Avatar of Duthguy


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I haven't edited my character a whole lot but he has a last name now and I expanded his biography a bit
@TheNoCoKid I'll probably expand some sections but how is my cs looking so far?
<Snipped quote by AdmrlStalfos19>

Discord might be a good idea.

Yeah, at the very least it won't hurt
@Duthguy that’s the basic idea of Gurren Lagann as a whole so yes. Lol. You are incentivized to start small and build up to something bigger and crazier.

That is what I thought but I meant more how Daigurren get the much bigger and stronger space gunmen than a (temporary) powerup due to combining
I'm assuming that eventually we'll get bigger and stronger versions of our starter Gunmen if we start out with something more basic?
@Duthguy@Dragonfly 9 You guys still interested? I had some work related issues crop up this week so I wasn’t able to post anything like I promised! Hopefully you haven’t lost interest…

Still here
Guess I should have checked the CS template before asking that
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