It wasn't long until Vincent walked through the doors of the Jolly Jalopy, dressed in an all black suit with gold cufflinks and tie pin. He gave Ezra a nod before glancing at Antonio.
”I'm pleased to see the festivities haven't started without me. And I'm flattered you thought to invite me.” He said, before taking a seat at Antonio's bar beside Ezra.
”I hope my unruly counterpart has been well-behaved?” Vincent said to Antonio, gesturing to Ezra.
Antonio bowed slightly. “He’s been a pleasure.” He chuckled. “If anything he’s the best thing that’s walked into this bar in a long time, an artist without doubt. I can only hope that he’ll grace this modest bar with some of his works.” Antonio pointed to the door. “That’s if the good doctor doesn’t outshine him. I’ve heard of some of his work, I can only hope to witness it.”
While the three men were talking, the door slowly opened as the Doctor stepped through the doors; he wore a large black trench-coat that went almost down to his shoes, donned in his usual plague doctor mask.
In tow, a young female followed after him, looking around skittishly as she stayed behind her father quietly.
”My apologies if we were late.” The Doctor said calmly, looking to Ezra for a moment before glancing back towards his daughter.
”I hope you do not mind that I brought my apprentice; Mia.”Ezra stood, moving to shake the Doctor's hand.
”Elliot, I'm pleased you could join us. Please, come meet your fellow conquesters.”He gave a nod to Mia before wrapping an arm around the Doctor, drawing him closer to the bar.
”We were just talking about you. Not sure if you've met him in person, but we have the leader of White Pine and a few other districts here, Vincent Accardo.”Vincent stood, adjusting his suit slightly before offering his hand to the Doctor to shake.
”I see you're already acquainted with Mr. Blackheart's antics. Pleasure~.”Ezra merely rolled his one eye, before directing the Doctor to Antonio.
”And our pleasant host, the good Mr. Litwin. I feel you two will get along nicely.”It was then the door chimed open again, and in walked Flint, that dark look to his face and a smirk alight on his aloof face.
So many targets, all in one room… He thought to himself, before he took a few steps in.
”Gentlemen…” he greeted, adjusting his sharp red tie a little.
Ezra twisted in his seat, glancing over.
”My, my, the leader of the revolution. I thought you had a dislike for mafia leaders, Flint.”Antonio gazed into Flint, his thoughts bleeding into Flint’s mind.
’Now is not the time to take the shot. Work with them. Gain their trust. Once you have taken everything you can and have them splayed on the table, that’s when you plunge the knife. Patience. With patience, you will have everything you seek.’Flint paused, digesting Antonio's thoughts, before merely rolling his eyes at Ezra, taking his seat at the bar.
”Even I can see I'll get more done with the right connections. Besides, who doesn't want to try putting a smoke head on a pike?”
It had taken some time to arrange his visit alongside Nep. A fresh suit and a vehicle that could carry a wheelchair was the bare minimum for such a visit, after all, and Matthias had to convince a couple of his more overprotective followers to let him go as well. The Brewery District wasn’t enemy territory, but it wasn’t necessarily friendly territory either. One would simply have to trust in the good intentions of Antonio!
Of course, the Lodestar arrived at the Jolly Jalopy alongside Antonio’s gunmen and Nep Wach, his own people remaining in a separate vehicle for the time being. As the door swung open and the bar revealed itself to be far ‘busier’ than he imagined, Matthias blinked mentally. Then, he also mentally pinched himself, hoping that the impossible had happened and that he was dreaming. He had expected something like Antonio being a piece of shit, because of course you couldn’t
actually live in Nocturnia for over a century and remain a decent person, but what the fuck was this?
What the actual fuck was Vincent doing here? And was that the goddamn Midnight Man? Matthias thought he was an urban legend! Ugh, and holy shit, of course there were whackjobs like bird-face lurking around here as well.
But the Lodestar, his face unphased due to his face not actually really existing, only paused for a moment, before continuing to wheel himself into the Jolly Jalopy.
