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Those of you who haven't posted for the first set of trials yet, don't worry! A little time-displacement won't hurt anything just yet.

As always, questions, comments, concerns, just let me know!

You do have experience with time-displacement from earlier rp's

Also I just realized that not everyone has posted their accepted character in the cs
@Duthguy I hope they are able to give you something for that, and it gets better!

Also shall have a post up tonight. :)

How is that post going?
Update for anyone interested, the current diagnosis for my foot is that is a skin infection
Update for anyone interested, the current diagnosis for my foot is that is a skin infection
Happy fourth of july to my fellow americans

Happy 8 days until my birthday to you too
<Snipped quote by Duthguy>

Oh yikes. I'm sorry you have to go through that. :(

Second worst medical I have ever had to deal with close to my birthday (Friday the 12th) On july 10th 2013 I heard I would need chemo after one of my testicles got removed earlier that year, and this year I asked for a replacement for the laptop I got back then to have something to do in the hospital. Almost wonder if that has something to do with it. But yeah anyway (in English) my sign is cancer and I had to deal with cancer on my birthday once, fun coincidence :(
That was one of my longest posts ever, if not the longest I ever wrote
Albie was actually somewhat surprised that they old man didn't try to come up with fake info about David Abelona and just admitted he never hear the name before. It did make him seem a bit more trustworthy but Albie remained on guard either way. When the offer for a more private location was outright refused because the old man wanted to see the tryouts Albie didn't know what to say. He hadn't expected the old man to just leave. Luckily while Albie got rid of the magic bullet he had been preparing the old man turned around and warned him about some noble named Snyder Glassard, not only telling him the type of magic Glassard used but also that he was a sadist. "Thanks."

Having gotten at least some info Albie made his own way to the coliseum, seeing the blue-haired girl again on the way. He wondered if she was also going to try out for the Magic Knights and if he should use the chance to talk to her. Unfortunately it seemed she already was in a conversation with another noble and Albie didn't want to interrupt or wait until they were done and risk missing the selection.

Albie hurried into the coliseum and arrived just in for the opening speech, relieved he hadn't missed the explanation of the trails. He was less interested in the introduction of the higher rated squads' captains since he was pretty sure he wouldn't end up joining them. That said he did pay attention, especially as the captains of the Black Bulls, Birusk of Elysia, and Green Mantis, Giles Lavaretz, were mentioned. While he didn't say anything he did agree with the fact that Bisera was hot, but that applied to all the female captains and he had illusions of having a chance with them.

When the first tests were introduced Albie couldn't believe his luck. The first was all about ranged magic and the second one was practically made for his Spinning Mana Arrow, even though he had never tested it on stone. As Albie waited for his turn he paid attention to several of the other try-outs, like the blue haired girl who used some kind of bomb magic judging by how she destroyed the pillar.
Another contestant who had first seemed unremarkable used magic to break the column with his own first, something Albie would never be able to do himself. "Okay, that is impressive." What really blew him away was the pinkhaired girl who fired two magic bullets at once during the same test. He had never tried something like that before himself but figured she should be able to copy her pretty well.

Number 212 Albie Finch

Albie walked towards the official who called out his name and while the rules of the test were explained to him again he studied the movement of the targets trying to find a pattern he could make use off before his time started. Just as he had gotten a good idea of how the target moved his test started. Like most other contestants he used magic bullets, both to hide his actual skill and to save mana. While he didn't use rapidfire like Lanner did Albie did fire magic bullets from both hands, the entire time trying to predict where the targets would be instead of aiming where they were. He didn't count how many he hit but he was sure he had done at least decently well, even with him missing a few on purpose.

The next test wasn't something could pull of with Magic bullets so Albie took out his grimoire. "Arrow Magic: Spinning Mana Arrow" He spent a good bit longer charging it than normal before sending the blue arrow shaped mana towards the column.

Well, I'm suffering from (what is likely) erysipelas on my foot, so that is fun
Well, I'm suffering from (what is likely) erysipelas on my foot, so that is fun
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