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Excuse me while I slip in my own modest submission right before the deadline, got to love shift work delays.

I've had a Faunus I've been itching to see good use with, so count me in, sure as sure.
<Snipped quote by rivaan>

"3.6 Manifestations of the Warp. Not great, not terrible."

"The meter only goes up to 3.6!"
Stukov silently thanked the Throne that the buckshot tore apart the Horror he'd fired on, seeing the fast work of the rest of the team clean up the horrors in rather short order. Especially the combination of psyker powers and judicious application of grenades. Still, that left the Chaos Spawn that seemed to no longer be content simply lingering and trying to look menacing, instead choosing to engage. The armsman was ready to charge it when he saw it crouch down, and then launch a volley of these quill things at the retinue as a whole. Given his closer proximity, Stukov had little recourse but to shield his vitals and pray. He grunted in pain as his left arm was turned into a pincushion, the flak armor under the greatcoat's sleeves doing little to protect against the attack compared to what it was designed to work against, and he could feel one in the meat of his thigh as well as one that was scraping against his stomach, that had punched in at an angle through the carapace armor and nearly impaled him in the gut as well. He tried to reach down to rip that quill out of the armor, but he realized the naval pistol was quite literally pinned to his hand at the moment, rendering pretty much his entire left arm useless. Great.

He couldn't work a pump action shotgun one handed, and the quill that left the naval pistol stuck to his hand probably ruined the magazine well as well, meaning he likely only had a few shots left in it assuming it worked at all still. That left the chainsword and using the pistol as a bludgeon. Either way he couldn't easily evade another volley of those quills and he raised the chainsword as he stormed forward in the wake of the attack, weapon roaring to life as he charged its left side, his injuries plainly evident as he engaged on the side that didn't have the large, hulking pincer, looking to kill the thing as fast as he could as he engaged it with the only weapons he had left to him. Getting its attention would let the others focus on bringing the thing down, and then they could worry about whatever it was that was being a problem that Sis tried to get a hold of them over. He'd dropped any pretenses of trying to speak further, teeth gritted in anger, and in pain, as he focused his efforts on assaulting the Spawn with chainsword and faith.
"Not now, entertaining daemons is never worth the cost!" Stukov was glaring at the other two, Smiles was concerning him given the back and forth she seemed to be having with herself. Coupled with those....damned eyes in the jump through the warp, and he would have questions that might need answering. Of course, the illusion fizzled out after commenting on being such a strange bunch and leaving them a gift. No gift from a warp spawned abomination was going to be worth waiting for, but given they had deeper to breach into this cult's lair, well, they had little choice in the matter. Of course, with the illusion vanishing, the runes on the door also vanished, and the silence settled in. That was....bad. Very bad, if he had to hazard a guess that door was holding this Throne damned 'gift' back, and it was only a matter of moments before they were dealing with whatever was going to make their lives more difficult. He braced, every muscle tensed and ready to launch in any direction or action he was capable of.

With the doors going as violently as they did, the Armsman darted sideways, evading the thoroughly destroyed remains of the door, and of course things got worse. Horrors, and a Warp Spawn, all with Tzeentchian influence. That meant flight, the horrors splitting upon trauma, sorcery and the works. He hated Horrors, they didn't know when to stay banished, and he leveled the shotgun and racked a shell, taking aim as it rushed him. Uttering a silent prayer to the Throne above, he opened fire, slam firing the shotgun into the oncoming Horrors, starting from the one immediately coming for him. The first one he hit, rather than simply ignoring the damage or splitting, seemed to reel and actually get torn apart by the blast, sharp eyes seeing the flashes of the blessed buckshot tearing the Horror apart. He kept firing until it was very thoroughly gone, racking the next shell and taking aim at the Spawn.

"Deal with the rest, I'll get its attention!" Stukov went to slam fire the weapon at the Spawn, but only got a single shell of blessed buckshot off, the resounding, worrying sound of the weapon running empty answering his attempts to keep firing. Throwing it back on the sling, the Armsman ripped the chain cutlass from its sheath, the roar of the weapon coming to life as he drew his Naval Pistol, an autopistol designed for maximum damage to flesh without damaging components. He opened up with the pistol, ready to respond to either a deceptively fast charge, Spawn were tricky like that, or if the Horrors tried to turn from their targets of choice. He was ready, though, ready to face the warp spawned abominations again. Throne above preserve him and his damned fool allies.
Fair points on both counts, I had originally included it as a power since it was used to alter the other abilities, but it makes sense under equipment too. I'll shift it over and get the CS over into the tab as well now.
Alright, apologies for the delay, but here's the fellow I'd like to submit.

