Name: Maxim (Maks) Andreevich Rodin Alias: The Arclight Age: 26 Gender: Male Height: 5'5" Weight: 56 kilograms Personality: Maxim is an amicable, farsighted individual. He seems to be quite affectionate to folks he's close with, and also has a marked liking for fluffy animals. Maxim is rather focused, and it's hard for anyone to really distract him from what he's currently doing. He can, however, be kindled to a lethal fury should he see someone he really liked get injured.
Powers/Abilities/Weaknesses Description:
Energy Infusion: Maxim demonstrates the ability to infuse energy into weaponry that he is touching. This infusion will manifest as a golden glow on the object, which then acts to enhance destructive capabilities. Usually, bullets will have enhanced penetration and blades will become sharper. However, by scaling energy consumption, the effects can be furthered. At a higher level, bullets will be able to cause small grenade scaled explosions upon impact, and blades will be able to carve through steel with ease.
The drawback of this ability is that it applies only to one or two things at a time. The moment Maxim loses physical contact with the weapon that he had enhanced, he has to pick it up again and charge it in order to apply the same effects. Using it constantly, especially at a heightened level, consumes stamina, so it requires careful spending.
Backstory: Maxim Rodin hails from Vladivostok, the easternmost major city of the former Russian Empire. His parents were part of the prosperous middle class that had arisen in the cities as industrialization gradually arose throughout the country. Naturally, they were opposed to the growing movement of Communists in the Empire, which they perceived as a threat to their livelihood.
Alas, that is just what happened. In October 1917, the Russian Empire fell into a revolution. The Reds and the Whites fought a brutal civil war for the next few years… but the Rodins were having none of it. As soon as the hostilities broke out, they left the Empire, refusing to allow Maxim the slightest chance to be conscripted by the filthy Communists… or the capitalist Whites. He will not fight there.
And so, they moved to the United States, first moving to Anchorage, Alaska before going down south to a more pleasant climate in Los Angeles. It was here Maxim discovered his own abilities, manifesting when he was being taught to fire a rifle to hunt wild game. The rifle began to glow with an iridescent golden glow, and the bullet that it fired cleanly blasted a hole through the rock that the target was behind, which also had a bullet hole in it.
And so, the Arclight was born; over the coming years, he would hone his marksmanship, combining it with his power to become one of the most daunting superpowered vigilantes on the West Coast. Woe be to those who commit evil in the dark; they will be lit up by weapons of golden light soon enough.
@The Man Emperor I am a little hesitant about transforming into a dragon, I do not know how that that would scale with the others. Would you be okay with removing that part or is that something you want to stay?
It's not a dragon though, it's a phoenix made of ice.
Name: Alfred Gunther Known Aliases: Frostbite Age: 28 Appearance: Standing at 5'9" and weighing 60 kilograms, Alfred Gunther appears to be an unassuming man that could hardly be suspected of being a non-mundane. He naturally has black hair, and strands of grey could be seen if someone looks closely enough.
Psyche Profile: Alfred seems to be tranquil in nature, as he rarely if ever raises his voice to… well, anyone. He has a cheerful disposition, and that's not really that far from the truth. His records indicate that he really was, for the most part, a model citizen, with the incidents that landed him into the Borehole being the only odd ones out. Even when transformed as the Cryo Phoenix, he retains this personality. It is indeed strange to see such a creature of terrifying power to appear to be so friendly, though whether or not this is merely a ruse is yet to be seen.
Alfred expresses regret over the devastation that his other half is capable of, but as his memory is intact, he had stated that the things he did as the Cryo Phoenix were fully justified, if not done in a far less than subtle way.
Perhaps this can be explained by the theory that the consciousnesses of Frostbite and Alfred Gunther have merged into a single psychic entity within his mind. Historical records indicate that the Frostbite is a primordial entity that had been imprisoned and manipulated for centuries, being freed when it passed into Alfred Gunther. The synchronicity of their minds remains unexplained, but this merger disrupted whatever mental chains that its controllers once had. Alfred Gunther/Frostbite now seek bloody retribution for the continual anguish that it suffered. It is reasonable to assume that those members of that 'Cabal' are the only beings that he would be irrevocably hostile to. Irritation may briefly capture Gunther should other prisoners or the guards intentionally aggravate him, but he would usually dismiss these later on. Despite this apparent selectiveness, Frostbite has no qualms about collateral damage.
