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Hi all!

Sorry guys, I got a neck/shoulder injury last Friday. That combined with some personal stuff + work totally threw me off this week

Here is hoping it's nothing serious
I'm really hoping this doesn't die
>Collectors. We were the best scavengers. We knew our way safely through the ever changing, claustrophobic corridors. We brought back more loot on our excursions and added them to our hoard. We could always find something useful among the debris, where others saw trash we saw opportunity, and we put it to good use.
Some time after he left Australia Jarrah arrived in America and headed for the land of the Patch. While he walked as much as possible because it was Gaiya's preferred way of traveling, even letting Coen take over his body during more dangerous parts he also hitchhiked. Not having a lot of money he entertained whoever gave him a ride with stories and boomerang tricks. In towns in order to buy food and such he would act as a street performer/storyteller. Sometimes he would bet that he could pull off literally impossible tricks using his Coen possessed boomerang, but never for large amounts of money.

Traveling this way Jarrah eventually arrived at the land of the Patch, slightly richer than when he arrived in America. At first he didn't know if he had met up with the right native Americans but after confirming that most of them could see his ghosts he was sure of it. He walked up to a random Patch member and explained his situation. "Could you tell me how to find the person that created the green light a while back?"
Should I wait for others to post or am I free to have Jarrah arrive at the Patch?
"Stupid leg, why can't limbs come more easily?" Just as Daniel started to wonder if he should try to pull the leg off some other way he heard something. Looking up he spotted the wolf. Never having been in a fight before he panicked and tried to turn around and run away, still holding onto the leg. As a result he fell. Coming to the conclusion that escaping wasn't an option he reached for one of his wands. Unable to remember which was the "safe" one he already tried he grabbed a random one hoping it was the one he wanted, spoiler it wasn't. Aiming the wand he fired off a "Magic Missile.

@rocketrobie2 Carl ordained to scuff the dirt. Upon the release of his burden he stood there for a long moment. Slowly, perplexed by this new development, the tiny mule turned in a circle. Then backtracked a step. Then hopped forward.

That was more then enough riveting excitement for one day. He stands still again, watching the sky languidly. Much contemplation is had.

Man, Carl is a party animal. Who'd have thought?
>Our Dungeon emerged from a heart of cold clockwork. The great and terrible machine, a continent unto itself, a walking and flying city, the last habitable place. An endless maz3 8f gizmos and gadgets with a life of it's own. Whatever purpose that created it, now concealed by it's self replicating madness. In it's many ticking corridors and rooms we gauged out our place. We grow ever outward and fight for our territory. A Clockwork Empire.
@rocketrobie2@Duthguy my assumption is that timing wise, Marcus set off soon after Daniel and - should no encounters happen on the journey- they'd be quite close to each other?

Basically - are you wanting to be in the same location or heading off to different areas?

I'm good either way, but teaming up is probably safer assuming Carl doesn't kill us the second we let our guards down
Jarrah was headed to a client with Gaiya "walking" next to him and Coen floating behind him. Suddnley the warrior ghost noticed the light of Goldva's arrow. "Tjilku, look!" While Jarrah didn't like being called "child" by his ancestor he could tell the ghost was concerned about something and looked just in time to see the green light fade away. Concerned that the light meant what he feared it did he stopped and went back home. Since his appointment was only a routine check up of the wires he didn't feel too bad about missing it but he still wrote a message claiming a family emergency as an excuse.

After he dropped the message off Jarrah left town and kept going for a fair distance to make sure he wouldn't be bothered sat down on the ground. Trusting his two ghosts to keep him safe from any dangerous animals, he began the practice of dadirri or meditation.

Having closed his eyes he listened to his surroundings without saying or doing anything to empty his mind, eventually he went into a trance and opened his spiritual senses to the world around him and spent a few hours like that. What he learned during that time wouldn't have made any sense if he didn't already know about the Darkstars since it was all symbolic, including visions of an Eagle which he interpreted as either America or the Patch and an invented night sky where everything was bright but the stars themselves were countless dark spots.

With his fears seemingly confirmed he went back home to pack for a trip to America, some part of him still hoping he was wrong. Before leaving he double checked if he had packed Coen's boomerang and that the string for Gaiya's tooth didn't show any signs of breaking.
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