Avatar of EmiliaBaiYue


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4 mos ago
Current “‎Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.” ― Voltaire
4 mos ago
Hmm.. what is on my mind?
1 yr ago
I am the Plaza Ghost
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2 yrs ago
Everyday I believe people can't get any dumber an everyday I'm proven wrong
2 yrs ago
“Not all girls are made of sugar and spice, and everything nice. Some girls are made of adventure, fine beer, brains and no fear.“


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Maybe something more D&D

Gilligan Where Are You?

Male or Female
This is a stranded on an alien world Star Trek style
The duo will be on an O-Class world in the Gamma Quadrant
tools limited because it was an emergency teleport just before the core went critical
Neither party really know each other having met only 3 hours before the incident
Possible that other's managed to transport but you haven't seen them yet or heard their comms due to the planet's strange magnetic field

I know that was a bit brief but lets put our heads together
Just be careful an don't sit on Anxi

Karma's leaving engineering and heading for the mess. Who knows who she'll bump into?

Looks interesting
Sorry for being gone! Work consumed me, but I found some time today!

<Snipped quote by EmiliaBaiYue>

I loved Calanthe / Brook so far, her story is pretty cool. Though I'd like a little more explanation of her powers. Especially the part of domains "light and life", it sounds... vague, just as that and it starts to sound a little uber.

Life Domain
Magical healing is one of the Cleric’s most important functions, and no character can compete with the Life Cleric’s capacity for healing. The Life Domain took 1st overall in The Healbot Olympics by a large margin, and coupled with the Cleric’s abundant options for resisting and removing status conditions, there really isn’t another character who can match the Life Cleric’s capacity as a healer.

The Life Cleric also doubles as a solid front-line Defender due to their access to heavy armor, allowing them to serve double duty as both a Defender and a Healer. Offensively you’ll need to rely almost entirely on spells or weapons, but with the Cleric’s abundant and powerful spells that’s really not a problem. (source 5th ed D&D)

Light Domain
The Light Cleric is a Controller and a Striker, specializing in dealing damage both to single targets and to areas. Clerics already have the best Radiant damage spells in the game, and the Light Domain supplements those spells with some of the best Fire damage spells. If your party doesn’t have room for both a Cleric-equivalent and a Wizard-equivalent, the Light domain is a good choice because you can so easily replace the Wizard’s ability to quickly handle groups of weak enemies. (source 5th ed D&D)

I see her as an 8th to 10th level D&D Cleric
But don't worry I have no desire to expose my abilities
Oh and I though One sheet was for when we were on the magical world the other for Earth

(Source Clerical Domains)
Anxi danced in her cabin wearing a sexy thong and half shirt that read " 有牛奶 " Got Milk when her sensitive nose caught the smell of cooking so she grabbed her grooming brushes and went to work on her fur. She used a lightly scented oil that didn't make her pelt heavy but glow as if each hair was made of polished silk everywhere but her tail an that she used her tongue on her papillae designed by evolution an her saliva her contained her feral scent.

Then she assembled her clothing and chose a combination of top an shorts then scarf, jewelry bracelets, anklets an a pair of cute geta an tabi socks. The effect was as if she had tons of clothing an accentuated her petite form making her appear like a doll, she didn't dress as she did by accident or promiscuity Anxi loved looking at herself.

She pictured her affect on Boz'm the cute panther boy bureaucrat an giggled saying "Poor Boy" to her mirror.
Sure she planned on using him to benefit herself an the ship but she was sure he'd love every moment as she bounced into the Galley "hi hi" she said cheerfully as she used the back her seat at the table as a sort of vaulting horse settling softly crosslegged in her seat.

Her slender fingers gathered her food in a dance of graceful speed an efficiency her chopsticks clicking an snapping up her choices forming a pile that to her was massive to the others added to her doll like look an as she gathered "I have a date with the star port assistant director, he's young an eager an I hopes can help me find a few needed software upgrades and maybe some parts from the lost an found pile"

(Lost an found was a misnomer that covered smuggled, stolen, actual lost an found, or unclaimed freight and a great place to find bargains that the bureaucrats often used as a private enterprise. Smuggled covered untaxed cargo legal and non harmful as opposed to contraband which was prison to sell even for them if they were caught. Then there was lost which meant general stuff found around the star port most personal articles like luggage, Unclaimed freight was paid for an delivered an as the name says unclaimed and on a star port usually ship parts 34% of the time.)
I was waiting to post in order
In TITANS 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
So sad
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