█ Trystan Kiel Zaragoza Salazar
▼ PERSONAL DETAILS ► Age - Twenty five ► Gender - Cis-Man ► Sexuality - Heterosexual ► Nickname - Tryst ► Occupation - Associate editor within a publishing house ► Qualifications - High School graduate Graduate Bachelors in Journalism; cum laude ► Residence - Montpelier, Vermont ▼ PHYSICALITY ► Scars - On his arms are a series of small scars and marks inflicted by his cat, whom he had aptly named Violence ► Tattoos - None ► Piercings - None ► Style - Trystan usually dresses simply, preferring whites, greys, and blacks in his clothing. He could often be sighted wearing long coats, though these may sport custom made embroidery placed there by his seamstress of a mother. These are the exceptions to the norm, though, and overall, it may look like that he’s a bit dull on his sense of fashion. His hair, however, is something else. At times, he’ll let it grow to shoulder length, at least before deciding that the amount of shampoo needed to maintain it wasn’t worth it. At other times, it will be kept clean and short, though he will never, ever go bald. As for coloring, it looks like he is very careful with the health of his scalp, and refuses to ever paint or bleach his hair. As for accessories, Trystan has several. On his left wrist, he bears a bracelet with inscriptions and runes that seemingly make no sense, while his necklace has a small silver cross. He often uses black rimmed glasses when trying to read, though he sometimes just uses them for the sake of the look of it. | ![]() ![]() High school wasn't the best of times for Trystan. He found it to be a horrifying affair, and was once recorded to have said that "High school is a walk in the park, except that it's raining blood, and that blood is on fire. Oh, and the park is Jurassic Park. Thankfully, the monsters are dumb." Being an second generation immigrant with parents from the Philippines, he found himself a target for racial slurs and other unsavoury acts of discrimination, just as he was warned the day before he entered high school. Nevertheless, despite the taunts and bullying, he worked hard on his academics, fervently believing that he'll have the last laugh when these people ended up becoming less successful than him. Invariably, he did quite well, and was somewhat of a teachers' pet, though it wasn't too obvious to any other student. Because he completely ignored all the taunts and bullying that were attempted on him, not to mention that his dad was a cop, it eventually stopped. As such, Trystan was an achiever, though not too much. He didn't want to draw too much attention to himself, instead preferring to be unknown outside of the inner circle that he helped craft. These few other misfits, composed of foreigners, goths, and those who despised the hierarchy were something of an underground club, who gathered regularly to talk about the latest scandals of the popular kids as well as mundane, mutual interests. However, as time passed, what started as a forum for gossiping turned to a true friend group. Like all fellowships, though, they eventually had to scatter. Despite all the precautions he took in order to blend in with the crowd and be as unknown as much as possible, Trystan still had a reputation, and with that came rumors. This served only to fuel his pettiness and vengefulness; it is said that one of the varsities began to defecate uncontrollably in the middle of a competitive game after Trystan placed laxatives in his drink, apparently due to learning that he was the one that started a rumor about Trystan (an incident that was only revealed when Trystan talked about it to his co-workers in his current occupation). It wasn't the act itself that was stunning about it; it was the fact that he decided to time it at the absolutely most inopportune moment in an effort to ruin the rumor spreader's whole day. Either way, Trystan was relieved to graduate from high school, and happily went to college with some of his friends, and once he was promoted to a managerial position in his job, he took the time and effort to come around and rub it at the faces of the people who used to bully him, many of whom dropped out at one point. It's what they deserve. ![]() ![]() Trystan is unapologetic, proud, and stubborn to a fault. He is the kind of person that won't ever admit that he did something wrong, even if he knew that something was definitely his fault. He will communicate those pent-up feelings of guilt through more subtle ways, but never will actually admit it to someone's face, as he had been raised to refuse to allow anything to taint the good family name, as he is the eldest and therefore reflects upon the rest of them. ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔It has also been noted that Trystan works hard for things, so as to back that pride with something concrete. At the very least, he likes getting things done, and dislikes it when he perceives incompetence, especially in the government. He is also incredibly vengeful, bearing grudges for years at a time and only stopping nursing them when they are satisfied by some petty act of revenge. Despite being somewhat of a prideful soul, Trystan is loyal and protective, and of course, he's also proud of that. He will assault anyone that dares threaten or make fun of those he likes, and at times, he has to be reigned in. Nevertheless, it is clear that he does care, and is evidently relaxed most of the time. |
![]() ![]() Photomancy. Trystan has been granted the power to manipulate photons, allowing him to do feats ranging from small orbs of light capable of lighting up dark places, flashes with enough luminance to temporarily blind opponents, to searing beams of photonic energy powerful enough to gradually melt stone and metal. The power and intensity of Trystan's photomancy seems to depend on recent or current solar exposure, as well as nearby ambient sources of light; it is through external sources that he draws power before storing it, making him sort of a living solar battery. | - ▼ STRENGTHS ► A convenience that Trystan's photomancy gives is that it redirects all the harmful radiation in sunlight as usable energy, meaning that he can no longer be stricken by sunburn and other solar related ailments. ► Trystan's photomancy is most effective outdoors and at the day, wherein he can freely draw energy from sunlight without fear of running dry. ▼ WEAKNESSES ► If indoors and/or at night, Trystan has to use what solar energy he has absorbed prior, as well as any nearby light sources such as light bulbs. This ends up giving him far weaker effects than it would at other times; beams will be far slower at cutting through solid materials, and flashbangs are unusable unless if there are exceptionally powerful light sources nearby. He will also rum the risk of running out of power in these circumstances should he be forced to use it continually. ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔► Due to inexperience, Trystan sometimes makes his powers either stronger or weaker than intended. Lights meant to light up a small dark corner suddenly flare up into a blinding flash, while beams supposedly powerful enough to melt through metal can barely pierce rock. |
”You, I like you. But that guy over there? I don't want to see his face again."