“One had not imagined you to be so popular, Mr. Litwin, to have drawn such big names to your establishment,” Matthias intoned.
“If I had known that this was a proper occasion, I’d have brought a more appropriate gift, but alas, I’ll ask that you settle for this.” Reaching for a bag hanging from the side of his chair, he pulled out its contents: a vinyl record of Amir Laghmani’s 1978 performance at the Boston Symphony Hall.
“I’ve no longer access to any of the base pleasures that humans enjoy, but music is still something enjoyable to experience.”Anontio picked up the vinyl record, inspecting front and back. He wouldn’t let Matthias see it but he couldn’t help but feel somewhat impressed. The man opened the door to what was possibly the largest concentration of evil in one room Nocturnia had seen in a long time and rather than turn around screaming Matthias just entered as casually as anything. Maybe Matthias was everything he could’ve hoped for and more. Maybe he would reveal himself to be the gravest threat he’d face yet. This meeting would decide that.
Antonio put aside the record. “We’ll be sure to have that playing at some point. Quite an antiquity. Brings me back to simpler times…” Antonio leant both palms onto the table. “I’ll get straight to the point. You're a truly pious man Matthias, that's not something I expected. You live by your rules of order, reason and logic to guide those who follow. This is not something forced upon you though. You could’ve simply dissolved the faith and lived rather comfortably, not having to worry about any of this. But here you are.”
Antonio bent down onto his elbows so he was at eye level with Matthias, a hand resting on his own atop the bar, his voice gentle. “What I want to know is why. Humour an old man.”
The room grew still and quiet, Ezra and Vincent watching Matthias with barely hidden predatory hunger. Flint's grin widened. There was a collective holding the breath, waiting for Matthias’ response.
He knew
But that was for the better.
“I cannot live in comfort,” Matthias responded.
“I cannot shut my eyes, cannot plug my ears, and cannot delude myself to the nature of life. In Nocturnia, the heavens will not cry, so it is up to children to wash away their parents’ spilled blood with their tears.”Smoke rose up, a thin tendril reaching up to the ceiling. Like smouldering kindling, an ember breathing its first.
“Vultures and hyenas descend under the guise of saints, pledging aid while seeking only their own aid, while this cauldron of vice pledges to make cannibals of humankind. The most fortunate delude themselves that their skyscrapers were not built upon carrion. The least fortunate crack open their own bones to suck out the marrow, all so they could breathe in the sickening air of this rotted city.” His words were visceral, grating like a saw against the walls of this den of bastards.
“I cannot rest, until I make a utopia out of Nocturnia. One that shines so bright that those who locked us here would beg to be let past these walls.”It was a truth. One of many he held.
And now, the Lodestar, He who led the Wayward to Alexandria, leaned in, the figment of a young ancient’s gaze fading.
“Now, could you humour me, Mr. Litwin?” A pause. He was not so insensitive as to not know the position he was placing himself in.
“This is the Brewery District. What did you do to Akula’s Crew?”Antonio smiled, bringing his hand up to wipe away a tear that was never there. “My dear Matthias. You are truly an inspiration to this city. Such nobility within these corrupt walls!” Antonio raised his hands attempting to get a reaction from those within the room. He went on. “Such nobility deserves to be rewarded, in such a way that brings you to your goal.”
Antonio lowered his voice, scanning Matthias’s face for any indication of emotion. “What if I told you we could escape death. If I could guide you to your promised land.” A drink pushed across the table. “As for what I’ve done to the Akula’s, or at least those who have been graced to see reality, drink. Drink and you’ll find the answer to your question and your crusade.”
Matthias looked at Antonio. Raised the glass. Then moved it straight through his intangible head. Once, twice, thrice. And set it back down upon the counter.
“As you can see,” he spoke,
“drinking is not a possibility for one without a head. Answer with words, please.”Antonio smirked. “You’ll find the glass empty now. It’s taken to you on its own.”
