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Angel Grove high? For a Power Rangers fan (if you couldn't tell) that is some nice bait you got there, interested
Honestly this was a big decision and in Dave's mind not one to be taken lightly, the pub had some promise in his eyes but would still no doubt require a lot of work to meet all their requirements. "I don't know about seeing the other properties but I think we should at least see the other two floors." He mainly just hoped they didn't come across as too enthusiastic about buying as he didn't doubt the agent would try to drive the price up in that case, it was what he would do after all.

I prefer something a bit faster but I'm willing to see this through.

At this point I'd prefer to just get a rundown on the properties but if @Jerkchicken wants to see them I'll play along

Name: Maviega Whetskin
Alignment: Good
Domain/Area of Influence: Metal
Might as well give this a try
Nothing to do
As expected Marco worded things well and Dave was pretty sure that if they did end up buying the place it wouldn't be too hard to bring the price down, though he also had little doubt the sales man would try to charge them more than the pub or any property he might be able to sell them was worth.

While the kitchen was emptied out and the mention of "goat containment" meant the real estate agent had no clue what their job was he did have a good point, it was easily accessible and there was enough room. Rather than reveal that though Dave simply nodded at the salesman's comment hoping Marco would catch his drift. The small office was a bit of a letdown even when compared to the rest of the building but once again the agent revealed he knew what he was talking about with his suggestion of knocking out a few walls. "All in all not great but I see no reason to outright reject the place."

Dave was more than a little impressed with how easily Marco convinced the real estate agent and wondered if he should let his partner do more talking in the future. As the sleazeball opened the door he made a note of the amount of force it took to open, determined to find as many bargaining chips to drive the cost down as he could.

For the most part the inside was a real letdown but Dave was pleasantly surprised to see some furniture still present, the pooltable being an especially nice bonus. He honestly wasn't sure if they needed two sets of bathrooms with just the two of them but it would at least mean there was always one toilet available and they could always repurpose one.

"Viola! I know she's a bit of a fixer upper but these building were built to last. Good bones to 'em!" He saw this a good chance to speak up. "I don't know if that is a loadbearing wall or not but we can't risk the place coming down, the containment unit is dangerous enough when empty. Remember how just turning it off wrong caused a blackout in New York? And then there is the front door, so far I think we're better off looking at something else. That said if the rest of the place is good who knows." Not sure if he should address Marco as Go-za or not but also unwilling to ignore his opinion he just faced his coworker. "What do you think?"

I should have something up before the weekend
@Dark Cloud Are you waiting on anyone?
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