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Since he had no reason to kill them, except maybe testing more wands, Daniel ignored the running deer and approached the carcass of the one he killed. Realizing that without a knife it was gonna be tough to cut the meat up, he decided to improvise. He climbed on the body to hold it down and began to try and tear one of the legs off. Of course as someone whose usual level of physical activity was walking around campus it wasn't exactly easy.
Daniel spent some time studying the prints, before guessing they were probably made by at least one deer or maybe a boar, unless there was some other hoofed creature he didn't know about living in these woods. While he was trying to think what else it could be his assumption was confirmed when he saw a family of deer.

While deer meat was both tasty and healthy he had never killed an animal before and as long as he had the Bastion Gem there was no real reason too. On the other hand the more food he had the longer he could stay out in the forest looking for anything valuable to take back and he had to try out the wands at same point anyway. Having made up his mind, he regretfully pulled out a wand and aimed it at the smallest deer of the group, sending some of his mana through it.

Joco made his own body, as well as claw jewelry the medium for his oversouls; one character even referred to it as an "advanced technique". With sufficient skill/training, I could imagine more characters doing something like it, no problem.

I was planning something more like Jarrah wearing the pelt and the oversoul covering his body rather than him transforming, in other words a potential late game armor oversoul
I have to admit that Pyrus' skinwalking sounds a lot like an Oversoul I had in mind for Gaiya and Jarrah, which involves Jarrah wearing a dingo pelt and creating a werewolf themed oversoul after inserting Gaiya. If I go that route, which I might not, I'll simply have it be in universe based on that skill
Character name: Jarrah Ahmat
Age: 28

Star Sign: Leo
Blood Type: O+

Spirit Allies: A dingo spirit known as Gaiya and Coen the spirit of an aboriginal warrior and Jarrah's ancestor
Medium: A dingo tooth necklace and a boomerang
Oversouls: By inserting Gaiya into the tooth the spirit manifests in the form of a floating dingo head with an oversized mouth and fangs attached to Jarrah by 6 foot long "rope", in this form Gaiya can't really move on his own but he can still bite so Jarrah uses the rope to swing him around.

Coen's oversoul looks like a series of glowing balls covering the boomerang used as his medium and allows him to create small rudimentary versions of his limbs made up of the balls from the points, one on each side. This allows him among other things slightly alter it's flightpath or run back to Jarrha after hitting himself and thus falling to the ground. He can't launch himself into the air though

Background: Jarrah was taught the basics of being a shaman by his grandfather who also used Coen as a Guardian Spirit and entrusted the ghost warrior to him upon his own death. For his dayjob he is an electrician though when not busy with his job or his duty as a shaman he often helps out in the local museum and tells aboriginal myths and legends which both his grandparents used to do.

Having learned about what is going through the Dreaming he has decided to leave Australia for the time being and join the Darkstars to put a stop to it
Character name: Jarrah Ahmat
Age: 28

Star Sign: Leo
Blood Type: O+

Spirit Allies: A dingo spirit known as Gaiya and Coen the spirit of an aboriginal warrior and Jarrah's ancestor
Medium: A dingo tooth necklace and a boomerang
Oversouls: By inserting Gaiya into the tooth the spirit manifests in the form of a floating dingo head with an oversized mouth and fangs attached to Jarrah by 6 foot long "rope", in this form Gaiya can't really move on his own but he can still bite so Jarrah uses the rope to swing him around.

Coen's oversoul looks like a series of glowing balls covering the boomerang used as his medium and allows him to create small rudimentary versions of his limbs made up of the balls from the points, one on each side. This allows him among other things slightly alter it's flightpath or run back to Jarrha after hitting himself and thus falling to the ground. He can't launch himself into the air though

Background: Jarrah was taught the basics of being a shaman by his grandfather who also used Coen as a Guardian Spirit and entrusted the ghost warrior to him upon his own death. For his dayjob he is an electrician though when not busy with his job or his duty as a shaman he often helps out in the local museum and tells aboriginal myths and legends which both his grandparents used to do.

Having learned about what is going through the Dreaming he has decided to leave Australia for the time being and join the Darkstars to put a stop to it

So far the forest was a bit harder to traverse then Daniel imagined due to the roots but even for someone as unused to physical activity as him it was doable. There was also the fact that so far the place just looked nice. "Maybe, this won't be so bad after all." He briefly considered trying his wands out while he was still close to the exit but since he didn't know if one them might start a forest fire or something worse he decided to keep them in reserve until he needed them.

Eventually he saw some droppings and other evidence that an animal had passed nearby not too long ago. Since his investigation skills were rusty Daniel saw this a good time for some practice and tried to learn what he could.

@Duthguy you can carry 6 wands without too much issue and up to 12 so long as you're careful (e.g don't fall into a ravine ect). How many do you take and how many rations?

Paranoia??? Nothing bad can possibly happen...

In that case I'll take 7 wands and three rations
@Mae @rocketrobie2

Daniel appeared and spotted Carl but rather than go for the mule immediately he waited until the others were done. Seeing a rough looking wizard with long blond hair approach a bush with a wand in hand he decided the others were probably done and he walked up to the mule(?). Not knowing what equipment he would need and not wanting to carry more than necessary, since he could always teleport back, he at first looked through the bags for any kind of food. Once he was done with that he went for the wands. This time he simply grabbed as many as he could comfortably carry, since they weren't too heavy anyway.

Considering himself fully equipped Daniel wondered where he should go the dungeon was right out, he had no desire to climb those stairs after all. Despite not believing his talents would be useful in the forest he nonetheless eventually went northeast since he had to go somewhere and in the forest he could scavenge for food.

@Duthguy Accepted! Set clones to 5. Add your character to the CS tab and post whenever you're ready

Done and done. I have to say that the clones and untested wands with odd effects are more than enough to cause a feeling of paranoia
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