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Currently rereading One Piece, they are about to cross reverse mountain, and interested
@Duthguy Man, I LOVE chroma squad. My pfp on steam is something that I unlocked from that game ages ago. Turn based games aren’t always my jam but chroma squad was definitely one of the exceptions. Those Mech battles were awesome and all the customization was wicked.

I actually prefer turnbased games but am not usually a fan of tactical ones but Chroma Squad is simple enough that I can enjoy it
In case none of you heard it you should check out Chroma Squad an indie tactical rpg about making a sentai show, with multiple endings
As a guy patiently waiting on a “mature” Power Rangers adaptation, I appreciate this. I’ve been watching Dino Fury recently and enjoy it as if I’m back in the 90s watching the older versions 😂. My hope is to capture that same magic here. We’ve had a few RPs here that started off great, but due to my IRL issues, had to put a halt to it. I’m confident that this will be the best iteration by far.

You might wanna check out Gamma Rangers by the Cantrip Cast a ttrp of Power Rangers where the machine Empire managed to take over Earth
@ERode Interested
@Crimson Flame

For the element I'm thinking of fire or earth, as for temples either Rai or Kimiko
<Snipped quote by Duthguy>

Fan made armors are cool, there's going to be a bit in the CS requirements about special abilities and powers for the armors in case folks aren't as familiar with them. No one armor is going to be super OP compared to the others. There's like base armor stats in my head, but each suit can have a specialty: speed, stealth, durability, blast power, strength, etc.

There's a few dozen armors from the films that are each special in their own way, I usually go with one of them just with a different codename and such.

Yeah, that makes sense
If we're going with the Iron legion are we only going with canon armors or is fan made stuff fine?
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