- Name: Eleuia Krawiec
Species/Race: Iktani
Sex: Female
Age: 28
Court Alignment: Eastern Empire
Role: General's Wife - Secretly runs intelligence in the vicinity of Inbur
Appearance: 5'7'' - quite tall, with dark hair and eyes. Generally dresses like a wealthy Eastern Imperial woman would do, allowing her to pass as Inburian
Strengths and Weaknesses
Skills: A brilliant polyglot with the ability to put on a variety of accents. Quite well versed in wilderness survival.
Weaknesses: Most civilised people tend to look down on Iktani... though Eleuia can quite easily pass herself off as Inburian.
- Backstory: While Eleuia is Iktani to the peoples of the circle sea, back in 'Iktani land' she would identify as one of the 'Cicatrakuna' people, who have traditionally inhabited the Northern regions where they have allowed the Brendahlanders to establish colonial outposts.
While there have occasionally been quarrels with the Brendahlanders, for the most part relations have remained civil and beneficial for the Cicatrakuna who have a ready flow of weapons and ammunition from the circle sea, which they purchase in exchange for furs and the service of Cicatrakuna guides and auxilliaries.
In recent years, a group of Brendahland soldiers serving under a 'Hetman', a title which Eleuia understood to mean something like a 'Chieftain', threatened to upend the balance, getting into fights with the locals resulting in several casualties amongst the Cicatrakuna.
Luckily the Hetman and Eleuia's father, a Chieftain, were sensible enough to sit down to work out their differences and an agreement was reached to seal an Alliance between the groups. Eleuia would marry the Hetman's son, a man named 'Oskar'. The Hetman would pay a dowry which would, in part, form compensation for the deaths. The Cicatrakuna and the 'Modra' would then be brothers.
While Eleuia wasn't exactly thrilled about the match, she did as she was told and, much to her pleasant surprise, it turned out she quite liked Oskar Krawiec and, after he was made Hetman himself, two years later, Eleuia found herself to be a woman of significant clout in the Circle Sea.
Naturally talented with languages, Eleuia quickly picked up the Jedgorsy language, the elga dialect of the court as well as Inburian and found herself able to easily impersonate the accents of other groups. Eleuia can pass as an Inburian (or Calarian, Shariq or Addonian), especially when dressed like one and while her husband has been stationed near Inbur, mostly in the hope of intimidating the local peasants into not rebelling, Eleuia has gravitated towards intelligence gathering on his behalf and now operates a network of informants. She had, in fact, written to General Erris, to inform him of the Conspiracy that became the 'Red Wyvern Court' some weeks before they began openly organising. Erris had ignored her. Probably because she was a human, and an Iktani at that. It was with some degree of smug satisfaction that Eleuia heard of his defeat at Rodelkog, though naturally she feigned horror.