Background: According to records, Alfred Gunther hailed from a lower middle income family in Juneau, Alaska. He is the only child of Sandra Poltar Gunther and William Gunther, and was described to have been 'cherished and spoiled rotten'. William worked as a miner that secretly was bonded to the [REDACTED] and was one of the non-mundane, while Sandra was a nurse. High costs of living ensured that their funds were always short and barely sufficient to provide for everything they needed. As such, everyday was yet another period of time in which the fate of their home would be decided. He had no siblings, with his one potential younger brother dying from a miscarriage. He did have friends, but it wasn't enough to fill the void. He would later go on to finish university through the aid of a scholarship, and went to a career of pharmaceutical research.
When Alfred was around 27 years old, he appeared to have contracted a serious illness. Hospital records from Juneau indicate that it was late stage leukemia, having gone undetected over the years until it began seriously affecting his life. There was little hope of curing it so late, and his life was almost certain to end within several months, his father William turned to desperate measures just to save his life. He implored that the [REDACTED] go and save him. Sandra, being unaware of this arrangement, had all but accepted that their only child was going to be gone too soon.
Until he wasn't. When Alfred was taken out for a walk in the patch of woodland near the hospital, a phoenix of ice emerged from the forest, initially frightening hikers and campers in the area but eventually disappearing into the night.
Sandra thought that Alfred's recovery was a miracle. William, and to a lesser extent, Alfred himself knew what really happened: an eldritch creature, a being of primal winter, had come to inhabit his body and mind like his father before him. He had been given new life, and perhaps a life of ageless immortality for as long as the Frostbite is bound to him, but at what cost?
Such eldritch action would not go unnoticed. After around a year, a cabal of sorcerers, the ones that had granted William the power of the Frostbite decades prior in exchange for saving his life, were enraged to learn the creature they created had transferred into a new host, one they couldn't control. As such, they sent threats of annihilation, and gave a short deadline before they carried them out.
The one thing they didn't expect, however, was for the Frostbite to be utterly intertwined into the mind of Alfred Gunther to the point that it was him, and he was it. Memories of the other treacherous deeds that the Cabal flowed through his mind. He even saw how they operated in collusion with other groups. So, a day after they had sent their missives of destruction, the Cryophoenix attacked the city hall where they were secretly ruling as Juneau's lords, utterly destroying them, save for one, who managed to escape through a portal.
That is not what the world thought, however. From the perspective of any good citizen, this was an indiscriminate attack against the long serving city council that had done good to Juneau. And so, the government tracked down Frostbite and apprehended him. The lone survivor of the Cabal propped up additional charges, such as the trafficking of illegal narcotics, black market trading, and the committing of unsolved murders that the Cabal had actually committed in protecting their position. These all went through, of course, and Alfred Gunther was sent to the Borehole…
Skills, Talents and Learning:
For most of his life, he had relegated himself to staying behind a desk, and as such, wouldn't appear to be physically intimidating as a human, though he did have self defense class years prior. When transformed, he appears to have a far more innate understanding of combat whether at range or in close quarters, and would consistently use the environment to aid himself.
He was a pharmacist; however, Alfred doubts that any skills learned as one would be beneficial in any escape attempt.
Power(s) and Capabilities:
Cyro Phoenix Transformation: Alfred has the ability to turn into a Frost Phoenix with a body made from supernatural ice at will. The Phoenix itself is about the same height as he is as a human, bearing a wingspan of around 10 feet wide at maximum. The ice that comprises this form is of eldritch nature, being strangely resistant against small arms fire and sharp weapons. The wings each have a single claw that can easily deal painful wounds to an unprotected person.
Transforming into the Frost Phoenix essentially atomizes and reforms his body; as such, injuries sustained as a human are removed upon transformation. Taking injuries whilst human will trigger transformation as a form of subconscious defence mechanism.
Cryokinesis In the Frost Phoenix state, he is able to breath conical blasts of freezing wind at close to medium ranges, rapidly draining the kinetic and heat energy of targets caught in the attack to the point that they could be turned into frozen popsicles. In addition, his presence exudes a cold zone with a radius of three meters, causing temperatures to gradually drop to -5° C unless counteracted by a heat factor within that zone.
As a human, Alfred is able to create and manipulate ice into whatever shape he wishes, though this ice isn't the supernatural variant that his transformed state is composed of. Since his cryokinetic ability in his human state is rather weak and incapable of ever killing anyone, he uses his cryokinesis to make pretty ice sculptures.
Power Limits: Alfred's abilities appear to lack reach; in order to freeze any hostile entities, he has to close the distance of at least seven feet. In addition, his cryokinetic powers can be counteracted through insulating materials and heat based powers/weaponry.