T R Y S T A N . S A L A Z A R .
When it comes to relationships, Trystan has a simple rule: you get what you give. As such, those who are kind and lacking in malice can expect only good things from him, while those that treat him badly will get bad things in turn, such as petty, slightly inconvenient vengeance. He doesn't care if it gave him a bad rap for some people; what matters is that he proved that he won't back down from prejudice. It seems, though, that his sense of morality is quite black and white, and finds it difficult to find nuance. Perhaps knowing the changes that other people have had would change that.
⚜ Acquaintances || ☯ Neutral || ☮ Friends || ♫ Best Friends || ♥ Crush || ⚤ Boyfriend/Girlfriend || ☠ Disliked
⚜ M E I R . A M O S . M A G G I D ⚜ @Salsa Verde
“Meir Amos Maggid. I remember how he was picked on by the bullies back in the old days, just like me. I stood up for him a few times, too. I was glad for him when we graduated, because that meant he won’t have to deal with those… ‘people’ again. I’ve always felt concerned, though, and I would ask him how he’s doing over the years. After all, Meir is one of the few people in school I genuinely liked. I like to think that we were friends back then, though I guess we have been very busy with our respective careers. Success is a double edged sword.”
☯ W I L L I A M . B I S H O P ☯ @Gisk
“Billy! I remember him. A talented music person, though the messages of the songs that his band makes are, eh, let’s just say my parents will go insane if they hear it. Anyway, other than that, he is quite likeable, so much in fact I wouldn’t mind it if he tried to drag me around with conversation. Never got to talk to him much, though.”
♥ S A R A . Z H O U ♥ @banjoanjo
“I recall Sara being made fun of because she wasn't from around here. Seeing it happen to her kind of hurt me in the inside because I know what it feels to be ostracized for not fitting in, to be told to "return to Asia" or something like that. I kept telling them agents of chaos to piss off from Sara's general vicinity, and she was always appreciative. Maybe that is why I tried learning a bit of Chinese back then… oh, don't give me that look. You know there's no chance."
☯ J A C K . D A N I E L . W I L K E R S O N ☯ @nodogs
"Jack Daniel. I have not conversed with her other than in official capacities, such as in group projects, but she appeared to me as lazy and doesn't give a damn about the world. Though she's the one who organised this whole reunion thing, so perhaps there has been a change?"
☯ S A M U E L . S A B I S T O N ☯ @Rockette
"Yet another kid I remember to be a subject of bullying. I never got to speak with him much, though. Not that I didn't want to. It's just that we always had a different path, and our roads never crossed. I heard he was very troubled, but I hope things have gotten better by now."
☯ M A R C O . V A L E N S I . ☯ @udonoodles
"Marco Valensi. We never got to speak much, as our interests were quite, ah, different. I believe he kept his distance back then, but I feel bad for him when he started attending less due to his condition."
☯ D A N T E . I B A R R A ☯ @Laertes
"When it was known that Dante had concluded on what his identity was, I knew I couldn't openly associate with him. Not because I dislike him, no; it was because my less than tolerant relatives are nosy and would start talking about it until the entire clan in both the States and the Philippines knew about it. But I heard he has his own company now so… great?"
⚜ M E L A N I E . C A V I L L ⚜ @Benzaiten
"Melanie. Oh yeah, we used to play in the Dungeons and Dragons club, and we'd talk and joke quite a lot as we created some fun shenanigans in the game's plot. You should have seen how weird the story could get. Ehem, anyway, Melanie was athletic, highly intelligent, and quite nice. She's just great."
☠ N A T A L I E . M I L L E R ☠ @Prisk
"They say that the company you keep speaks a lot about you. Well, it was Natalie's clique of demons that called me all those slurs and stuff back then. She didn't do much herself, but the fact that she willfully associated with them is… something. And yes, I'm still malding about it to this day."
☯ O L E A N D E R . O B E K U N O D O ☯ @Aeolian
"You know, it feels like he's always avoiding me. I think he's scared of me, or something. Was it something I did? I didn't do anything to him, and I heard he's a decent fellow so it's not like I'd do… something."