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<Snipped quote by Duthguy>

Sneasel is there. :P

Yes well, you are clearly not familiar with Dutch laws or you'd know it is illegal to acknowledge Weaville in any way, shape or form here except when you explain that law. Admittedly it only stayed because when that law was made in the 1940 it seemed like it would never come up and it was too much effort to undo it
@TheNoCoKid I asked because the art used either single stage or last stage Pokémon
@TheNoCoKid Does the Unity Phenomenon only work with fully evolved Pokemon?

While the snap coming from the limb was a welcome sound Daniel ignored that for now. Once he was on the ground and activated his chosen wand he could immediately tell it wasn't the same one he used before due to the three orbs of light shooting form the tip. He hoped this meant the wand was three times stronger than the other one but the fact that wolf survived to not only let a yelp out but also glare at him angrily dashed those hopes.

The smell of the animal convinced him that this was an undead wolf and Daniel couldn't help but wonder if his wand was responsible or if the creature had been undead before being hit by the magic missile. When the cloth of his sleeve get caught in the wolfs mouth he shoved those thoughts aside to focus on the present. Still he didn't want to risk channeling more magic through the wand and he only had one other idea. While trying to free his arm he jammed the wand into one of the wolf's eyes.

@Duthguy Ben provided a great rundown and RBY followed up, but last word is that while we are drawing heavily from that series (and others- you'll soon see), we're endeavouring to make it all work sensibly in a new context; so long as you're familiar with the basic concept of Digimon, we'll catch you up on everything important through the RP itself?

I should be fine, if I thought otherwise I wouldn't have shown interest
@Duthguy I know the others already covered it, but an easy way to put it would be "Digimon, but Kamen Rider".

I actually heard it described as "Digimon but Power Rangers" paraphrased

@RBYDark I have no strong feelings one way or another towards using a Discord.


Could be fun
I'm not familiar with Digimon frontier, they only dubbed and aired adventure 1 and 2 here but I'm throwing in my interest
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