The transformation into a Cryo Phoenix is not instant, taking around 10 seconds to complete. As such, nearby guards would be able to respond to it using a taser to cut the transformation short.
Known Vulnerabilities: The Frost Phoenix, while capable of maintaining an extremely cold internal temperature, can be overwhelmed by consistent application of intense heat and forced into a catatonic state, if not simply transforming back into a human form.
In addition to intense heat, Cyro Phoenix form appears to be vulnerable against sonic based attacks as well as extreme blunt force.
Motives: Alfred is driven to reveal the treachery of the Cabal of Juneau and their cohorts, though his subconscious directs him to enact vengeance upon them for ancient wrongs. That is the one thing he wishes to do if he is freed, and nothing or no one will get in the way.
Noble intentions? Perhaps. Methods? Uncompromising annihilation. Collateral be damned.
Level: Threat level, as defined by the Borehole's parameters. I will assign this to your character. Recommended Containment Procedures: Alfred is to be kept inside a cell lined with insulated walls that are lined with thermal projectors. Heating kicks off whenever he attempts to freeze his way out of the cell.
When outside the cell, Alfred is to have an ankle-strapped power dampener to prevent him from transforming while away from the containment systems of his cell.
Notes: He insists on having spicy noodles as part of his lunch.
Consider this a tag... I'm choosing between an Armenian that escaped the Armenian Genocide that the Ottomans wrought upon them, or a White Russian that left the Empire as it fell into the chaos of the civil war that eventually birthed the Soviet Union.
@The Man Emperor I appreciate your interest in the roleplay, but I only give out our Discord link to people in the roleplay. I hope you enjoy reading the posts of our talented writers!
Just looked at this now. I'll be making something... within a few days. Maybe tomorrow.
Flame then stepped up to speak, "Mr. Doruva, Mr. Gabriel, it is best we get this out of the way - We participated in the Kanarusian Worlds Campaign. We were there for the bombardment of House Salakar's homeworld. We won't make any excuses for that, not when said excuses will insult the dead. All we ask is that we are allowed to redeem ourselves in this campaign, to make things right even in some small way."
Doruva, at first, fell silent at the confession of the ginger boy. His cheerful disposition fell off, if only for but a moment, but his mouth slowly creased into a smirk that could be interpreted in a hundred different ways. Was he silently fuming at them? Or was he just taking it better than one might think? The latter seemed to be the case, if his expression was to be believed. Kanarusians were guileful shapeshifters, though, so they would still have a reputation of saying one thing while totally thinking of the opposite.
At least, he wasn't overtly furious.
"Such utter honesty from the get go... Doruva chuckled. "Oh, friends, no use in dwelling in the past, eh? Salakar is gone, its handful of survivors taken in by the Nine Houses. It is indeed their annihilation that spurred the rest of us to engage in that terrible, horrifying war, but as said before, it is all in the past and is a lesson to all of us. Kanarus may forgive, but we can never forget."
"Doruva and...Gabriel was it? Nice name. -Ahem- [It is with great honor that we welcome Doruva of Noble House Ao'shen, and his loyal guardian to this vessel. In honor of this occasion, we offer all of the non-ration food on this ship to you and to Ms. Vandris. We expect great things from you, and have hope that we meet what expectations you may have of us.]" Joey said, at first in English then after clearing his throat, the rest of what he said was in an alien language - Kanarusian's native tongue. In fact, it was so smooth in the tone, he almost sounded like someone completely from the sarcastic loud mouth he's been known for. He then made a cough and looked at Melinae one more time.
"Why, thank you my dear sir. I appreciate the welcome, Joey Albion. And don't worry about your Kanarusian. I would have thought that you were from House Vulcaria if I were not gazing upon you at this very moment." Doruva nodded at Joey. Truth be told, he wasn't expecting a highly disciplined force, so one could say that his expectations were met one way or another. He had been informed that these were still children, after all. One could guess how hard it is to control teenagers with post-traumatic disorders, missing memories, and violent magic that shouldn't even be in them to begin with.
"A failure in leadership weakens the organization as a whole. To punish the subordinate for the failings of their superior only inspires a lack of trust and loyalty." Gabriel stated bluntly before walking back over to Master Doruva.
Now, now. His bodyguard may be blunt... but he was right. Doruva had only realized how difficult would this assignment be. Infiltrating high society was one thing... getting kids in line was a whole other beast. One child had been a massive drain upon him. But... ten? That is a nightmare.
"I still have my hopes... and my feedback." Doruva said once his bodyguard returned to his side. "Let's all do our best, shall we?"