Avatar of EmiliaBaiYue


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4 mos ago
Current “‎Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.” ― Voltaire
4 mos ago
Hmm.. what is on my mind?
1 yr ago
I am the Plaza Ghost
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2 yrs ago
Everyday I believe people can't get any dumber an everyday I'm proven wrong
2 yrs ago
“Not all girls are made of sugar and spice, and everything nice. Some girls are made of adventure, fine beer, brains and no fear.“


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I'm just enjoying the already misfit vibe

Bai Yue

Bai yue smiled at the thought of an evil circus having once been a brief member of a freak show because it was the easiest place for her to hide in her early days.
Snapping her fingers she made the truck appear to be a small construction truck nice paint job with the members of a family business aboard, she was one of those magnetic signs sitting on the roof her illusion solid because she gave it as simple an overlay as she could.

The sign red promising a delighted Kitty an making sure very few paid attention to where she flew just above the truck tethered to a small suction cup holding a string with her right as she munched on some form of candy. She was as she sat in the best point of view on the truck untouched by winds because she was an elemental, at least that was her new course in life.
She seemed to be showing off when all the while she was using the trip as a practice session an exercise. As the truck moved she manipulated the airstream just about six feet out an centered 3 feet off the ground. The effect was the old beat up machine sliced through the air with an ease the finest formula one car could manage, also as a result sand, dust, debris, and insect were caught in the pressure wave an deflected away for them.
The candy was her fuel in this exercise.

@Angstyrainbow "I don't bet on things like fate, fate has a booty fetish for that sort of thought" giggles as she grabs a local dust devil making it vanish adding it to the trailing wave of the air pocket pinching it till it made a forlorn moan
Bai Yue

Sat atop the moving machine but her hair barely stirred at all as she manipulated wind around herself
What everyone saw was an illusion and hid a freighting Oni, at least that was the non magical reaction. They see her horns all dark an glossy only the last 3-4 inches glowed like embers in a fire and around her small sparks of light flickered in an out of existence the tiny embers of a fire she seemed to stand in, sit in, or streamed in a trail behind her when she dropped her illusion. She wasn't a monster though she appeared to look like one, wait no she is a monster.
Bai yue couldn't escape the logic that you are what you appear to be an she looked like a monster, then there was her genetics which she discovered was part of why she looked as she did. She never told anyone but as she was aging she became more Oni like even in some of her habits. She was stronger than most mortal men and couldn't help worry when part of her looked down on them, you know -Puny Human- thoughts
It was all part of why she was on the outside, she was worried she'd offend them with her arrogance, work that one out you psych majors.
She liked these people they didn't look at her as if she might bite, a couple were even friendly. Till Bai yue stumbled across them and they all were briefly chased by bagboys (Bai yue's name for the government hunters) she thought friendship a thing for normal people. If these are normal people?

Seems like a really cool character. I don't know what other mind abilities I would want my character to have.

Bee who you bee
@Dragonfly 9

Fair enough lol, i was thinking of adding in some other mind related powers if that's okay.

I always wondered about mind control till an alternate avi named herself Ecstasy, she was a projective empath with the ability to amplify, lets just say the GM was evil an told me I was addicting myself to people

No NPCs were injured or killed by her abilities
I am curious how we will become this group that fights for the downtrodden
We'd need a little back history as a group

Adding this as her illusionary self

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