Stukov breached the door after preparing, finding any cultist noises that had been from beyond the door had either fled or vanished. That was... concerning. Enemies just up and vanishing into the void was always trouble, especially given the general attire and firepower they had employed so far. He would continue to take point, his gut instinct remaining very much unsettled and distrustful of the situation at hand, cautiously leading the way down to regroup with Celeste and the rest of the team down on the first floor, following her orders as he reached back onto the first floor much more conventionally than he had reached the sixth floor to begin with. Getting down to the first floor, he nodded to Celeste and the rest of the team. "Alright, we're back. Heavy bolter crew very much sorted out properly. Ready to keep moving when you are."

The armsman would fall in step with the Celestian as she took point, a close second as she disarmed a trap designed to incapacitate rather than outright kill. That didn't sit well with him, honestly, any cult wanting to make prisoners of an inquisitorial strike team that was supposed to be at least pretending at being subtle before their first move, grumbling under his breath at the idea. Prisoners were, if they were lucky, died relatively quickly, but it was unlikely they'd be lucky to get such a fate. "Information, torture, sacrifice, the usual that a cult wants. If they were ready for us, which it seems tehy were, probably a lot more insidious trouble. Don't get taken alive, I'd advise."

Given his experience with the forces of Chaos prior to the retinue, well, he'd sooner save a bullet for himself rather than let the traitors ever take him alive. Continuing to the door, he took a position as Celeste took up her position and threw a grenade into the room, and was second in after her, shotgun raised and sweeping the room as he moved to cover the angles that the Sister wasn't covering immediately. Nothing, then the sickening energy filled the room, causing him to snap his shotgun and slamfire the weapon at the daemonette as she appeared, watching as both his weapons fire and Celeste's failed to do anything. Then the bitch started talking, and he hardened his heart with righteous hatred as he started loading the blessed buckshot he saved for daemons. Leveling the shotgun at the image again, he snarled as he replied.

"If you knew half as much as you claim you wouldn't waste your words, now get back to the warp where you belong, abomination."
"Yeah I know its a bad idea, beats getting shredded by a... you get the idea." Stukov had enough of warp exposure to last him several lifetimes, given his prior experience as an Armsman before the Inquisition, but Throne above there wasn't any other particularly valid options outside rush the building and try and punch through whatever defenses were in place to keep just that particular thing from happening. Close quarters brawls and battles were his forte, but even he could only work so fast through a fight. Still, once Smiles teleported over, dwarfing him by her unusual height in comparison, and gave her a steady nod when told to lock and load as she got a firm grip on his arm. "Already done, I like to keep this handy for close encounters after all."

Still, he had to mentally steel himself given his experiences, and sure enough, as he silently and mentally prayed to the Emperor to protect his faithful, though apparently foolish, servant, the jump into the warp, however brief, was very, thoroughly unpleasant. Even braced, every instinct screamed that he should be fighting, something, anything, first and foremost would probably be the damned pair of daemonic eyes glaring down at him. He didn't have time to register the glee, no matter how malicious, in the damn things eyes before, mercifully, they were pulled back into realspace. His ears were ringing, mind, and his heart racing at a borderline dangerous level as his body dumped as much adrenaline as it possibly could into his system. The grip on his shotgun was white knuckle, and for a moment he could have sworn he was back on the old battleship trying to get back into real space. Of course, Smiles had the right thought to bark an order, and where the mind reeled, instinct and muscle memory took over.

"BACK TO THE WARP YOU WRETCHED BASTARDS!" Shotgun snapped up, trained first on the heretic that was responding first, the alternate that Smiles hadn't seen to, aiming high and thoroughly blasting the head clean off the cultist, sending a spray of blood and viscera as Stukov slam fired his shotgun, tracking from target to target, emptying his shotgun into the remaining cultists, nevermind he had more buckshot than there were targets manning the heavy bolter. Assuming emptying the shotgun into the remaining cultists left the rest of them dead, and the crew served weapon dead, he'd start quickly loading shells into the shotgun, reloading and pumping it, higher faculties back in line, and glanced over at Smiles. "Right, I'd say remind me to save that request for emergencies in the future, but that was redundant. Let's start clearing the building, see if we can't find that thing you detected in the process. I'm on point, ready?"
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