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>[x] Gather Mud
I don't know if it's a trick of the light, heavy makeup or something else but I swear they're in black and white
>[x] Build Gatherer's Hut (requires: 5 Mud Bricks)
Hobgoblin Zats

Seeing how fast the rock jumped to his hand Zats figured out that he could probably use it to hit opponent from behind with it if they were in between him and whatever he used Earth Call (lesser) on. Just as he was about to try if if it even worked if something was in that position it seemed one of the other Hobgoblins noticed what he was doing. "Did you..." "How are you doing that?"

Not knowing about it being possible Zats went what he believed to be the obvious answer. "It's magic." As he switched his focus to a rock that should hit the pew if he "drew" it towards him he got another idea. One that would allow him to also learn if he could use the skill while distracted and maybe help get a new one. "If you want I could try to teach you in exchange for one of your skills"

@Darked13 @Jangel13

They're some kind of squirrel larper, I guess. Lots of weirdo's live here.
Hey Ferb, I know what we're going to do today
They're up at odd hours of the night/day and I have seen them leave through their window dressed in black. Never mentioned anything because pissing off a possible supervillain is just stupid
I'm not sure why but every time I see him I'm worried he is gonna commit genocide
<Snipped quote by Duthguy>

Stalking stance? You mean the art of just walking instead of stomping so loudly everything notices? <.<

That is totally a fair trade, and they are friends in worship!

Worship, ooh of course. It's not as if Zats while accepting the Three are powerful is agnostic as mentioned in his profile and doubtful of their status as Gods. *shifty eyes.*
@Darked13 Well zats might be willing to teach him in exchange for stalking stance, option to leant earth call (lesser) in exchange for helping Zats with one of your character's skills applies to anyone interested. And of course he can't stop anyone from watching and copying him
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