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In Deify 4 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
God of the night
Not worth conquering.
Exactly seven years ago to the day I heard I needed chemo, the reason I remember it so exactly is that it is also two days before my birthday
This could be interesting
Could be interesting
Pity you seem already to be filled up, I recall seeing a few playtests of epithet erased a few years back on twitch ( or at least something like it) and despite not having a lot of table top experience would have been interested. Not that I think I would have been able to do the tabletop version anyway due to time zone difference and lack of webcam/microphone for my pc
Danny was glad he told the girl to use the source crystal and took the opportunity to use Monster Analysis III on her as she analyzed him. Geir on the other hand was his distrusting self and lifted Miiba in the air demanding she tel him how she knew Jason and Danny. "You told me Miiba's name, I just remembered it. And even if that wasn't the case she refers to herself by name."

More valuable than what the spell told him about her was her reaction to his number of skills. 20 was apparently insanely high. "Might have to look for a way to hide some skills in case I want to pass as a normal monster." It seemed that his number of skills combined with his level was enough to make the farmhand rethink attacking them if ever so slightly.

"Yeah I led a pretty shitty life, though maybe not the way you meant. I ended up killing myself because a disease that I was cured of, with medicine that made me almost as sick as the disease itself, came back, in a way that would kill me anyway." Even Danny was surprised at how bitter he sounded saying that.

"Anyway the world I came from didn't have magic or monsters, if it had Gods they have been extremely hand off long enough that no one is sure they exist. Science and technology is much more advanced than on this world as far as I can tell." He wondered if he should go into further detail but either way had no plans to tell the tow humans the one summoning them called himself the Demon King.

Could be interesting
Of the two humans the girl seemed the more reasonable but it was clear that she didn't trust Danny at all and Miiba only slightly more. Her questions were reasonable but he wasn't sure if he should give away Jason's location. When the girl pulled out a sour crystal shard though Danny knew his friend was likely to be found anyway.

Still he did his best to stay calm and answer as much of her questions as he could without giving the wrong impression. "While my friend and I did sneak over the wall we didn't attack anyone. In fact your friend went on the attack the second we revealed ourselves and told him what we knew about an upcoming goblin attack He was getting angry just thinking about it but he took a deep breath.

"That said he clearly wants to protect everyone else living here and we did look suspicious. During the fight I mainly dodged his attacks, threw sand in his face and dealt with the ax he used thanks to point strike but I never actually hurt him, Jason might drained some of his mana but overall Geir should have a lot of health for someone attacked by two monsters. If you don't believe me try analyzing him with that source crystal, or analyze me it should say there is something unusual about me because like Miiba over there I'm reincarnated." Danny really hoped they knew the truth about the Goblin girl but he couldn't imagine any other reason they would allow her to stay around.

"As to where Jason is I don't know, he told me to run here and probably drained mana from that bird over there but I haven't seen him since."

Really hoping this doesn't die
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