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[] Craft: Mud Brick (requires:1 Mud)
Hobgoblin Zats

While Zats didn't immediately see how this Earth call (lesser) could be useful he was sure he would think of something. For now he wanted to show of his new skill and was happy to see Arch. "Hey, I've got a new..." However it seemed Arch was more interested in reading than in talking. Zats didn't blame him and knowing how firsthand how annoying it could be to read while someone was being distracting left him alone.

As he wandered through the church he decided he could show off tot he younglings but it seemed they too were busy with something actually important, talking about making a net in their case. Before moving on he gave them his opinion on the idea. "Not a bad idea, maybe you should try adding some weights though." Honestly he was impressed with how smart the current generation seemed to be. When he was their age he didn't have nearly as much clever ideas to help him prepare for the hunt.

Having said his piece he claimed a spot close to the wall and started showing off his new skill practicing Earth Call (lesser. Figuring that a pew was more impressive than a book he choose it as his target, but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't make it move. After a few seconds he gave up and instead tried it on a fistsized piece of rock.

@Darked13@Jangel13 [@Crusader] [Lord@Rune]@Rune_Alchemist @SilverPaw @TheMushroomLord

>]Assign Worker: Crafting Brick
Hobgoblin Zats

Since he made no progress in energy sensing either as far as he could tell Zats gave up on that as well. He still had no idea if it was impossible or if he was just too distracted, one of the Goblins had briefly been rather loud, though and decided to try it again sometime while hunting.

Part of him kept saying that he should be able to manipulate some kinda outside energy and be able to use magic, but he could he manipulate something he couldn't neven sense. After thinking it over for a bit he came to the conclusion that maybe he was wrong about the outside energy.

Since he was indoors trying out a fire spell would be stupid but he alo wanted something he could show off a little given how long it had already taken him to learn even a simple spell. He looked around a bit and found a loose page lying on the ground. Getting an idea Zats focused on it and tried to make it come to him without touching it.

@Jangel13 So I'm guessing Zats had no succes with either reading or energy sensing?
>[] Craft: Mud Brick (requires:1 Mud)
>[] Gather Mud
>[] Build Hut (requires: 3 Mud Bricks)
>[x] Craft: Mud Brick (requires:1 Mud)
>[] Gather Mud

Yay, a Mae game.
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