The world began to change, a viscous black creeping in at the edge of Matthias’s sight. “Words cannot describe this.
The world was dark, an empty void. True nothingness. Matthias still sat but there was a sensation of weightlessness. Then immediately from the darkness a tendril. Whipping forward with lethal intent, but nothing. It passed through him as if it was the void itself. It returned, flailing, curling, licking at his soul, trying to find purchase enough to drag him down but just thrashed about in frustration, passing through as if he was nothing but smoke.
A growl, a pulse. Following the tendril found something else. A concentration of light, beautiful whispers of life. The growl commanded attention downward and there it gestated. Knots of black roots shivering and pulling as fish hooks catching balls of light, dragging them down from the illuminated mass before disappearing into its own darkness. The lights illuminated the thing as they approached, the hundreds of eyes, the thousands of teeth. An insatiable hunger, gorging itself on the city and all that would come to it.
The room returned. Antonio rested with eyes still soundly settled on Matthias. “Do you see now?” He spoke as if Matthias had seen the illusion he intended and not the reality that was. “We can end all the suffering by escaping it entirely. We can escape death, your people can escape death. We need only take our final
evolutionary step.”
Antonio lowered his voice further so that only Matthias might hear him clearly. “What say you of salvation, prophet?” To Matthias' side Nep stood under the clutch of one of the Akula’s, eyes wide in horror as to what the drink might have done to him, unknowing of Matthias’s resistance to such.
Matthias could not close his eyes.
Oh, but how he wished he could.
Calculations sprung in his head, a risk analysis that he had no solution for. There were far more enemies than he had bargained for, a whole gallery of bastards drawn in by the weighty darkness that laid within the bottom of the glass. What the hell were the military thinking, playing at little games like cutesy air drops of gatling guns, when they ought to be carpet bombing the shit outta the Jolly Jalopy right this fucking instant? Just hammer explosives into this hellhole until whatever fucking insanity laid within was turned to ash.
Honestly, maybe he
should retire. Just hand the Order over to Celina or something; he’d trust her over Lenore or Kashima. Invest in something safe like bitcoin and then chill with Adel at Silverside as a consultant or something.
But he would never be able to watch a movie in peace, never be able to read a book comfortably, knowing that there was something out there that could snatch it all away.
“I see a million lives, reduced to nothing but memories.” A breath.
“Celina, please.”And then, Antonio would feel something that perhaps he had never felt before. The presence of another being sinking into him. A parasite. An infection. A virus with a mind of its own, encroaching upon his form as a tumor did its host. A
human infestation, sinking into this inviolable domain of his!
A mouth opened up on the side of a wall, and from the other side, laid the frosty gaze of a wayward child that had returned to her hometown’s embrace.
Snow stepped through, rolling her neck a little as she studied the room, before her eyes settled on Antonio. no need for introduction, after all, as she focused her energies on him.
Proof 1,
Proof 2 Snow: 18 Antonio: 3)
Her Gyft reached inward, finding not a mind but a realm filled by a creature unaware of her presence. Navigating past the entry point she found Antonio’s connection to the menace below. The old man wouldn’t know what hit him.
Connection severed, Anontio’s body jerked before crumpling to the floor. Nep stood in awe at the sight, his puppeteer and tormentor dispatched seemingly effortlessly. He felt fear but controlled it through the inspiration of the sight before him. Nep looked to Matthias hoping to catch his eye, staring intently as if to suggest he could provide an exit when required. The Akula’s blinked, the leader reporting far too casually to Matthias. “Orders?”
Ezra's eye narrowed, feeling the shift of power almost immediately. In the next instant, Snow and the Akula's would see a very different scene - Vincent vocally harassing Matthias with certained coined phrases like ‘carbone’ and ‘divoratore di cenere’. Snow and the Akula’s would be deaf and dumb to reality until they figured out they were in a Yume.
