Avatar of Duthguy


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>My name is Daniel Barlowe. I am 35 years old.
>I look like I don't care too much about my appearance. I'm a bit shorter than average and overweight. I keep my darkbrown hair short so I don't have to spend much time on it, but I usaully have stubble because I don't shave too often. That said my hazel colored eyes are something people notice.
>I am a physically inactive man and prefer work that can be done sitting down
>At the Academy I majored in runes
>My favourite extracurricular activity was cooking
>I have 0 gold.
>I have 5 clones.
>My goals are... [optional, you may leave this section blank]
>Fragile Bastion Gem 1/1: 20 minute charge time. A small blue diamond shaped object that fits in the palm of your hand. Spend a charge to teleport yourself to the location of another Magical Academy Alumni. That's all it does. Do not be concerned by your Bastion Gem. Disclaimer: not suitable for children under 3. Do not consume.
>My name is Daniel Barlowe. I am 35 years old.
>I look like I don't care too much about my appearance. I'm a bit shorter than average and overweight. I keep my darkbrown hair short so I don't have to spend much time on it, but I usaully have stubble because I don't shave too often. That said my hazel colored eyes are something people notice.
>I am a physically inactive man and prefer work that can be done sitting down
>At the Academy I majored in runes
>My favourite extracurricular activity was cooking
>I have 0 gold.
>I have 0 clones.
>My goals are... [optional, you may leave this section blank]
>Fragile Bastion Gem 1/1: 20 minute charge time. A small blue diamond shaped object that fits in the palm of your hand. Spend a charge to teleport yourself to the location of another Magical Academy Alumni. That's all it does. Do not be concerned by your Bastion Gem. Disclaimer: not suitable for children under 3. Do not consume.
Is this still open for newcomers?
So is it just me or is everyone waiting for a character sheet?
First Post is live! Shaman King: Darkstars

Here is the is link for anyone who wants it
Since we probably will be chosen to join this group does that mean we'll have Oversouls from the start?
In Power Play! 2 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
Reflex Reduction. Guess I can do pretty well as a martial artist
Interested, also it's surprisingly hard to find someone who has seen anime campaign
<Snipped quote by Duthguy>

This did originally start as a Power Rangers RP.

I can see it, the patrons have clearly replaced the zords.
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