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@Chev The picture for your squirtle doesn't work for me
This could be interesting
>"What do you mean 'a waste'? Why did you come here?"
>Try convincing the woman to leave with you, back the way you came.
>Approach her and give her one of your healing potions. [Spend 1 of 3 health potions: return the woman to a healthy condition]
>Return the books to the bookshelf.
>Write in: Check for Traps, Secret Doors/Passages, or any other secrets.
"On it." After hearing his orders to bring in resources and stasispods Einhorn was glad that his new altmode seemed suited for pulling heavy objects, being a heavy built quadruped. He had chosen it mainly because it seemed to suit his fighting style of ramming into opponents, the fact that the creature's horn meant his name was far more appropriate was just a coincidence. Really. "I'm on my way now, Nautica" He nodded towards the volunteer and made his way to Nautica's location.

Blitzwing quickly regretted his snark as Wingwraith clearly didn't appreciate it and he didn't doubt that as leader of the expedition he would receive all the punishment if the report wasn't accurate enough. At least with two other Predacons joining him he felt reasonably secure that he wouldn't run into any danger. He turned around to face his two new underlings. "Let's get this over with, quickly. Blitzwing transform." It was a shame that he couldn't fly as high as he wanted but he couldn't risk losing track of Strife and Bushwack by accident and besides it was a good chance for him to get used to how his new body moved.
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