That's when Ezra's eye traced over Mathias, sitting pretty in his wheelchair. There was no ‘mind’ to manipulate and entrap in a Yume, unfortunately. So instead, Ezra murmured to Vincent, nodding to Snow vaguely. Then he murmured to the Doctor.
Vincent smirked, sliding off his seat, strolling over to Matthias, and tipping him back. Matthias would fall with a certain
whump that would hopefully knock the air out of his lungs for a few seconds, if he even had those. This was done so Matthias wouldn't get any smart ideas like trying to free the Akulas or Snow with his smoke.
Then, he pressed a panic button stowed in his pocket. As Thorned Roses men kicked open the door, pistols drawn and encircling the room, he turned his own attention to Snow.
And his red eyes flared.
Proof 1,
Proof 2 Vincent: 9, Snow: 3)
Snow's eyes went wide as she was overcome with pink tendrils of aether, as Vincent quite literally went to town on her mind. He scrubbed her mind of her recent conversion to the Order, and even her time within the Walls. Instead, he expanded the horror elements of her childhood. The experiments, the gladiator rituals, the smell of disinfectant and blood. How she would be beaten if she cried, so she eventually learned how to mentally scream while appeared like a potato on the outside.
Sad, really. By the time Vincent would be done, she would be redused to a crying, sniveling and broken child that would need some intense therapy to recover.
A few Thorned Roses scoured the back and sides of the Jolly Jallopy's outer walls, intent on finding Celine. One or two began scaling the fire escape to the roof.
The Doctor had been watching everything carefully, he wasn’t entirely sure
why he came; he wasn’t much of a torturer like the men in his company. He instinctively moved a hand to keep Mia behind him as everything started to go down, the shadows on the floor around him ebbed in case he needed to lash out.
Mia watched the other man collapse onto the ground, instinctively moving to grab her fathers side.
”Dad…” She whispered, the Doctor shook his head as he was backing her up into a nearby door.
”Stay quiet, little one.” He whispered to her, his voice much softer than he would use for anyone else.
”This feels like it’s not going to help us towards our god.” Mia added, the Doctor nodded in agreement.
The masked man admitted to himself, they might have gotten in too deep with this.
Think. He said to himself mentally.
Something in his mind told him the floor wasn’t safe, a hint in the back of his mind that there was about to be
chaos, but not the kind that would work for Ezra.
”Stay close.” He spoke to his daughter as he looked to his co-conspirators and moved his energy down to the ground.
There was bubbling around the feet of almost everyone that was on the Doctors side; bar a few grunts that were elsewhere currently.
Okay, focus. He thought to himself before he raised the shadows under everyone up, trying to pull them up off the ground; which would only work if they stayed still.
As Matthias hit the floor, as Snow did what she was meant to do and then fell over in the depths of another’s psychic attack, as gunmen flooded the Jolly Jalopy and as the plague doctor moved to apply his own Gyft in this melee, the Lodestar let out a sigh, reached out with his arms, and brought his hands together.
A clap sounded through the room.
The building rumbled for a moment, an unnatural infection seeming to pulse through the Jolly Jalopy as if it possessed a heart. As if a monster had possessed its walls, promising a horrific metamorphosis that would wipe away all memory of its previously charming nature.
The building itself seemed to quiver with the intrusion, as if it were sick with a fever. There was something wrong, something where it shouldn’t be inside of it. The building responded, hunting within itself. Thousands of hungry eyes searching for what might cause such a thing to a part of itself.
Proof 1,
Proof 2 Building: 18, Celina: 2)
Then, to perhaps everyone’s (but especially Matthias’s) surprise, a young woman in a nun’s habit was catapulted out from the walls instead, landing right on top of Matthias.
A switch flipped. Celina and Frostfare were out-of-commission, and Nep was in a dream. Thorned Roses goons were heading in, and Vincent was standing right behind him, probably smirking like a guy who liked to bully disabled people.
