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Okay a small explanation for everyone not involved in the previous rpg about Gina. Even then Zats was intended to be a semi loner, mostly due to some level of social awkwardness, who still cared about the tribe and his siblings. Anyway on the first or second day hunting he teamed up with Gina, a female Goblin, who turned out to love climbing trees. Gina seemed to really like Zats and the two of them hit it of in general. Before long they were the first and only couple in the rp, downside was Zats didn't get a lot of time to practice skills outside of battle. Fast forward to the church Gina somehow contacted Shirila through her shrine and revealed her desire to climb the world tree.

Shirila, weakened, because some other god or Goddes was taking her place among the humans ended up making her her high priest, and later made Zats Gina's guardian and entrusted him with the Everoak shield a magic artifact, though I can't remember what t does, despite Zats admitting he wasn't sure she was a God and only doing it for Gina's sake.

And that is how due to story progression an agnostic magic inclined loner ended up being a physical powerhouse with a shield given to him by a Goddess so he could protect his high priest girlfriend and I learned story trumps character concept. Mind you that summary probably wasn't 100 percent accurate since it was a while back and I wrote it from memory.
>[x] Make a fishing rod
<Snipped quote by Duthguy>

I knovv he is doing his best, even Arch understood. xD

Regarding Gina's stuff, I think vve should ask @Jangel13. Not sure vvho vvas her player and if they are still around

Not the best way to handle it I will admit I edited the part about in Gina later and @mentoining doesn't work in that case so I didn't make it clear that that was meant for @Jangel13
Hobgoblin Zats

Zats was about as satisfied with the explanation Arch gave him as Arch was with his explanation, but he understood that a church wasn't exactly the best place to discus moving without being noticed. He wished he could offer more advice on Earth Call (lesser) but it wasn't like the summary of the kill was a wealth of information either.

Luckily Arch asked a rather smart question, unfortunately even the first time he used it on the loose page he just willed it to come to him so it was no help. He shook his head. "Good question, but no. I even got it just by willing something light enough to come to me. Then something clicked, he had even known about it before but didn't consider it important. "You do need to be attuned to Shirali.." No that was the wrong name, what was she called again? ""The "Goddess" of Nature for it to work."

@Darked13 @Jangel13

<Snipped quote by Jangel13>

And thus I shed many tears! Since I'll be trying to copy him just now! xD (Arch's also refraining from stabbing him after the HIGHLY IN DEPTH EXPLANATION because he has nothing to stab with.)

Hey, don't blame him he has told you everything he knows about how to use the skill.

Also did everything with Gina from the last rp still happen? Cause if not I have no idea how Zats got attuned to Shirila and if it did what happened to her?
"Stop playing that music 24/7 already! I haven't slept for three days."

Are you the player unsure of how earth call works or is it just zats who is unsure. I thought I explained it rather well

Zats is. I know I can use it any small object related to the earth, though I'm not entirely sure if that includes metal or not
Yeah and it's only Tuesday. I'm looking forward to the vaccin and dreading it. On the one hand well it's the vaccin on the other I'm pretty heavily autistic ( one of the reason for me having me an adult tricycle) and I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttte needles
I'm having an interesting week. Yesterday I had to go into town with my bike despite it being extremely slippery. On the way back one of my backwheels probably hit a ramp of frozen snow. I got set flying, mostly okay just a skinned knee, as far as I can tell but the steeringwheel couldn't properly turn to the right, Still made it back safely as I only had about 100 meters to go. After the company in charge of repairing my bike was informed I hear that this Thursday my home got the vaccine administrated on site and by an actual doctor. Today woke up feeling sore all over and looking forward to feeling the same way this thursday but the bike is fixed, someone came this morning and apparently something was bent so it hit the lock, 10 minute job. So all in all could be worse could be better

Anyway have a short post
Hobgoblin Zats

Zats didn't have to think about Arch's offer, even if the skill he was about to learn wasn't one he would use it was better to have and not need it than the other way around. He once again tried to move one of the stones this time while explaining how he thought it worked."Okay, so I focus my attention on something small or light enough and just will it to come to me. No idea how or why." Hoping to avoid any questions he didn't have the answer to Zats freely admitted he was clueless as he actually did it, and hoped that his explanation was enough.

@Darked13 @Jangel13

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