to the quarantine leading people to try and think of things to do and the fact that 4/13 wasn't that long ago

Homestuck will always own a part of me, even if it's not even really that good anymore. If you need a co-GM I'd be happy to help you plot stuff out, and judging as you said you have no ideas I could give you the general rundowns of RPs I've been in before.

EDIT: And you know what, if this doesn't get off the ground, I might just do something Homestuck (or at least bumming off of it) considering how much interest has been shown.

Oh yeah despite returning to Homestuck multiple times I've never actually finished it, last time I made it to the squaredsprites before getting burned out
I was in a homestuck rp on another site a few weeks ago that didn't go far but if this becomes an actual rp you have my interest
Level 8
EXP: 20%

Damn, not nearly as close as I thought it was." That system message plus the fact that the strongest amount of mana was in the farm were both pretty bad but at least the "chicken" couldn't reach him. As concerned as Danny was about Jason he did his best to put his friend out of his mind and focus on regaining mana.

When he was done meditating and he felt from his injuries getting closer Danny decided that he would have to experiment. With how little health he had he would be of no help to Jason and while he wouldn't technically die becoming undead would rob him of most of skills.

He activated Mana Vision again and looked at himself, as much as he could. Keeping an aye on the mana particles, he tried to send them to his chest while thinking of both how he saw pixies heal other and how it felt when he had eaten those herbs. He didn't expect to instantly heal himself back to full health but any bit he could recover would be something.

Your HP is below 25%.
Your MP is just above 50%.

Danny was worse off then he thought but at least he knew he could contact the system with just his thoughts. System, how close am I to my next level up?" Things took a turn for the worse for him when he arrived at the pens and quickly drew the attention of what seemed to be an oddly aggressive type of chicken.

His first idea was to fight the animal off but with both his health and mana that low doing so felt stupid, plus it might ruin any chance of a peaceful negation with any other humans living on the farm. So with that in mind he went with plan B. Using his Levitation skill he floated up out of the bird's reach and onto the roof of the pen.

Relaxing as much as he could in his situation and hoping the "chicken' couldn't follow him up he activated Mana Vision and tried the spot on the roof with the most Mana Particles, planning to Meditate there in hopes his MP would recover faster than normal.

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