“Well alright, asshole.”And just like that, Matthias sat up, grabbed Vincent by the balls, and pulled his descendants straight into the fucking grave.
Luckily, Vincent was high in the air with the Doctor's shadows, giving him a precious half second extra to react. A gun flashed, bullet aimed at Matthias’ hand.
The Doctor kept his focus on his shadows as he watched everything happen, he watched as the building literally
spat someone out, admittedly he felt like he shouldn’t be surprised. Nocturnia was fucked up in every way, and
he was part of it; trying to bring back a God lost to time.
The Doctor moved quickly, using what energy he had left to send a tendril towards Matthias, attempting to coil him in place. He didn’t know if everyone was still trying to literally
kill each other, but he wanted a moment of calmness for
once.”EVERYONE JUST FUCKING RELAX FOR A SECOND!” He yelled as he lowered everyone to the ground now that the sense of chaos seemed to disappear from the back of his mind.
”Jesus fucking Christ.” He hissed angrily; it seemed like a small trail of smoke echoed from his mask.
”Dad!” Mia spoke before she moved to dart in front of him, moving to shift his mask from his face - much to the annoyance of her father.
Those able to see around Mia, could see that the right half of Elliots face was
severely scared. It looked like he had a deep burn against his face, and his almost ash grey hair showed his age. His amber eyes stared at his daughter before he gave a small, shaky sigh; more smoke coming from his mouth.
”Now’s not the time to do this, my gem.” He said to her, wincing as he coughed a bit; the shadows around him - and the tendril that reached for Matthias - shaked with each cough.
“Yeah.”The bullet had blown clean through his hand, but after Phade’s treatment, Matthias was surprised at how little it hurt. Still made him want to curl up in a fetal position and plot violent, brutal, extended deaths for everyone in this room though.
But emotions were emotions, and even his own were distant. He stood up instead, in a room full of pillars of shadow, watching his Amorpheus restore the senses of the three gunmen and Nep. Whether they could grasp the situation was beside the point. The plague doctor’s shadow curled around him too; he was thankful for something to hold up his own weight, when his own legs still protested against the unfair burdens.
“At this point, it would be ironic that a stray bullet in a heated gunfight is what puts an end to the best and worst of Nocturnia.” The Lodestar was in control of himself once more. Even as torpid blood oozed from his hand, his expression was unreadable amidst the hazy impressions.
“How about we call it a day, gentlemen, and leave our disagreements to be settled at another time?”Ezra's head turned, his Yume dispersed. A sigh of disapproval. Vincent immediately narrowed his eyes as Ezra,
”Always so damn impatient, Blackheart.”Before Vincent gestured to his men, and they backed up a bit, providing Matthias a cleared path to the door. Snow was on her hands and knees near the wall, shaking and unseeing. She'd need a little help getting out.
Vincent merely smiled.
”Well this has certainly been enlightening. Dare I say fun as well. Do take care of yourself on your way home, Mr. FitzClarence. I have a feeling we may be seeing more of each other than either of us would like to admit, very soon.Flint, meanwhile, had gone over to the unconscious Antonio, shifting the man so he lay on his side, keeping his airways cleared. Flint's face appeared… fairly angry, though he was trying to keep it contained.
"I'm the only prophet here, Mr. Accardo. Next we meet, it'll be either in a crematorium or a prison cell."And with the slow, controlled steps of someone who couldn't actually walk at full speed, Matthias lead a procession of the confused and unconscious out of the Jolly Jalopy.
Elijah waited for him beside the car, having not moved a step even as gangsters stalked the outside. He had not moved, even as Frostfare and Celina stalked out, even as the sounds that escaped the Jolly Jalopy could not have boded well for his prophet.
"Did the meeting go well, Lodestar?" His smouldering gaze did not even glance towards the hole in Matthias's hand.
"Do you need to ask?" He learned somethings and traded other things. But in the end, he had made it out alive. So what was there to do, except...
"Call Wes.""As you wish."