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@Duthguy Box weapons will be a thing but in a different form and not at the start. You and @NeverEnding mentioned that you watched the anime, right? I assume you haven't read the last to arcs of the manga then?

I read the manga to the end at some point but that was a while back, and I don't know how much I remember. I am aware of the truth of the trinisette and know about the other Flames as well as the real reason the Vongola ended up straying from Primo's vision
@Vongola_Hasayo What is the status of box weapons in this rp?
Hmm not my usual cup of tea but might be fun
In Deify 4 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
Goddess of vampire hunters
@Vongola_Hasayo Also interested but I'm in the same boat as @NeverEnding
Judging by Gier's reaction Danny hadn't been precise enough in describing his old world for the farmhand's liking. Luckily for his continued survival Miiba seemingly had enough of the guy and distracted him for a few seconds. As the little Goblin ran off she smacked into something and despite how he felt about Goblins in general and his odds of surviving a second fight against Danny prepared himself to defend her.

Before he could do anything though a third human showed up demanding to know what was going on. The immature poltergeist took the time to use Monster Analysis III on both the newcomer and the odd rock, hoping that it indeed was Jason somehow.

"ALRIGHT, EVERYBODY SHADDAP AND NOBODY MOVE!" The sensation caused by the yell was somewhat familiar, if far stronger than what Danny had experienced before and Danny was somewhat relieved to see it affected Geir as well.

"You first. Yes or No. Used to be Human? Yes or No. When you were summoned here, you remember a figure with black hair and red eyes?" The first question was easy, the second one was harder since he didn't remember what the summoner looked like. Not just being alive again but coming to a new world and in a different body was a huge shock.

After thinking it over Danny decided to just tell the truth in case the human had some ability to detect lies. "Yes I used to be human, but I can't remember if the man who summoned me looked like that."

Name Haruki Kawaguchi
Age 20
Personality Haruki wants power and he doesn't care if it comes physical strength, connections, money or whatever. He doesn't just want power for the sake of power though. Having experienced what it's like to be judged for something that isn't your fault he has decided not only to never go through that again but also to own up to his mistakes. He tries not to judge people based on first impressions or flimsy evidence but still struggles with it from time to time.

History Haruki's grandfather was Chief Financial Officer for a major company. Unfortunately after his death it was found that he embezzled a lot of money, Haruki's father who had gotten a job at the same company thanks to connections was immediately fired and had to sell off most of his stuff to even start paying the company back. the family still ended up heavily in debt at the bank and both his parents worked themselves to the bone to make sure Haruki didn't get saddled with their problems.

As a result he never went to college and instead took a job after high school, eventually moving to Tokyo where he was mostly unknown and the actions of his grandfather didn't really affect his changes of getting a job. Six months after moving to Tokyo and having found a job as a mechanic and a roommate to help with the rent he started going to night school.

Unfortunately he couldn't pick a very prestigious night school or try and study for a job in business since his grandfather's actions still negatively affected some corporations in Tokyo. On the other hand as far as he was aware no one with a grudge against his family realized he moved or that he has plans to one day start his own garage if he ever gets enough money

Not too familiar with devil survivor but I played a bit of soul hackers
In Deify 4 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
Goddess of Archers
In Deify 4 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
God of White Flowers
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